2007-10-29: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * return mixins before procs in procsearch
    * added regression test
    * Don't though error when the last argument of 
       "obj info class <...>" or "cl info superclass <....>"
       is a non-existing class, but return false instead. 
       This leaves room for pattern matching.

2007-10-28: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * some code refactoring
    * making new code more robust

2007-10-23: <martin.matuska@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * First version of new info methods "mixinof" and "instmixinof"
       - new class info options: "mixinof" and "instmixinof"
       - on class destroy entry is now removed from mixin 
         and instmixin lists

2007-10-12: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.6

2007-10-09: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * More fixes for treating gobal volatile objects
     during shutdown:
       - do not allow to create new objects during shutdown
       - do not allow objects to be set volatile during shutdown
       - handle cases, where application level destroy methods 
          fail (this could lead to remaining tcl traces pointing
          to destroyed objects)
       - handle namespaced variables helding deletion traces
          for volatile objects
      Guess, it would be much simpler to use Tcl-level
      unset traces than C-level unset traces...

2007-10-04: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>

    * Revise fix below. The problem was apparently that change of a
      call of Tcl_FindCommand to Tcl_GetCommandFromObj(), where the
      latter one had bad side-effects when it is called during
      deletion.  Although the fix below fixed the symptoms, the new
      approach is better since it is apparently not required any more
      to fetch the cmd during PrimitiveODestroy to ensure it is not
      called twice. The problem appeared in XOTcl between 1.5.3 and
      1.5.4 and happens only in 8.4.* Tcl.

    * Improve debugging code to make it easier to trace
      problems with Tcl_Objs.

    * Serializer: Added dependency rule in serializer to ensure slots of
      superclasses are listed before subclasses. (Thanks to Stefan
      Sobernig for reporting the problem)

    * Serializer: moved deactivation of traces into "Serializer all"
      to get simpler results on "o serialize".

    * Regression tests: extended tests to address 
       the newly identified and fixed problem cases.

2007-09-29: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fix for Tcl 8.4.16 (and maybe some other recent tcl 8.4.*
      versions, 8.5 is fine) for situations, where Tcl variable
      contain references to deleted XOTcl objects.  The fix added a
      epoch increment to CallStackDoDestroy().

2007-09-29: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fix for cases, where volatile objects are
      deleted before the corrsoponding trace variable.

2007-09-18: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.5

2007-09-18: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fix rpm build (most probably due to TEA 3.6)

2007-09-13: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Use AssocData instead of the clientdata of the
      global namespace to store the XOTcl interpreter's

2007-09-13: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Upgrade to TEA 3.6

2007-09-10: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Make forward option -earlybinding more robust, when
      forwards are done to Tcl procs

2007-08-16: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fix introspection problem for copied objects and classes
      (remove superfluous ::xotcl::initProcNS)
      Must have been a bug from before XOTcl 1.0

    * Allow to load XOTcl compiled for Tcl 8.4 to be loaded
      into a tclsh8.5 (again, substantial change).
      The behavior can be turned off by setting 

      One can now test now 4 versions:
      a) a native version for Tcl 8.4 (without compatibility layer)
      b) a native version for Tcl 8.5
      c) a version compiled for Tcl 8.4 with compatibility layer in tclsh8.4
      d) a version compiled for Tcl 8.4 with compatibility layer in tclsh8.5 

      Tests showed that the overhead is for the compatibility
      layer is between 1.1% and 2.3%, the difference between 
      tcl8.5 and tcl8.4 is much larger.

2007-08-10: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.4

2007-08-10: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * fixed regression test in rdf-tests (introduced
      due to autoname changes in 1.4.0)

2007-08-10: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fixing bugs introduced by VarReform
    * Extending regression test to handle the cases

2007-08-07: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * More work on Tcl 8.5 and VarReform
      Compiles now with stock Tcl 8.5 from CVS
    * Make more use faster Tcl_Obj based interfaces 
      (Many thanks to Miguel Sofer for the suggestions and patch)

2007-08-06: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Changed all references to /tmp to [::xotcl::tmpdir] to honor
       TMPDIR TEMP TMP if set

     * Handling of variable traces in serializer: 
        traces might require a different topological sort, 
        which is hard to handle. Similar as with filters, 
        we deactivate the variable traces during initialization. 
        This happens by
         (1) replacing the XOTcl's trace method by a no-op
         (2) collecting variable traces through collect-var-traces
         (3) re-activating the traces after variable initialization

        (Many thanks to Stefan Sobernig for the help!)

2007-08-05: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * Changes to compile xotcl with the new Var structures in the 
      head version of Tcl 8.5. This is a rather large change,
      the patch is more than 800 lines.

      (Many thanks to Miguel Sofer for the help!)

     From the Tcl Changelog

       *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY *** (tclInt.h and tclCompile.h)
       Extensions that access internals defined in tclInt.h and/or
       tclCompile.h may lose both binary and source compatibility. The
       relevant changes are:

       1. 'struct Var' is completely changed, all acceses to its
          internals (either direct or via the TclSetVar* and TclIsVar*
          macros) will malfunction. Var flag values and semantics
          changed too.

       2. 'struct Bytecode' has an additional field that has to be
          initialised to NULL

       3. 'struct Namespace' is larger, as the varTable is now one
          pointer larger than a Tcl_HashTable. Direct access to its
          fields will malfunction.

       4. 'struct CallFrame' grew one more field (the second such
          growth with respect to Tcl8.4).

       5. api change for the functions TclFindCompiledLocal,
          TclDeleteVars and many internal functions in tclVar.c

2007-07-27: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * fixed a compile problem with a superfluous semicolon in a macro
      (Many thanks for Andreas Kupries for reporting and sending a patch)
   * fixed two compiler warnings in gcc 4.1.2

2007-07-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Pre-Release of XOTcl 1.5.4

2007-07-23: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * fixed a bug with empty argument names
      (Many thanks for Stefan Sobernig for reporting the bug)

2007-07-03: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * allow to call methods from the class to be called
     from  slot objects (Many thanks for 
     Nico L'INSALATA for noting this problem).

