# # Config file for MS Visual CC compile with nmake; only edit in this file # # are we using MSVC++ version 5 or 6 ? MSDEV_VER = 6 # Where is MSVC++ located? MSDEVROOT = c:\progra~1\Micros~3\ # Where is Tcl and Tk? Which Version? #TCLMAJOR = 8 #TCLMINOR = 3 #TCLPATCHLEVEL = .5 TCLMAJOR = 8 TCLMINOR = 4 TCLPATCHLEVEL = .13 TCLROOT = c:\work\tcl\tcl$(TCLMAJOR).$(TCLMINOR)$(TCLPATCHLEVEL) TKROOT = c:\tk$(TCLMAJOR).$(TCLMINOR)$(TCLPATCHLEVEL) TCL_VERSION = $(TCLMAJOR)$(TCLMINOR) TCL_DOTVERSION = $(TCLMAJOR).$(TCLMINOR) # Where will we install XOTcl? Usually use the installWin.tcl script INSTALLDIR = c:/progra~1/tcl # machine setting, pick from: # ALPHA|ARM|IX86|MIPS|MIPS16|MIPSR41XX|PPC|SH3|SH4 # Or set to IA64 to rearrange everything to use the Intel IA64 SDK. # MACHINE = IX86 !if "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64" vcvars = "c:\ia64sdk17\vcvars32.bat" !elseif $(MSDEV_VER) == 5 vcvars = "$(MSDEVROOT)\vc\bin\vcvars32.bat" !elseif $(MSDEV_VER) == 6 vcvars = "$(MSDEVROOT)\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat" !endif # the VCC tools names rc32 = rc cc32 = cl link32 = link lib32 = lib cvtres32 = cvtres # # XOTCL VERSION SETTINGS (do not edit) # NSF_MAJOR_VERSION=1 NSF_MINOR_VERSION=5 NSF_RELEASE_LEVEL=.0 MAJOR_VERSION=$(NSF_MAJOR_VERSION) MINOR_VERSION=$(NSF_MINOR_VERSION) PATCHLEVEL=$(NSF_RELEASE_LEVEL) NSF_VERSION= $(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION) FULLVERSION= $(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION)$(PATCHLEVEL) NODOT_VERSION= $(MAJOR_VERSION)$(MINOR_VERSION) INST_XOLIBPKG = \"$(INSTALLDIR)/lib/nsf$(MAJOR_VERSION).$(MINOR_VERSION)\" XOTCLVERSION = \"$(NSF_VERSION)\" PACKAGE_VERSION = \"$(FULLVERSION)\" XOTCLPATCHLEVEL= \"$(PATCHLEVEL)\" ## command line rules !ifndef HAVE_RULES HAVE_RULES = 1 # Set DEBUG to 1 to compile with symbols. !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG = 0 !endif # Set STATIC_BUILD to 1 to make a static library rather # than a dll. !ifndef STATIC_BUILD STATIC_BUILD = 0 !endif # Set USE_TCL_STUBS to 0 to disable Stubs support. Stubs # will work fine even with static libraries, but you may # disable it if you want to. # !ifndef USE_TCL_STUBS !if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0 USE_TCL_STUBS = 1 !else USE_TCL_STUBS = 0 !endif !endif # no stubs support in Tcl 8.0 !if $(TCLMAJOR) == 8 !if $(TCLMINOR) == 0 USE_TCL_STUBS = 0 !endif !endif # Set NOMSVCRT to 1 to use libcmt(d).lib instead of the # dynamic run-time. # !ifndef NOMSVCRT !if $(STATIC_BUILD) NOMSVCRT = 1 !else NOMSVCRT = 0 !endif !endif !if $(STATIC_BUILD) == 0 && $(NOMSVCRT) == 1 !error "The static runtime in a loadable (dll) extension is a useless configuration that will cause abnormal and unnecessary code bloat." !endif !endif #!ifndef HAVE_RULES _NMAKE_VER = $(_NMAKE_VER:6.00.8168.0=600) !IF "$(MACHINE)" == "IA64" TOOLS32 = c:\ia64sdk17 TOOLS32_rc = c:\ia64sdk17 !ELSE TOOLS32 = $(MSDEVROOT)\Vc98 TOOLS32_rc = $(MSDEVROOT)\Common\MsDev98 !ENDIF cc32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\cl.exe" link32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\link.exe" rc32 = "$(TOOLS32_rc)\bin\rc.exe" include32 = -I"$(TOOLS32)\include" libpath32 = /LIBPATH:"$(TOOLS32)\lib" lib32 = "$(TOOLS32)\bin\lib.exe"