postgresql7.1 select p.party_id, acs_object__name(p.party_id) as name,, '' as remove_url, o.object_type from wf_task_assignments ta, parties p, acs_objects o where ta.task_id = :task_id and p.party_id = ta.party_id and o.object_id = p.party_id select distinct u.user_id, acs_object__name(u.user_id) as name,, '/shared/community-member?user_id=' || u.user_id as url from wf_task_assignments ta, party_approved_member_map m, parties p, users u where ta.task_id = :task_id and m.party_id = ta.party_id and p.party_id = m.member_id and u.user_id = p.party_id