#!/usr/bin/env tclsh package require XOTcl 2.0; namespace import -force xotcl::* @ @File { description { This small secure web server that provides its documents via SSL (https, port 8443) and plain http (port 8086).
This file requires TLS. If you experice problems with versions obtained from the Web, contact gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at for a patch. } } # # We load the following packages: # package require xotcl::trace package require xotcl::comm::httpd # # we set the default for document root to ../../src/doc and port to 8443 # set root ../../doc set port 8443 set class Httpsd set cb callback ;# use this for triggering the callbacks #set cb "" foreach {att value} $argv { switch -- $att { -root {set root $value} -port {set port $value} -class {set class $value} -cb {set cb $value} } } # # now we can start the web-server instance with these settings # Httpd h0 -port 8086 -root $root $class h1 -port $port -root $root -infoCb $cb \ -requestCert 1 -requireValidCert 0 # Start des HTTP-Servers mit port 8086 und dem angegebenen Verzeichnis #Httpd h2 -port 9086 -root $root \ -mixin {Responder BasicAccessControl} \ -addRealmEntry test {test test} -protectDir test "" {} Object callback callback proc error {chan msg} { puts stderr "+++TLS/$chan: error: $msg" } callback proc verify {chan depth cert rc err} { array set c $cert if {$rc != "1"} { puts stderr "+++TLS/$chan: verify/$depth: Bad Cert: $err (rc = $rc)" } else { puts stderr "+++TLS/$chan: verify/$depth: $c(subject)" } return $rc } callback proc info {chan state minor msg} { # For tracing #upvar #0 tls::$chan cb #set cb($major) $minor #puts stderr "+++TLS/$chan: $major/$minor: $state" puts stderr "+++TLS/$chan $state $minor: $msg" } callback proc unknown {option args} { return -code error "bad option \"$option\": must be one of error, info, or verify" } # # and finally call the event loop... # vwait forever