Action Active Includelets Add Add Applications Add Applications and Includelets Add checked applications Add checked includelets Add single application Application These applications support includelets and can be mounted under the current subsite: Configure Private Page Sets Configure User Control Over Appearance Configure Master Page Set Layout Configure Subsite Integration Congratulations! Configuration Is Complete Copy Copy checked elements Choose master template? Run the configuration wizard The following parameters offer the administrator some control over the degree to which a user can configure their own personal page sets. Delete Delete checked elements Description Edit the layout manager master layout Edit user layouts Layout elements bound to "%package_key%" mounted at "%package_url%"" Includelet Manage Manage applications and Includelets Manage Includelets These applications and includelets are mounted under the current subsite: Plain Plain navigation (works best if there's only one layout manager page) Return to Add Applications Should we always show a tab for each mounted application? Should we show the navigation tabs for empty pages? Should we show the navigation tabs when there's only one of them? Service The following services support includelets which can be added to this subsite: Singleton State Supported Includelets Tabbed Tabbed navigation Title URL Use my existing custom master template Welcome to the Layout Manager Configuration Wizard Install the applications and includelet packages that you want to make available. The wizard will mount the applications you choose and make their includelets available. You can also mount applications manually using the standard subsite application management user interface. This wizard will take you through the steps necessary to configure the current subsite to use the layout manager. Before configuring you should: Decide the navigation style you wish this subsite to use. Decide whether or not individual users should have their own private pageset. pages, or whether you want to configure one pageset configuration to be shared by all visitors. Creating individual private pagesets is more flexible but also consumes more system resources. Check "no" if you want users to share a single page set configuration. This is more efficient of system resources but only administrators will be able to reconfigure the layout. Check "Yes" if you'd like the layout manager package to create each user their own custom page set configuration. This will allow users to to move includelets from column to column or page to page, to hide includelets, etc. You can create new layout elements from the following includelets. Those marked as a "singleton" can only be created once, though you can make identical copies to display on multiple pages if you like: