<html> <head> <title>Cover Sheet: File Manager </title> <body bgcolor=white text=black> <h2>Cover Sheet: File Manager </h2> <hr> <h3>I. The Big Picture: </h3> <p>The ACS File Manager is a simple tool that allows content managers to work on a site even if they don't have access to the machine on which it runs, via FTP or SSH login. Through the File Manager's Web-based user interface, text files can be edited using HTML forms, and new versions of binary files like images can be uploaded, to replace prior versions. The set of files and directories that content managers are allowed to work on can be configured in the parameters file. If your site uses version control, then File Manager will also take care of recording all changes in the version control system. <h3>II. Features: </h3> <ul> <li>Allows site-wide administrators to manager content using a Web browser <li>Allows text files to be added and modified <li>Allows binary files to be added or replaced with new versions <li>Allows publisher to configure managed directories <li>Integrated with our version-control system to record all changes to a file </ul> <p> <h3>III. Related Links: </h3> <ul> <li><a href="requirements.html">Requirements Document</a> <li><a href="design.html">Design Document</a> </ul> <p> <hr> </html>