create or replace view phb_portraits as select i.item_id, as user_key, i.parent_id as folder_id, nvl(p.preferred_name,p.first_name) as first_name, p.last_name, p.user_id, p.priv,p.priv_portrait, rel.relation_tag, imi.item_id as image_id, imi.live_revision as image_revision_id, imr.mime_type, imr.filename, o.creation_date, o.creation_ip, o.creation_user, im.width, im.height from cr_items i, phb_person p, cr_child_rels rel, cr_items imi, cr_revisions imr, images im, acs_objects o where i.live_revision = p.person_id and rel.parent_id = i.item_id and imi.item_id = rel.child_id and imr.revision_id = imi.live_revision and im.image_id = imr.revision_id and o.object_id = imr.revision_id; update acs_attributes set pretty_name = 'EFL Forwarding', PRETTY_PLURAL = 'EFL Forwarding' where pretty_name = 'Outside email';