# TLF Assignments for .LRN This is a dotlrn applet providing functionality for conducting and evaluating assignments. It has been used for university classes at WU Vienna for more than 10 years. Message keys for this package are provided in English, German and Italian. ## Dependencies This package requires dotlrn, xowiki and xowf and depends on ckeditor4 for richtext editing widgets. ## Installation This application requires hstore for postgresql. Without hstore, the installation will fail. The following command shows an example how hstore can be set up. Alternatively, one can connect to the database in the psql shell and type the command in the last argument. ```bash $/usr/bin/psql -U nsadmin -d "oacs-5-10" -tAc "create extension hstore" ``` If you don't have xowiki installed, your instance should now be set up after a restart. If you already have xowiki installed, you need to make the following adjustments to update the relevant views of xowiki with the following tcl commands after a restart (copying them to the ACS developer support in ds/shell is encouraged): ```tcl ::xo::db::sql::content_type refresh_view -content_type ::xowiki::PageInstance ::xo::db::sql::content_type refresh_view -content_type ::xowiki::FormPage ::xo::dc dml drop-view "drop view xowiki_form_instance_item_view" ``` After another restart, xowiki will be ready to use hstore. ## First Steps - Navigate to Admin -> "Manage Applets" of your dotlrn community. - Search for "Assignments" in the "Applets To Add" list. - Click "add". ->Your Community Home page shows the assignments portlet with links to the application. Note that the portlet will only be visible to members of this community. To create your first assignment: - Follow the link in the Assignments portlet on your Community Home page. - In the menu, select New -> Assignment - Complete the form, click Continue - Specify assignment recipients. This setting defaults to all registered members of the current community. Alternatively, recipients can be individually selected members or groups. Groups must be defined beforehand in the Group manager (Menu "Group manager" -> "Manage groups"). Your assignment is listed on the landing page of the assignments application. ## .LRN Portlet The portlet shows a link to the assignments application and currently open tasks for admins (teachers) and students. Students see a list of currently open assignments, admins see assignments with existing submissions which need to be graded. ## Description of Functionality With this module, you can - define different assignment types (textbox-, file- or peer review assignments). - assign homework to single students or - define groups within the group manager and assign homework to groups. Only one group member needs to turn in the homework, then - provide feedback and grade assignments or return the assignments to the students for resubmission. - grade assignments once they are turned in, even if the submission period has not yet expired. - hand in assignments for students, eg pdf files you receive via email. ### Peer review 'Peer review' assignments are an experimental feature based on the algorithm developed by *Loll, Frank and Pinkwart, Niels: "CITUC: Automatisierte Lösungsbewertung im E-Learning durch kollaboratives Filtern." (2009).* https://aisel.aisnet.org/wi2009/120/ For a 'Peer review' assignment, the assignment creator must specify 3 or more sample answers and define the quality of the answer on a scale from 1 to 10. Students should be able to correctly identify which answers are good and which answers are bad. From the correctness of these ratings, a tentative score is calculated. In the next step, teachers should grade the quality of the written answer, which contributes the second half of the total points for this assignment. If students should also rate the answers of other students, the package parameter "ot_mode" must be set to 0. By default, it is set to 1 which means that only sample answers are provided for rating.