2007-06-05: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * Fixed spelling mistakes in the tutorial
      (Many thanks to Robert Hicks for reporting)

2007-05-27: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
   * Fixed potential error with default values for parameters
     starting with a "-".  (Many thanks to Shishir Ramam 
     for reporting)

2007-03-16: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * fixed a bug where a Tcl call adds a namespace to an object,
       but xotcl did not notice it. (Many thanks for Stefan Sobernig
       for reporting the bug)

2007-01-14: <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * fixing error message propagation for methods called via 
       configure. (Many thanks for Kristoffer Lawson
       for reporting the bug)

2006-12-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * changing "test == " to "test =" as required by FreeBSD
      (many thanks to Martin Matuska for providing
      the patch)

2006-12-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * MinGW patches
      (many thanks to Martin Matuska for providing
      the patch)

2006-11-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.3

2006-11-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * provided compatibility with Tcl 8.5 
      (checking callframe level instead of empty varframe for toplevel

    * provided compatibility with Tcl 8.4.14 
      proc->cmdPtr was used in prior releases only to determine the
      namespace in which the proc is executed (documented in
      tclInt.h).  Starting with Tcl 8.4.14, this cmdPtr is used as
      well for updating the client data of a cmd, in case the proc is
      recompiled. Since XOTcl used the cmdPtr to control the
      namespace, this code had to be rewritten differently. The new
      version is faster, but uses for filters or mixins slightly more

    * reduced calling overhead of methods with nonpositional arguments
      by about 10 percent by avoiding shimmering.

    * fixed handling of "return -code break" from xotcl methods
      (thanks to Artur Trzewik for the bug report)

    * library/comm/Access.xotcl: fixed handling of chunked encoding

2006-09-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.2

2006-09-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Extended regression test for nested contains
    * fix potential bug in copy-command with c-level client data
      (don't copy commands with client data for the time being, rely on

2006-09-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Fixed memory corruption (accessing feed memory) in the
      invalidation of transitive mixins (many thanks to Don Porter for
      reporting it and providing suggestions, how to trigger the bug
      via Tcl memory debug)
    * Removed c++ style comments (many thanks to Andreas Kupries for
    * package xotcl::trace: allow to trace objects with "Trace add
      trace <obj>" not only classes as before (many thanks to jima for
      suggesting this)
    * fix for nested -contains with new (many thanks to Stefan
       Sobernig for pointing this out)
    * Added a target test-nohttp for automated regression tests 
      on machines with firewalls (used for FreeBSD build system)

2006-09-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * xotcl.c: improved portability for 64bit AMD on FreeBSD (and
      maybe on other 64bit platforms as well) all vararg lists are now
      terminated by ..., (char *) NULL Previously, some were
      terminated by an integer typed zero-value, which can lead to
      problems when sizeof(int) != sizeof(char *)
    * The vararg interface is used by the following API calls in the
      XOTcl code: Tcl_AppendResult(), Tcl_AppendStringsToObj(),
      Tcl_VarEval(), XOTclVarErrMsg().  all occurrences are fixed.
    * All occurrences of Tcl_AppendResult() removed form xotcl.c

2006-09-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * xotcl.c: make sure, that no
        Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), 1);
      happens on shared objects.

2006-09-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Release of XOTcl 1.5.1

2006-09-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * XOTclNextCmd() exported to external (stub) interface, to allow
      applications to call next without going through a Tcl_Eval()
      (Many thanks to Scott Gargash for the constructive discussions)
    * removed XOTclGetSelfObj() again from the external interface
      since the object/class is passed anyhow.
    * some minor cleanups and additions to tutorial.
    * added small fix mentioned in c.l.t for a more backwards
       compatible old parameter interface.

2006-09-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * Changed interface of XOTclCallMethodWithArgs to contain the
      specified number of elements in objv[] rather than the absolute
      number. Changed name from XOTclCallMethodWithArg to
    * Added XOTclCallMethodWithArgs() to he external interface to
      allow C applications faster invocation of XOTcl methods
    * Simplified and standardized calling conventions for
      C-implemented methods. ClientData receives always the
      XOTcl_Object, no matter, what client data was specified during
      registration (e.g.  XOTCL_NONLEAF_METHOD). Users
      can rely on using ClientData for Objects
    * Some performance improvements in invocation of XOTcl methods

2006-09-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * added XOTclGetSelfObj() to he external interface to obtain the
      current object from a C application from the callstack
    * fixed genstubs target in Makefile.in regenerated all stub files
    * removed a few more compiler warnings for the power64 bit

2006-09-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * added XOTCL_NONLEAF_METHOD: This constant 
      must be used fwhen registering C-implemented methods
      that call "::xotcl::next" to push the XOTcl activation record.

           XOTclAddIMethod( interp, MyClass, "mymethod", MyMethod,
                   XOTCL_NONLEAF_METHOD, 0 );

2006-09-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * fixed a bug in parsing nonpositional arguments, when
       e.g. square brackets are used in type declarations for
         Class C
         C instproc foo {{-q:mult[2],optional 1} -x:boolean,optional args} {puts hu}
       Tcl lists add another layer of braces 
         ... foo {{{-q:mult[2],optional} 1} -x:boolean,optional args} ....
       which have to be removed at the definition time of the parameters.
    * fixed a 64-bit problem for POWER5+ machines
    * fixed serializer to handle deeper stratification layers
    * fixed an autoname crash under NT 
       (Many thanks to Mark Jannsen for the patch)

2006-09-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
     * fixed a bug in deprecated part, when -setter is used in parameter

2006-09-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
     * Changed "test -e" to "test -f" in Makefile.in, since
       the standard test command in Solaris does not understand "test -e"
       (Many thanks to Andreas Kupries for reporting)

2006-09-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * Release of XOTcl 1.5.0

2006-09-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * Update of build files for windows

2006-09-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * added method "contains" to create objects aggregated into
        other objects (essentially a value added back-port of the OpenACS
      * based method "slots" on method "contains" for improved orthogonality
      * rearranging sections in the tutorial
      * deleted obsolete sections from the tutorial
      * serializer: when an object is defined as exported, export the whole
        object tree (no need to specify export of all slots for exported objects)

2006-09-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * added -verbose to forward options
       * added subst to the tcl-impored methods
       * fixed a bug with .... -slots {Attribute new -name  a1}
          (Many thanks to neophytos for reporting}
       * provide method serialize (for Object), when the serializer package is loaded

2006-09-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * provided Tcl 8.5a4 compatibility
      * spellechecking langref, make terminology more consistent 
        (naming of arguments like .e.g methodName)

2006-09-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * update of tcl.m4 for newest TEA from CVS

2006-09-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * "mixin|filter|instmixin|instfilter set ..." deprecated, use
          "mixin|filter|instmixin|instfilter assign ..." instead
2006-09-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixed a bug in the xotcl trace module (many thanks to jima for reporting)
       * extended procsearch to report parametercmd and instparametercmd

2006-08-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * extended procsearch to report as well [inst]parametercmd 

2006-08-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * extended procsearch to report as well [inst]forward and [inst]cmd

2006-08-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * new subcommand "info slots"
       * implemented backwards bug-compatible "info parameter", deprecated

2006-08-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * added system slots and attribute slots (see documentation)

2006-08-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * changed the implementation of the configure command
          and setrelation command to use Tcl_GetIndexFromObj();
       * added the subcommand "class" and "superclass" to the
         the setrelation command.

