<head><title>BBoard documentation</title></head>
<body bgcolor=#ffffff>
<h2>BBoard documentation</h2>
<h3>Release Notes</h3>

Version 4.0.2b6 of BBoard is Yet Another Attempt to get 4.0.2
released.  This version requires ACS 4.0.1 but has been tested against
4.1 as well.  A lot of bugs have been fixed and minor features implemented:

<li> emailing a friend or email alerts should no longer leave persistent garbage around.
<li> a link is now provided for uncategorized messages.
<li> cleaner views
<li> deletion of threads as well as just messages
<li> email alerts show a link to the message and indicate which forum they came from

For improved functionality you should upgrade to the latest version of
ACS 4.1 and the latest version of ACS Messaging (as of 2/13/01 4.1.1
NOT included in ACS 4.1). <p>

For more details on bugfixes and improvements, visit the bboard
section of the <a

<strong>Note:</strong> This documentation has not been reviewed and is
not considered up to standards.  More comprehensive and more refined
documentation will be available in an upcoming point release.  If you
have further questions, feel free to ask on the <a


BBoard implements a system for persistent asynchronous web based
discussions.  A BBoard instance as configured from ACS-Admin can
contain some number for discussion forums.  Each forums provides a
context for users with appropriate access to read and post messages.
Messages may optionally be tagged in a list categories to facilitate
sorting and searching.


Using bboard requires an operating ACS 4.0.1 installation.  If you
haven't upgraded, do so first!  Installing and enabling the bboard
package should be relatively painless: just go to your server's
/acs-admin/apm/package-load page and enter
If you're reading this on your own server, you've already done

Once the package is installed and enabled, a subsite administrator can
then mount instances on their subsite.  If you're the lone
&uuml;ber-admin of your site, you can just go to your site's
/admin/site-nodes/ page and create a new subfolder under the "/"
directory.  Pick a creative label for your subfolder like "bboard" or
"dg".  Select "new application" for that subfolder, and choose BBoard
from the pulldown menu.  It is probably best to label the application
instance the same as your subfolder; do otherwise if it helps you keep
your site straight.<p>

At this point you should have a BBoard instance mounted in the
subfolder directory, let's say you chose "/bboard".  Before delving
into configuration, let's run over BBoard's permissions model.

<h3>Initial Configuration</h3>

Once mounted, you can surf over to /bboard as an administrator, create
some forums, and start discussing that crazy U.S. election!

The following parameters are configurable on a package instance basic from the
appropirate node in /admin/site-nodes/. 



<dd>This enables or disables threading indentation on a single thread
basis.  "t" enables threading and "f" (the default) turns it off.


<dd>This enables the option for users to mail copies of a bboard
posting to a friend (or themselves).  Since this functionality can be
abused, consider disabling the functionality.


<dd>This grants users privileges to edit their own message.  Note:
toggling this parameter will not change the ability of user to edit
existing messages.  This parameter only effects whether users are
granted rights to edit at the message's posting time.  This must be
enabled for attachments to work.


<dd>This lets users who have edit capability on a message upload file
or image attachments.


<dd>This specifies the maximum size in bytes to accept for binary
attachments.  The default is 1 megabyte.


<dd>This parameter controls how many days worth of recent messages are
displayed on the forum overview page by default.  0 specifies
that all messages should be displayed.


<h3>Advanced Configuration and Permissions Overview</h3>

The ACS 4.0 permissions system is about hierarchies and in particular
hiearchical containment.  There are three important hiearchies: the
user hierarchy (users, groups, and parties), the object hierarchy
(objects nested in the contexts of others), and the privilege hiearchy
(privileges can entail other entails).  This complexity of mechanism
is designed to allow for simplicity of use for programmers and
administrators.  Unfortunately, interfaces to facilitate this
simplicity of use are not here yet.  Until then, sophisticated control
and configuration of BBoard necessitates an understanding of these

The first hierarchy is straightforward.  There are users and groups
(or together parties).  Privileges granted to groups inherit to their

Unless explicitly disabled (see below), privileges granted to parties
are inherited down an object hierarchy.  The nature of the BBoard
hierarchy is as follows: subsites contain bboard package instances;
bboard package instances contain forums; forums contain both
categories and messages.  Privileges granted to parties on the package
instance are inherited to all the forums nested within and so on.<p>

The third hiearchy is the least clear.  Privileges can be nested into
other privileges.  This lets us group related privileges like those
for reading a message and reading a forum together to allow us to
easily grant "read access" on a hiearchy of objects to a party even
though there are separate notions of "read a message" and "read a
forum".  All the bboard privileges are nested in one of the following
system level "super"-privileges: "read", "write", "create", "delete",
and "admin".<p>

The full set of self explanatory bboard privileges is listed here:
 <li> bboard_create_forum
 <li> bboard_create_category
 <li> bboard_create_message
 <li> bboard_write_forum
 <li> bboard_write_category
 <li> bboard_write_message
 <li> bboard_read_forum
 <li> bboard_read_category
 <li> bboard_read_message
 <li> bboard_delete_forum
 <li> bboard_delete_category
 <li> bboard_delete_message
 <li> bboard_moderate_forum

Permissions on package instances are controlled through the "set
permissions" options on the appropriate folder in the admin site map
(/admin/site-map/).  While in principal, the system should allow you
to grant permissions on lower level objects like forums or even
individual messages and categories, right now the UI is limited to
granting permissions on the application instance.  SQL*Plus users or
even URL hackers can probably figure out how to do this if they're so
inclined. <p>

The default set of permissions granted in a bboard system are those
inherited from the main site:

 <li> Registered Users have bboard_create_message 
 <li> The Public has bboard_read_category 
 <li> The Public has bboard_read_forum 
 <li> The Public has bboard_read_message 
 <li> The Public has read 
 <li> [Admin user] admin 

Granting additional privileges to parties is fairly straightforward.
For moderated forums, creating a moderators group and granting them
"bboard_moderate_forum" (or "admin" if you're feeling lucky) will let
you delegate more of the discussion culling.<p>

For significantly different configurations you might need to revoke
privileges already granted by the defaults.  In this case you must
configure the package instance not to inherit permissions from the
main site and then add back any permissions needed.  Granting "read"
to registered users and bboard_create_message to "Elite d00ds" will
give you a pseudo-private forum.<p>

Note: To facilitate usability in the common case, BBoard pages present
the option to post or reply even if the user doesn't have the
bboard_create_message privilege.  If you remove posting ability from
registered users, you may wish to alter the templates to appropriately
display options.<p>

<h3>Miscellaneous Notes</h3>

Text searching requires the maintaince of the content repository
<code>cr_rev_content_index</code> index; either by hand or by

As usual, please file bugs and feature requests in the <a

<h3>Engineering Documentss</h3>
<li><a href="requirements.html">Requirements</a>
<li><a href="design.html">Design</a> <font color="red">[out of date]</font>
