select count(*) as uncategorized_count
from bboard_forum_message_map msg
where forum_id = :forum_id
and not exists (select 1
from bboard_category_message_map cat
where msg.message_id = cat.message_id)
select count(*) as uncategorized_count
from bboard_forum_message_map msg
where forum_id = :forum_id
and status = 'approved'
and not exists (select 1
from bboard_category_message_map cat
where msg.message_id = cat.message_id)
select message_id, title, num_replies,
first_names||' '||last_name as full_name
from bboard_messages_all, persons
where forum_id = :forum_id
and person_id = sender
and reply_to is null
and status = 'unmoderated'
select message_id, title, num_replies,
first_names||' '||last_name as full_name
from bboard_messages_all, persons
where forum_id = :forum_id
and person_id = sender
and reply_to is null
and status = 'rejected'