2006-08-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixed a bug with nonpositional arguments, some 
          positional arguments and "args"
       * fixed a bug in nonpositional arguments when called without 
       * improved error messages in connection with nonpositional arguments
       * extended interface of XOTclErrBadVal() to provide better error messages
         (this changes the stub interface, so we have to change the version number)

2006-08-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * new command for registering predefined C-implemented Tcl commands 
          as methods
             ::xotcl::alias <class>|<obj> <methodname> \
                      ?-objscope? ?-per-object? <cmdname>
         "-objscope" has the same meaning as for forwarder, 
         "-per-object" has the same meaning as for the method "method", 
         This command is somewhat similar to "[inst]forward -earlybinding",
         but can be used to bootstrap xotcl (when e.g. no methods are

2006-07-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Documentation bug: method volatile was documented
          as a method of class, but is documented as a method of object
          (Many thanks to Kristoffer for reporting)

2006-05-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * package.xotcl: evaluating calls to "tcl_package" in the
          global namespace instead of the current. This fixes problem of
          xotcl 1.4.* with xotclide. Many thanks to 
          Bill Paulsen and Artur Trzewik for identifying the problem and
          suggesting a fix.

2006-04-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        *  xotcl.c: new option for the argument substitution. When the argument
            list of the forward command contains "%argclindex {a b c}", then
            depending of the number of arguments at invocation "a", "b"
            or "c" is substituted. 
        * New option for forwarder: The option -earlybinding can be used to look 
           up the function  pointer of the called Tcl command at 
           definition time of the forwarder instead of invocation time. 
           This option should only be used for calling C-implemented Tcl commands)

2006-03-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * deprecated command filterappend, instfilterappend, mixinappend, 
          instmixinappend, tclcmd, insttclcmd deleted

2006-03-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * allow single colons in method names (fix in xotcl.c, NSTail())

2006-02-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * release of 1.4.0

2006-02-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
     * fixed a bug with nonpositional arguments in connection with "args"
       (Many thanks for Kurt Stoll pointing this out)
     * added more regression tests
     * fixed dependencies created for rpm  binaries
     * mak compile cleaner for gcc 4.* under linux

2006-02-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
    * fixed a bug with transitive mixins

2006-02-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
     * Upgrade to TEA 3.5

2006-01-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * fixing exit behavior with variable traces in multi-threaded
         environments (volatile objects could be demalloced twice before)

2006-01-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * allowing tcl commands and variables as default values for parameters; previously,
       	only one-word commands were allowed.

2006-01-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * ::xotcl::configure options can be called with one (for query)
          and two (for setting) arguments (similar to set)
       * new option: ::xotcl::configure softrecreate on|off
         if softrecreate is set, class relations (superclass, subclass, class, instances)
         are not affected by a recreate; this allows files with class definitions
	 more easily to reload
       * don't destroy namespace imported child objects

2006-01-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * unsetting the global variable "cmd" from predefined.xotcl
         (Many thanks to Koen Danckaert for reporting) 

2006-01-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixing incorrect state in filters after next
       * extended regression test

2006-01-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * info children returns true children, no namespace imported objects/classes
       * extended regression test

2005-12-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * upgrading configure scripts of subcomponents to TEA 3.4

2005-12-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * fixing missing omitted message for unknown subcommand to self

2005-12-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * release of 1.3.9

2005-12-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * fixed bug with error propagation when gett/setter methods are 
        used for parameters (many thanks to Manfred Stelzhammer for
       pointing this out)

2005-12-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * Upgraded TEA to 3.4
      * updated rpm build (many thanks to Ildiko Schmidt and Alexander Bergolth)

2005-11-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * new command ::xotcl::__qualify: convert an relative name
        into an command name (exactly as create does it, ignoring
        namespaces from transparent interceptors)

2005-11-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * require automatically a namespace when a childobject is added

2005-11-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * new switch -nocomplain for "mixin|instmixin|filter|instfilter delete"
        to avoid error messages when deleting entries not there (similar unset) 
2005-11-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * "<obj> info vars" does not trigger read traces anymore
      * fixing version numbers for package require 
         (many thanks to  Andreas Kupries for the report)
      * Serializer: exportMethods accepts forwards/instforwards now 
         as well

2005-11-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * new subcommand of self: [self args] return the full argument list 
         of the current call

2005-10-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * release of 1.3.8

2005-10-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixed a bug concering __unknown called via mixin method
          (many thanks to Zoran for the report)
       * fixed a memory leak in isMetaClass() in connection with 
          instmixins (many thanks to Ben Thomasson for the report)

2005-09-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixed bug in instvar (many thanks to Koen Danckaert for the report)
         extended regression test

2005-09-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.7

2005-09-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * new check option "switch" for non positional arguments.
         If .... -somearg:switch is specified in the definition
         of a method, this behaves like "boolean", except that
         no additional argument is specified during invocation.
         A default value of "off" can be turned on, as well as the
         default value "on" can be turned off by specifying the switch
         in an invocation.

2005-09-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * defined an experimental method named "method"
      * new global command "::xotcl::configure filter on|off"
        to deactivate all filters for an interpreter. This is 
        needed for serializing code with active filters.
      * Changed xotcl serializer to use "::xotcl::configure"

2005-09-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * Fixing serializer to enforce methods on ::xotcl::Object or ::xotcl::Class
        before other objects and classes

2005-09-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * adding two package require into library files
        (many thanks to Andreas Kupries for the report)

2005-09-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * fixing various namespace issues in library files to make 
        regression test working again.

