# -*- Tcl -*- # # API declarations for the nsf mongo interface # # namespaces for types of methods array set ns { cmd "::mongo" } array set ptrConverter { mongoc_client_t 1 mongoc_collection_t 1 mongoc_cursor_t 1 mongoc_gridfs_file_t 1 mongoc_gridfs_t 1 } # produce json string from triples cmd json::generate NsfMongoJsonGenerate { {-argName "list" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # parse json string into triples cmd json::parse NsfMongoJsonParse { {-argName "json" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # returns the timestamp portion of the ObjectId in form of an epoch cmd oid::gettimestamp NsfMongoOidGettimestamp { {-argName "oid" -required 1} } cmd close NsfMongoClose { {-argName "conn" -required 1 -type mongoc_client_t -withObj 1} } cmd connect NsfMongoConnect { {-argName "-uri" -required 0 -nrargs 1} } cmd run NsfMongoRunCmd { {-argName "-nocomplain" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "conn" -required 1 -type mongoc_client_t} {-argName "db" -required 1} {-argName "cmd" -required 1 -type tclobj} } cmd status NsfMongoStatus { {-argName "conn" -required 1 -type mongoc_client_t -withObj 1} } # # collection # cmd "collection::close" NsfCollectionClose { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t -withObj 1} } cmd "collection::count" NsfMongoCollectionCount { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "query" -required 1 -type tclobj} } cmd "collection::delete" NsfMongoCollectionDelete { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "condition" -required 1 -type tclobj} } cmd "collection::index" NsfMongoCollectionIndex { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "attributes" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-name" -required 0 -nrargs 1} {-argName "-background" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "-dropdups" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "-sparse" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "-ttl" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type int32} {-argName "-unique" -required 0 -nrargs 0} } cmd "collection::insert" NsfMongoCollectionInsert { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "values" -required 1 -type tclobj} } cmd collection::open NsfCollectionOpen { {-argName "conn" -required 1 -type mongoc_client_t} {-argName "dbname" -required 1} {-argName "collectionname" -required 1} } cmd "collection::query" NsfMongoCollectionQuery { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "filter" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-opts" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} } cmd "collection::stats" NsfMongoCollectionStats { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "-options" -required 0 -type tclobj} } cmd "collection::update" NsfMongoCollectionUpdate { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "cond" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "values" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-upsert" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "-all" -required 0 -nrargs 0} } # # Cursor # cmd cursor::aggregate NsfMongoCursorAggregate { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "pipeline" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "options" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-tailable" -required 0 -nrargs 0} {-argName "-awaitdata" -required 0 -nrargs 0} } cmd cursor::find NsfMongoCursorFind { {-argName "collection" -required 1 -type mongoc_collection_t} {-argName "filter" -required 1 -type tclobj} {-argName "-opts" -required 0 -nrargs 1 -type tclobj} } cmd cursor::next NsfMongoCursorNext { {-argName "cursor" -required 1 -type mongoc_cursor_t} } cmd cursor::close NsfMongoCursorClose { {-argName "cursor" -required 1 -type mongoc_cursor_t -withObj 1} } # # GridFS # cmd gridfs::close NsfMongoGridFSClose { {-argName "gfs" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_t -withObj 1} } cmd gridfs::open NsfMongoGridFSOpen { {-argName "conn" -required 1 -type mongoc_client_t} {-argName "dbname" -required 1} {-argName "prefix" -required 1} } # # GridFile commands operating on GridFS # cmd gridfile::create NsfMongoGridFileCreate { {-argName "-source" -required 1 -typeName "gridfilesource" -type "file|string"} {-argName "gfs" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_t} {-argName "value" -required 1} {-argName "name" -required 1} {-argName "contenttype" -required 1} {-argName "-metadata" -type tclobj} } cmd "gridfile::delete" NsfMongoGridFileDelete { {-argName "gfs" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_t} {-argName "query" -required 1 -type tclobj} } cmd "gridfile::open" NsfMongoGridFileOpen { {-argName "gfs" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_t} {-argName "query" -required 1 -type tclobj} } # # GridFile # cmd "gridfile::close" NsfMongoGridFileClose { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t -withObj 1} } cmd "gridfile::get_contentlength" NsfMongoGridFileGetContentlength { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t} } cmd "gridfile::get_contenttype" NsfMongoGridFileGetContentType { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t} } cmd "gridfile::get_metadata" NsfMongoGridFileGetMetaData { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t} } cmd "gridfile::read" NsfMongoGridFileRead { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t} {-argName "size" -required 1 -type int32} } cmd "gridfile::seek" NsfMongoGridFileSeek { {-argName "gridfile" -required 1 -type mongoc_gridfs_file_t} {-argName "offset" -required 1 -type int32} } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: