select * from card_percent
where ref_community = :community_id
order by percent desc
select email as teacher_email from acs_users_all where user_id = :my_user_id
select email as student_email from acs_users_all where user_id = :user_id
update card set
comm_teacher = :comment
where ref_community = :community_id and
card_id = :card_id
insert into card_comment
(ref_card, ref_community, date, date_mod, comment)
values(:card_id, :community_id, :date, :date, :comment)
update card_comment
set comment = :comment, date_mod = :date
where comment_id = :comment_id
delete from card_comment
where comment_id = :comment_id
update card_note
set note_comment = :note_comment, date_mod = :date, grade = :note_grade, is_active= :note_actv
where note_id = :note_id
update card set
comm_teacher = :teacher_comment
where ref_community = :community_id and
card_id = :card_id