2005-09-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * documentation and regressiontest for "self isnextcall" added
      * added further regression tests, documentation improvements
      * Httpd: changed classes 
             AccessControl BasicAccessControl 
             DigestAccessControl Responder
	to Httpd::AccessControl ... Httpd::Responder
        in order to reduce namespace pollution; applications
        refering to these must use now these names

2005-09-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * fixed callstack information for expr; old code could
        believe (in connection with forward) to be in an uplevel when
        a forward to expr was called. This could result in a wrong 
        result for [self]....

     * merged first bunch of files from Andreas Kupries to 
       make libraries more namespace clean. fixed a few namespace iusses
       in the libraries. Many thanks to Andreas Kupries!
    * fixed refrence resolving in istype; the following works now the same
        C create c1
        c1 istype ::C
        c1 istype C

2005-09-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * code cleanup: removed ifdefs for TCLCMD

2005-08-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * fixed instvar implementation when variable names
          are empty strings (many thanks to Zoran for reporting this)

2005-07-13 Uwe.Zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * new subcommand for self: [self isnextcall]
         is true, if the current method was called via next.
         This fixes the abstact method.

2005-05-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
       * prevent new from overwriting an existing object 
         (increment further until unused name is found)

2005-07-04 Jeff Hobbs <jeffh@activestate.com>
       * providing update for configure 

2005-04-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
      * allow xotcl to be used in safe safe interpreters

        ~rlwrap /usr/bin/tclsh
        % package req XOTcl
        % interp create -safe slave
        % load "" xotcl slave
        % slave eval ::xotcl::Object o1

2005-03-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * implemented resolving for references to classnames not
          in the current namespace such that the following works
             namespace eval foo {
                Class M -superclass Class
          without the need of specifying "-superclass ::Class"

 	* implemented resolving for references to imported class names
          such that the following works
             namespace eval foo {
                namespace import ::bar::A
                Class M -superclass A

2005-03-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.6

2005-03-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * extended semantics of meta class definitions:
             a meta class is either ::xotcl::Class or one of its 
             direct subclasses
             a meta class is either ::xotcl::Class or a class 
             inheriting from ::xotcl::Class
          The subtle difference is that with the new definition
          every class can be made to a superclass by adding an instmixin
          of Class (or one of its subtypes) to it. Before this change
          it was necessary to alter the Class hierary explicitely.
          In order to define that every class should be a metaclass,
          one can use now
              Object instmixin Class
          instead of the rather complicated solution i posted on the
          xotcl mailing list not long ago.

        * new info subcommand: <object> info precedence
        * fixed possible crashes of objects are called with class methods
          (e.g. due to instmixins)
        * fixed bug when instmixins are defined recursively 
          (e.g. Class instmixin Class)
        * code refactoring, fixed erroneous documentation of c code
        * improved documentation in tutorial, als syntactically
          such that htmldoc 1.8.24 works with it
        * extended regression test, reduced dependency on tests

2005-03-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed bug noted by Kristoffer Lawson:
          - Don't allow an object to be changed to a class via "o class Class"
          - Don't allow an object to be recreated (without alloc) to a Class
        * fixing the following command
          namespace eval foo {
             Class m
             Object o -mixin m
          such that m is resolved from the foo namespace.
          The ::xotcl:: namespace is now skipped, since a 
          helper method that calles the primitive setting command
          is defined there

2005-03-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * improved documentation of next in langRef

2005-02-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed passing of error code from init methods
          (thanks to Fabrice Pardo for noting it)
        * returning PACKAGE_VERSION after a package require
          (e.g. 'package req XOTcl' returns now 1.3.6)

2005-01-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.5

2005-01-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added instproc for ::xotcl::Class allinstances
          to return all instances for the actual class 

2005-01-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * code cleanup for nonpos args
        * new methods for Serialzer:
           - Serializer methodSerialize (to serialize methods)
           - Serializer exportMethods (to export methods from the 
             xotcl namespace via ::Serializer all
           - Serializer exportObjects (to export Objects from ::xotcl::*)
        * put Serializer into a namespace (::Serializer is auto-exported)
        * fix for serializer, when xotcl is not imported globally
        * aolserver: support for namespaced objects in xotcl.tcl

2005-01-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * made introspection options for methods with nonpos args
          compatible with Tcl
        * adding functionality to allow nonpos args and positional args
          to be specified in the same argument list (still supporting
          the syntax with separate lists)

2005-01-05 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
	* Added support for defaults + non-pos args in info args, 
	  default, instargs, instdefault
        * fixed bug: Check Boolean in non-pos args crashed with 2 args

2004-12-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed crash for empty arguments 
          (thanks to Gerald Stermsek for reporting this bug)

2004-12-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.4

2004-12-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed metadata analyser from recursive to iterative

2004-11-30 <jeffh@activestate.com> 
        * various fixes to improve portability
2004-11-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.3

2004-11-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed [self callinglevel] in nested uplevel loops
          in the presence of filters, extended regression test

2004-11-19 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed bug: empty non-pos args, double dash alone.
          Thanks to Bryan Schofield for reporting this bug.
          Added tests.

2004-11-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed internal communication between end-of-filterchanin
          and "unknown" to flag instead of return code XOTCL_UNKNOWN
        * fixed [self callinglevel] in nested uplevel loops
          (many thanks to MichaelL@frogware.com for reporting the problem)

2004-11-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed yet another free memory read 
          (many thanks for Zoran for help with purify)

2004-11-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed entries for aolserver in configure.in 
          (many thanks for Zoran reporting this problem)
        * fixed --enable symbols (many thanks for Zoran reporting this problem)
        * fixed free memory read in namespace deletes

2004-10-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added error message when someone tries to delete a
          non-existing proc/instproc
        * using less memory for objects and classes with procs/instprocs,
          when they do not use assertions (saving 14%)
        * prettified langref with css
        * documented deletions of object procs and instproc through
          proc/instproc with empty args and empty body

2004-10-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * make namespace handling code more orthogonal
        * using resolver for exists method (might be used in future for
          other methods as well)
        * cleanup of dead code

2004-10-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed recreation bug in connection with namespace eval
        * fixed exists for objects with own namespaces

2004-09-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Fixed bin-tar target to include sdbm+gdbm+expat
        * Improved documentation (tutorial and langref) for forwarding options
        * using $prefix in install-aol, provided a README.aol file
        * more general fix for namespace handling; still possible problem
          with shared Tcl_Objs of type XOTclObject, when referred to from
          different namespaces.

