source [file dirname [info script]]/xodoc-tools.xotcl namespace eval ::xodoc-tools { @ xotclCmd ::xotcl::self { The command [:cmd ${:name}] returns callstack related information } { :variant self { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the object, which is currently executed. If it is called from outside of an XOTcl method, it returns an error. } :variant "self class" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the class, which holds the currently executing method. Note, that this may be different to the class of the current object. If it is called from an object specific method it returns an empty string. } :variant "self method" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the currently executing method. } :variant "self callingclass" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the class that has called the executing method. } :variant "self callingobject" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the object that has the object that has called the executing method. } :variant "self callingmethod" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the method that has called the executing method. } :variant "self calledclass" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the class name of the class that holds the target method (in mixins and filters). } :variant "self calledmethod" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the target called method (only applicable in a filter). } :variant "self isnextcall" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns 1 if this method was invoked via next, otherwise 0. } :variant "self next" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the "next" method on the precedence path. } :variant "self filterreg" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the name of the object/class on which the filter is registered. } :variant "self callinglevel" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the calling level, from where the actual method was called from. Intermediary next calls are ignored in this computation. The level is returned in a form that can be used as first argument in [:cmd uplevel] or [:cmd upvar]. } :variant "self activelevel" { [:cmd ${:name}] returns the level, from where the actual method was invoked from. This might be the calling level or a next call, whatever is higher in the stack. The level is returned in a form that can be used as first argument in [:cmd uplevel] or [:cmd upvar]. } } @ xotclCmd ::xotcl::alias -arguments { object -per-object:switch methodName -nonleaf:switch -objscope:switch cmd } { The command [:cmd ${:name}] is used to register a Tcl command as method for an object or class. } { :param object {is the object or class, on which the command is registered as a method} :param -per-object {if provided, the method is an per-object method (not inheritable)} :param methodName {the name for the method to be added} :param -nonleaf:switch {if provided, the method will have a call stack entry such it can call [:cmd next]} :param -objscope:switch {if provided, the variables created during the execution of the method will be instance variables} :param cmd {is the Tcl command to be registered as method} } @ xotclClass ::xotcl2::Object { This class holds the pre-defined methods available for all XOTcl 2 objects. These methods are also available on XOTcl 2 classes. } # # i think, we do not have to distinguish between alias registered on Object and Class # @ xotclMethod alias -partof ::xotcl2::Object \ -arguments {-nonleaf:switch -objscope:switch methodName cmd} \ { This method is used to register an existing Tcl command as a method for a class or object. } { :param "-nonleaf:switch" {} -use ::xotcl::alias :param "-objscope:switch" {} -use ::xotcl::alias :param "methodName" {} -use ::xotcl::alias :param "cmd" {} -use ::xotcl::alias :returns "Fully qualified method name" } @ xotclMethod setter -partof ::xotcl2::Object \ -arguments {methodName} { Register a method as a setter for same-named instance variables } { :param methodName {the name for the method to be added} :returns "Fully qualified method name" } @ xotclClass ::xotcl2::Class { } } namespace eval ::xodoc-tools { puts "

Primitive XOTcl framework commands

\n\n\n" puts "

XOTcl Classes

\n\n\n" }