Populate @context;noquote@ Create a bunch of users first. If you want to create a custom relational segments (as for instance dotLRN does for students, professors etc) create some appropriate relationship types next. Then use the "Add new membership groups" script to create groups, relational segments (subsets) of them, and members of the group and its subsets. It may also be useful to test the scalability of the site node datamodel, particularly to measure how the strategy of caching the information impacts start-up time. Use the following script to mount a large number of acs-subsite instances. We use file storage as a representative package to test the scalability of the content repository. This script will fail if you've not already installed and mounted file storage. The forums package is one of our most important ones, and has had scalability issues in the past. And the bug-tracker package has had HORRIBLE scalability problems ... After populating the database you will need to analyze all tables (Oracle) or do a VACUUM ANALYZE before doing any performance analysis.