2004-09-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
	* fixed bug: non-pos args did not work correctly with default
	  values. Thanks to Bryan Schofield for reporting this bug.
          Added tests for non-pos args + default values.
2004-09-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
	* fixed possible accesses to object namespaces that got already
	  destroyed by TCL, by checking for ((Namespace
          *)nsPtr)->deleteProc is not NULL, ie. it is still set to
          XOTcl's Namespace Delete Proc, and not invalidated by
          TclTeardownNamespace yet. add test for this to testx. Thanks
          to Kristoffer Lawson for reporting this bug.
	* fixed mis-formating in tutorial (only visible in browsers 
	  other than Mozilla)
2004-09-02 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
	* temporary fix for alloc behavior to deal with explicit namespace changes
  	  by user, thanks to michael.heca@email.cz for reporting the
          bug. Added a test for this change.

2004-08-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.1

2004-08-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed dependencies on TclGetInterpProc(), added define
          USE_INTERP_PROC if someone needs this. If nobody complains,
          we will remove this in the future

2004-08-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed nonposargs, when used with checker procs and
          spaces in arguments
        * auto-generating docs in build tree (instead in
          source tree)
        * cleanup and documentation of somewhat confusing declations 
          in xotcl.h and xotclInt.h (XOTcl_Object and
        * make tar makes distclean first

2004-08-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * if configure is run outside the src tree the directory
          structure is now built on the fly. All binary
          output files are now placed in the built-tree.
2004-08-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added a regresion test for serialzer
        * fixed a "last minute" bug in serializer
        * configure changes: made subdirs relative to $srcdir, 
          set XOTCL_SRC_DIR to $srcdir to make build succeed
          from outside dir

2004-08-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.3.0

2004-08-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixing make for rpm
        * tweaking configures stuff to work with rpm

2004-08-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * adding two sections to tutorial, updated langref.xotcl

2004-08-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Adding non positional arguments to serializer

2004-08-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a possible core dump when 'my' was called without
          args (many thanks to Bryan Schofield for noting)
        * some code generalization and cleanup

2004-08-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changes to forward and instforward: 
          providing positional arguments for the
          forwarder. It is now possible to prefix the
          arguments with "%@POS ", where POS can be a
          positive or negative number or "end". A negative
          offset can be used to address relative to the end

2004-08-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: calling __unknown when an object with an unknown
          parent namespace is called (for handling nested object
          classes in Zoran's ttrace package)

2004-08-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * yet another fixed access to freed memory (when the configure
          method returned a non numerical value, which was tried to be
          converted into a number; setting refcounts properly helped.
          (thanks to Zoran for his help with Purify )
        * minor code cleanup
        * test with tcl 8.4.7

2004-07-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changes to forward and instforward: 
            + %some-command executes some-command at invocation time and 
              substitutes result
            + substitution extended to all arguments (also on callee)
2004-07-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * yet another fixed access to freed memory 
          (thanks to Zoran for his help with Purify )

2004-07-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed bug in filters in connection with instmixin; 
          inactive tcl callstack frame was dereferenced. This fixed as well 
          a potential uplevel bug
        * fixed access to freed memory (thanks to Zoran for his help with Purify )

2004-07-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * implemented experimental next method for delegating same-named procs
          to different objects

2004-07-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a potential crash when a instmixin was registered on itself

2004-07-19  Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added checkoptions to non pos args
        * added tests & documentation of non pos args

2004-07-18 jim@jam.sessionsnet.org
        * Added file autogen.sh, to generate all configure files
        * Added file autoclean.sh, to clean whole source tree, incl. configure

2004-07-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added removal of autom4te.cache to distclean
        * make doc added to "all" target
        * auto-generated html docs are removed in a make clean
        * remove all *~ files in directory tree via find (ok with TEA3?)

2004-07-11 jim@jam.sessionsnet.org
        * revamped configure recursion
        * added "--with-xotcl=<pathToXotclConfig.sh>" to child configure.ins
        * arranged for root configure to call child configures specifying path
        * located and fixed bug where parts of the build cannot find xotcl.h
           if xotcl was not "make install"ed (bug implies build always finds
           old includes)
        * ensured "make clean" and "make distclean" still worked
        * TODO: clean should remove emacs backup files
              distclean should remove autom4te.cache
              docs should be built during make, installed during make install
              and removed from the build dir during make clean.

2004-07-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * extended commands filter, mixin, instfilter, instmixin:
          These commands are changed in a backward compatible manner. They
          can be used as follows

             obj mixin               same as: obj info mixin
             obj mixin {C1 C2}       same as: obj mixin set {C1 C2}
             obj mixin set {C1 C2}   sets the mixins for obj
             obj mixin get           same as: obj info mixin
             obj mixin add C3        adds a mixin on front of the mixin list
             obj mixin add C3 end    adds a mixin at the end the mixin list
             obj mixin add C3 3      adds a mixin at the 3rd position
             obj mixin delete ::C3   removes the mixin from the mixin list

          The same semantics are available as well for filter, instmixin 
          and instfilter.
          The implementation uses the forwarder and is extensible, new
          subcommands can be added. As a side effect, the c-code was reduced
          by 50 lines.
        * the commands mixinappend, filterappend, instmixinappend and
          instfilterappend were marked as deprecated and will be removed
          in future versions

2004-07-02  Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * integrated support for non-positional arguments for procs
          and instprocs

2004-07-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * rename forward option -inscope to -objscope
        * xotcl.c: added current namespace prefix, when a forwarder is
          defined with -objscope and no namespace prefix was specified
        * optimized forward/instforward such it reaches practically
          same speed as tclcmd/insttclcmd. 
        * removed tclcmd/insttclcmd
        * added tests for forward to regression test suite
        * applied and fixed the config improvements by Jim Lynch <jwl@debian.org>

2004-07-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: allow literal %self, %proc, %1 etc. as arguments of the forwarder:
          arguments in the definition of a forwarder proc
          starting with two %-characters are changed into arguments starting
          with one % 
        * xotcl.c: forced options to be placed in forward definition after 
          <proc> before <target>
        * xotcl.c: new info option for Object and Class:
             info <inst>forward ?-definition? ?pattern?
          list the defined forwarder for the class/object.
        * Serializer.xotcl; Added handling of the forwarders to the serializer.
          Therefore forwarders are kept in the serialized state.       

