<html> <head> <title>Quota package</title> </head> <body> <h2>Quota package</h2> by <a href="mailto:fransola@uv.es">Paco Soler, University of Valencia, Spain</a> on the 22:th of June 2006 <hr> QUOTA PACKAGE This package allow to control the number of files and the disk space used by users and communities. For this we need to add a checkpoint in the file "file-add.tcl" of the filestorage package (see below). (Warning: At this stage, quota only works with web uploads, no webdav, because we have not add any checkpoint at that module. If you add that checkpoint, report to us.) The site-admin is who manage the quota policy, accessing from control panel of any course with the package instancied, and it consists of: � Set maximum quota value allowed: MaxQuotaByCommunity: Maximum quota by community in KB. MaxQuotaByUser: Maximum quota by user in KB. MaxQuotaByUserFolder: Maximum quota by user folder in KB. MaxFilesByCommunity: Maximun number of files by community. MaxFilesByUser: Maximun number of files by user. MaxFilesByUserFolder: Maximun number of files by comunity. � Create personalized quotes to users and communities. � De/Activate quota control (entire site, by community or by user) If a community has not instancied the package by the course admin, it use default parameters values. If site-admin create a personalized quota for it, the package will be instancied automatically for this community. When a community has instancied the package studens/members can access to page with information of his detailed quota, and course-admin have another page with the state community quota. At quota control we diference two cases: � Space used at Personal Folder: If the user don't exceed its personal folder quota he will upload files. � Space used at Communities by users: If the user don't exceed its and the community quota he will upload files. ###################################################################################################### CHANGE THIS max_size -requires {upload_file} { set n_bytes [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}] set max_bytes [ad_parameter "MaximumFileSize"] if { $n_bytes > $max_bytes } { ad_complain "Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system ([util_commify_number $max_bytes] bytes)" } } FOR max_size -requires {upload_file} { set n_bytes [file size ${upload_file.tmpfile}] set max_bytes [ad_parameter "MaximumFileSize"] if { $n_bytes > $max_bytes } { ad_complain "Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system ([util_commify_number $max_bytes] bytes)" } #*************************************** set u_id [ad_conn user_id] set c_id [dotlrn_community::get_community_id] set kb_size [expr $n_bytes / 1024] set quota_ctrl [quota::check_quota -community_id $c_id -user_id $u_id -filesize $kb_size] if {!$quota_ctrl} { ad_complain "The size of the file execedes the quota that you have assigned or the quota of the group/community" } #*************************************** } ###################################################################################################### <hr> <address> <a href="mailto:fransola@uv.es">Paco Soler</a> </address> </body> </html>