#! /usr/bin/env tclsh

proc fputs {filename content} {
	set chan [open $filename w]
	try {
		puts $chan $content
	} finally {
		close $chan

proc heredoc doc {
	if {![regexp {^(?:\s*?\n)(.*?)\n(?:\s(?!\n))*$} $doc[
		set doc {}] -> doc]} {

		error [list {bad heredoc format (missing final newline)}]
	regsub -all {\\\\\n} [string trim $doc[set doc {}]] "\\\n" doc
	regsub -lineanchor -all {^\t} $doc[set doc {}] {} doc
	return $doc

proc innerscript namevar {
	upvar script script
	namespace upvar [namespace current] $namevar innerscript
	append script \n$innerscript

proc requirescript name {
	variable autopath
	upvar script script
	namespace upvar [namespace current] \
		${name}_requirescript requirescript
	append script \n[string map [list @requirescript@ [
		list $requirescript] @requirescript2@ $requirescript] $autopath]

proc runshell {} {
	upvar script script
	append script \n [heredoc {
		set exitCode [nx::shell run $argc $argv]
		exit $exitCode

proc shellscript {name filename} {
	shelltotclsh $name
	requirescript $name
	innerscript $name
	fputs $filename $script

proc shelltotclsh name {
	variable shelltotclsh
	upvar script script
	set script [string map {@name@ $name} $shelltotclsh]

variable autopath [heredoc {
	apply {{} {
	if {[catch @requirescript@ cres copts]} {

		set autopath [list ::apply {{dir pkgdir} {
			global auto_path
			set candidate $dir/$pkgdir
			if {[file exists $candidate]} {
				foreach tcldir [glob -directory $dir tcl*] {
					set candidate1 $tcldir/site-tcl
					if {[file exists $candidate1]} {
						set auto_path [linsert $auto_path[
						set auto_path {}] 0 $candidate1]

				set auto_path [linsert $auto_path[
				set auto_path {}] 0 $candidate]

		set findpkgindex [list ::apply {{top pkgdir} {
		upvar 1 autopath autopath 
		foreach dir {lib lib64} {
			{*}$autopath $top/$dir $pkgdir
		set dirs [glob -nocomplain -directory $top -type d *]
		foreach dir $dirs {
			{*}$autopath $dir $pkgdir
		foreach dir $dirs {
			foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -directory \
			$top/$dir -type d *] {
			{*}$autopath $dir $pkgdir

		set top [file dirname [file dirname [file dirname [
		file normalize [info script]/...]]]]
		{*}$findpkgindex $top $pkgdir


variable shelltotclsh [heredoc {
	#! /bin/sh
	# Lookup a Tcl interpreter \\
	INTERP="tclsh@TCL_VERSION@"; \\
	for interp in $INTERPS; \\
	do if [ -x $interp ]; then INTERP=$interp; break; \\
	fi;  done; \\
	exec $INTERP "$0" ${1+"$@"}

	# -*- tcl -*-
	# Tiny scripted replacement of a binary @name@. This script can be used
	# as interactive shell for testing or like a regular shell with the #!
	# markup in the first line of a script. It is designed to work with
	# multiple installed Tcl shells during development.

variable nxsh {
	namespace import -force ::nx::*

variable nxsh_requirescript {
	package require nx::shell 1.1

variable nxwish $nxsh

variable nxwish_requirescript {
	package require Tk
	package require nx::shell 1.1

variable xotclsh {
	namespace import -force ::xotcl::*

variable xotclsh_requirescript {
	package require XOTcl 2
	package require nx::shell 1.1

variable xowish $xotclsh

variable xowish_requirescript {
	package require Tk
	package require XOTcl 2
	package require nx::shell 1.1

namespace ensemble create -map {
	nxsh  {shellscript nxsh}
	nxwish {shellscript nxwish}
	xotclsh {shellscript xotclsh}
	xowish {shellscript xowish}

[namespace current] {*}$argv