2004-06-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed name of delegator methods to forward/instforward
        * removed most of the switches of the forwarder. We have now
             obj forward <proc> ?options? <target> ?arglist? 
          where arglist might contain 
            * %self for inserting the forwarding object
            * %proc for inserting the forwarding method
            * %1    for using the first argument of the invocation
          options might contain:
            -inscope: evalute method in obj scope
            -methodprefix: prefix, to be added in front of called method 
                      (to avoid name clashes with methods like "set", "mixin" etc.)
            -default list-of-methods: to be used in connection with %1, when there
                      are not enough arguments in the actual call.
2004-06-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed coredump for delegation to object without method specified
          (many thanks for Bryan Schofield for the bug report)
2004-06-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed inclusion of <tclCompile.h>
        * second version of delegator methods cmd and instcmd 

            A delegator method is defined via 
               Class instcmd method COMMAND ARGS
            a call to the defined method with some args
               obj method arg1 arg2 arg3...
            is mapped to
               COMMAND ARGS arg1 <caller> INSERTTOKENS arg2 arg3...

             Class instcmd <methodname> <commandname> \
                   ?-nocaller? \
                   ?-nomethod? \
                   ?-inscope? \
                   ?-skip nr_of_tokens? \
                   ?-insert tokens?
                   ?-prefix string? \
                   ?-defaultmethod subcommand? \

            methodname: name of an instcommand for the class 
                   to be registered,
            commandname: command that receives delegation
            -nomethod:   don't insert the callers method 
            -nocaller:   don't insert caller after method
            -inscope:    evalute method in obj scope
            -skip:       skip n arguments from the call. "-skip 1"
                         means that not the "method" from the invocation is
                         used as the method call, but the first argument
            -prefix:     prefix, to be added in front of 
                         called method (to avoid name clashes 
                         with "set", etc.)
            -insert:     tokens to be inserted after the caller

            -defaultmethod: when number of arguments is not sufficient 
                         to determine the called method, use the specified 
                         value to be used as method name (only useful when
                         -skip is used and the arguments run out)
                         (e.g. [$obj info] be mapped to COMMAND showInfoOptions)

2004-06-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added *.a to CLEANFILES in configure.in to rm stublibfile
          on a "make clean"
        * added subdir traversal for distclean

2004-06-13 jim@jam.sessionsnet.org
        * fixed make distclean target
          factored list of configure output files into macro made sure
          value of output files got through to make distclean target

        * changed namespace treatment in procs/instprocs
          in provious versions, methods were evaluated in the
          namespace where they are invoked. This has the problem that
          either the xotcl primitives (next,my,self) have to be
          prefixed in methods by ::xotcl::, or ::xotcl::* has to be
          imported globally. Now, the instprocs are evaluated in the
          namespace where they are defined.
        * computing default prefixes in insttclcmd/tcllcmd for 
          not fully qualified commands

2004-05-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * first version of instdelegatecommand

        * defined metaclass ::xotcl:.SelfApplicableClass to allow 
          for instprocs of this class to be applicable for itself
          (useful for delegation objects)

        * first version of ::xotcl::relations 
          (for relations between objects and classes and for

2004-05-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed path for installing files in Makefile.in 
          (many thanks to Jeffrey Hobbs)
        * fixed path searching in xotcl.m4

2004-05-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed compile problems under HPUX 
          (with the help of Attila Dona')
        * fixed some compiler warnings in tcl-expat showing up 
          (some are still missing)
          with -Wall -Wconversion -Wno-implicit-int

2004-04-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed duplicates from results from [obj info methods]
        * fixed GENERIC_HDRS in configure.in and Makefile.in
        * fixed documentation bugs for "info children" and 
          "info classchildren"
        * fixed an incorrect error message, when method called
          from a mixin was not found.

2004-04-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * alloc returns name of created object
        * On an "Object create ::o1 -noinit"  the noinit option
          deactivates the search for default values 
          (as used in the serializer)
        * TEA3 changes:
           - re-included xotclConfig.sh file in xotcl dependent 
           - fixed variable contents in xotclConfig.sh file
           - passing of include and spec file for gdbm

2004-04-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * start to move to TEA3
        * moved tcl scripts xotclsh and xowish into apps/utils
        * made minimal build independent from tclsh;
          new target libraries-pkgindex, fulldoc, doc removed 
          from default targets
        * at least for the time being, no static shells

2004-03-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added a flag --with-aolserver3 to configure and removed
          the checking of the current directory to determine whether
          or not to compile an AOLserver 3.* module. Thanks to Jim
          Lynch to suggestion it.

2004-03-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a potential crash in procSearch method (Thanks to  
          Artur Trzewik for the good error report)

2004-02-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * callMethod* calls DoDispatch instead of ObjDispatch
        * adding a callStackPush() for XOTclOEvalMethod() such that
          'o eval self' returns '::o'

2004-02-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added link to XOTcl wiki to xotcl homepage.

2004-02-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.2.0

2004-02-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a Tcl_Obj ref count free that was called too early.
        * fixed support for Visual CC debugger
        * fixed Win version info
2004-02-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a reference to a structure of a destroyed object

2004-02-16 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added self class and self proc context to GuardCall
        * removed guardedScope and info guardedlevel completely 
          from the code 
          -> use parameters instead (see tutorial)
        * rewritten the tutorial text for mixin/filter guards completely
        * added new files to Win makefile.vc
2004-02-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * experimental new command "self guardedlevel" as replacement 
          for getGuardedScope
        * added documentation for self callinglevel, self 
          activelevel and the methods upvar and uplevel
        * used a bold font for predefined Tcl and XOTcl words 
          in the HTML version of the tutorial

2004-02-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c more code cleanup:
          - some minor performance improvement
          - used the same idiom for iterating over a class 
            hierarchy consistently
          - simplified the usage of ComputeOrder() and let 
            the optimizer do more work

2003-02-04 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl: removed MixinRemoveFromMixinStack, 
          MixinRemoveFromCmdPtr, MixinRemoveOnObjFromCmdPtr,
          FilterRemoveFromCmdPtr, FilterRemoveOnObjFromCmdPtr ... and
          replaced with simple forward stepping in cmd list.
        * made the mem count work with multi, single-threaded interpreters
2003-02-03 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * testx: tests for CmdListReplaceCmd, MixinRemoveFromMixinStack,
          MixinRemoveFromCmdPtr, MixinRemoveOnObjFromCmdPtr, 
          XOTclOGetGuardedScopeMethod, XOTcl_InterpObjCmd, 
        * xotcl: removed XOTclAssertionRename, 
          simplified XOTcl_RenameObjCmd
        * corrected mistakes in tutorial code for filterguards.

2004-01-31 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * performed coverage analysis of regression test
        * changed unsuccessful branches into asserts
        * extended testx.xotcl for better coverage

2004-01-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Streamlined code; removed mixinChainOn from mixinStack and
          filterChainOn from filterStack and use callstack 
          frameTypes instead.
        * some performance improvements

2004-01-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * implemented uplevel method
          (uses [self callinglevel] when no level specified)
        * fixed a bug in next, when methods on the same object are called
          from within a mixin class and filters are defined
        * some performance improvements

2004-01-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added more test cases, 
        * upvar method fully functional 
        * simplified CallFrame management on XOTcl stack 
          (wish, CallFrame had ClientData !!!)
        * Reduced size of XOTclCallStackContent
        * modularized xotcl more (new file xotclShadow.c; all shadowing
          of Tcl commands and access of global tcl obj commands is
          treated there)
        * included a fix from Zoran for thread exit handlers.

2004-01-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * defined upvar method (uses [self callinglevel] when no level
        * simplified stringIncrement method and added a couple of

2004-01-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * allow volatile to be called from toplevel
        * decrementing refcount of global objects as needed 
          (some had a high increment)

2004-01-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * method 'new' now uses stringIncrement, which replaces the name
          generation based on numbers by a name generation based on
          strings.  The strings are constructed by small and capital
          letters plus digits and correspond to a number of a number
          system with the basis of 26+26+10=62. These strings can grow
          up to memory size.  XOTcl can run as a server practically
          infinitely long generating objects with 'new'.
        * new package xotcl::upvar-compat
          This package provides backward compatibility with earlier
          versions of xotcl that redefined upvar/uplevel such that
          these commands ignore inactive filter and mixin frames
          (upvar behaves the same whether or not a filter is
          installed). Newer scripts should use
              upvar/uplevel [self callinglevel] var/command
          instead. This package can be used via

              package require xotcl::upvar-compat

        * moved resetting of shadowed tcl commands after the deletion
          of object (as suggested by Zoran)

2004-01-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * all occurrences of uplevel/upvar equipped with 
          [self callinglevel] such that library works with standard
        * faster version of 'new' method (more than 20% faster, 
          using c-variable, faster long to ascii conversion)
        * objinst (of oo-bench) about 17% faster

2004-01-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * polished macros XOTcl_FrameDecls, XOTcl_PushFrame, 
          XOTcl_PopFrame (2 versions, slower version with less
          dependencies on tclInt.h)
        * removed mixinCalls and filterCalls from interpreter state.
        * removed unneeded macros

2004-01-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed bug on exit, when no threads are enabled 
          (different cleanup strategy in threads)
        * fixed crash on deleted Tcl_Cmd, when xotcl debugging output
          is turned on
        * some more code cleanup

2004-01-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed varFramePtr from xotcl callstack
        * removed unneeded variables from runtime state
        * resetting of csc->callsNext after a next call
        * added "methods" to info info

2004-01-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * cutting of callframes removed completely
        * 2 new subcommands for self:
          - self callinglevel: returns the tcl stack level to address
            the invocation of the actual method
          - self activelevel: returns the topmost active stack entry 
            from the xotcl stack
          Both commands return the absolute level number (syntax #n)
          if called from an xotcl method or 1 if called from a tcl
          proc. These subcommands are designed to be used in the form
          of "upvar [self callinglevel] a b"
        * Replaced C implementation of uplevel and upvar 
          (with callstack manipulation) by a simple Tcl proc that uses
          [self callinglevel] as default level (if is was not called
          with an explicit level).
        * Extended test suite
        * Changed all variables of type "Interp *" to "Tcl_Interp *"
          and defined macros Tcl_Interp_XXXX to access component XXXX
        * Changed all variables of type "CallFrame *" to 
          "Tcl_CallFrame *" and defined macros Tcl_CallFrame_XXXX to
          access component XXXX

2004-01-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * callstack manipulation reduced significantly
        * speedup on xoRDF.test about 7%
        * self callingobject/callingclass/.... refers always to
          last invocation (ignoring next-chain)
        * consequence: mixins and filters are transparent on the
        * possible extension "self previous ?n?" similar to "self next"
          to obtain information about next chain
        * possible extension "self level ?n?" similar to 
          "info level ?n?"  to obtain information about call stack

2004-01-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Changed all variables of type "Namespace *" to 
          "Tcl_Namespace *" and defined macros Tcl_Namespace_XXXX to
          access component XXXX
        * generalized invocation on callProcCheck and 
          handling of calldata in new function DoCallProcCheck
        * overall code cleanup
        * extended test suite with tclmd and insttclcmd

2004-01-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed loop on invocation of methods registered by 
          the tclcmd method
        * allowed to register fully qualified commands via
          tclcmd or insttclcmd
        * made insttclcmd to work from mixin or instmixclasses
        * renamed "next" method to "__next"
        * restored old behavior of defaultmethod

2003-12-31 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Changed all variables of type "Command *" to "Tcl_Command"
          and defined macros Tcl_Command_XXXX to access component XXXX
        * new predefined method self: [<object> self] returns fully
          qualified name of object
        * potential incompatibility:
          calling an object without name does not return fully
          qualified name, use "self" method (see above) instead.
          To keep backward compatibility, define
             Object instproc defaultmethod {} {return [my self]}
        * New method "<obj> next" can be used to invoke next 
          on the last recent invocation of a method on <obj>.
          <obj> must be on the callstack, otherwise an error message
          is generated
        * The new defaultmethod calls next on parent object to
          prohibit shadowing of methods through sub-objects
2003-12-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new functions: CallStackUseActiveFrames()/CallStackRestoreSavedFrames()
          to to avoid walking through and modifying the whole stack
          when locating an active frame to set variables (using in
          -volatile, instvar, info defaults) callstackcutframes still
          used in info level, uplevel, upvar, info callingproc,
          callingclass, callingobject

2003-12-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * update of various library functions (such as Httpd) to 
          use sub-objects as methods (avoids calls of [self]::objname)

2003-12-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: allow to call sub-objects as methods via "my"

2003-12-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added logdir as parameter for Place (HttpPlace)
        * fixed handling of content-length == 0 in Httpd.xotcl
          to avoid Problem with microsoft explorer's WebDav queries

2003-11-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.1.1

2003-12-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Removed dependency that certain variable references in 
          tclConfig.sh (such as
          TCL_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX='${VERSION}${DBGX}.so'); There was a
          problem on freebsd systems that use hardcoded "84" instead
          of version in this definition, which leads to a problem when
          the SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX is used with different VERSIONs (such
          as in XOTcl). We set now the suffixes as follows


          and pass it through xtoclConfig.sh to the c based
          c-components (sdbm, gdbm, expat)

2003-12-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Some cleanup in tclexpat.c to make it compile on freebsd
        * configure: made --with_gdbm configurable such that
          include path and library path can be configured
        * Httpd.xotcl: added simple redirects, can be used like e.g.
            Httpd h2 -port 9086 -root /tmp \
               -redirect {^(mailman|pipermail|cgi-bin) 

2003-12-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * incorporated more fixes for build system suggested by Daniel
        * changed version number to 1.1.1
        * further cleanup in Makefiles, reduced redundancy in 
          distro by using symbolic links
        * used everywhere for SHLIB_LD_LIBS XOTCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC 
          instead of XOTCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC

2003-12-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * httpd.xotcl: fixed return format in HTTP reply header 
          parameters Allow: and Public: for HTTP OPTIONS method
        * library/store/XOTclGdbm/: fixed initialization of 
          xotcl stubs, usage of ck{free,alloc} vs. {free,malloc}.
        * library/store/XOTclSdbm/: fixed handling of O_SYNC on
          system that do not have it
        * Configure can run now as well from outside of xotcl sources;
          One can use now for example the following commands to
          compile and install XOTcl
            % mkdir -p /tmp/xotcl/unix
            % cd /tmp/xotcl/unix
            % ~/xotcl-1.1.1/unix/configure --with-all
            % make
            % make test
            % make install DESTDIR=/tmp

2003-12-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * incorporated changes as suggested by Daniel Steffen
          - using consequently DESTDIR for all directory references
          - made procs in predefined.xotcl independent 
            from namespace import ::xotcl::*
          - make references relative to $(srcdir) in all Makefile.in

2003-12-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added "--with-tkinclude" 
        * fixed "--with-tclinclude" to set TCL_INCLUDES (for all

2003-11-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of distribution XOTcl 1.1.0

2003-11-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * moved tcl command hooks into thread local storage
          to fix a bug, when xotcl is loaded into a thread
        * fixed various documentation bugs, added style files for
          XOTcl tutorial, made presentation more uniform, made
          distinction between literals and placeholders visible
        * fixed a few issues with purify and mt (many thanks to Zoran!)
        * some Makefile improvements (removed the need to generate
          documentation on each run of make)
        * Fixed compilation issues of expat with tcl 8.3 or younger

2003-11-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed include path for actiweb components (sdbm and expat)
        * extended transparent mixins for upvar, uplevel
        * extended regression test

2003-11-27 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added new version of Klaus' securePlaceDemo, some minor 
          corrections for new XOTcl version
        * installed XOTcl library into lib directory under 
          windows instead of bin

2003-11-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed ::xotcl::lib from predefined variables and from man
        * added namespace require to xotclsh
        * added transparent mixins for instvar

2003-11-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: further generalization of call stack entry
          skipping; cutFrames can skip now over filters and/or mixins
        * "Class new -volatile" works now through filters and mixins
        * regression test updated
        * reduced size of xotcl distro
        * fixed various typos in language reference

2003-11-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: generalized cutting of call stack entries to
          skip either filters or mixins
        * "Class new -volatile" works now through mixins for create
        * added test to regression test (testx)
        * xotcl.c: some cleanup and speedup
        * updated aol-xotcl.tcl (for loading xotcl into aolserver 4.0)

2003-11-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * updated documentation:
          - added a section "Integrating XOTcl Programs with C Extensions
            (such as TK)" to the tutorial
          - updated tutorial, readme, compile, compile.win

2003-11-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: forced HTTP/1.1 requests over SSL
          to use HTTP/1.0 due to a problem between OpenSSL
          and certain incarnations of IE.
        * Documenting requireNamespace in more detail.

2003-11-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * various changes to support conditional shell building with
        * various changes to build libxotcl/xotclsh with tcl 8.0 
          (stub dependencies)
        * Httpd.xotcl: added parameter to web server to 
          configure timeout for persistent connections
        * eliminated a few compiler warnings from xotcl.c
2003-11-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed namespace import/forget in predefined.xotcl
        * Makefile cleanup (fixed duplicate dependencies, quoting in
        * added tests for xoRDF and Persistence, when actiweb is
        * building expat, when actiweb is enabled
        * removed needless files from xotcl-distribution.

2003-11-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed calling exit-handler twice for threads

2003-11-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: simplified handling of command substitutions;
          starts to work with Zoran's nstrace.tcl for AOLserver

2003-11-02 MichaelL@frogware.com 
        * XOTcl Stub lib configure files for C-based extensions.

2003-11-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * XOTcl intercepts a few commands (info, rename, uplevel and
          upvar) and assumed that these commands are defined in C.
          Command intercepting was fixed such that intercepting
          a proc info works as well; before xotcl produced a core.
            % rename ::info ::tcl::info
            % proc ::info args {uplevel ::tcl::info $args}
            % package req XOTcl

2003-10-31 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Substituted config/config.sub and config/config.guess 
          (many thanks to Zoran)
        * unix/Makefile.in fixed target install-aol

2003-10-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: new proc "__unknown" for Class; whenever
          XOTcl references a class, which is not defined yet,
          "Class __unknown" is called; this mechanism can be 
          used to autoload classes in a lightweight fashion
        * fixes in the built system to avoid two different
          "package ifneeded" (seems to cause troubles under 
           certain circumstances)
2003-10-20 MichaelL@frogware.com 
        * Fixed the return value of TclExpatUnknownEncodingHandler 
          in tclexpat.c. The return value of the handler is now
          correctly passed to expat.

2003-10-14 MichaelL@frogware.com 
        * Changed library names on Windows to make library names more
          similar across platforms. Changed xotcl.c and xotclStubLib.c
          to support XOTcl stubs. Changed Windows Makefile.vc's to
          build all libraries with XOTcl stubs by default. Changed
          Windows Makefile.vc's to specify base load addresses for all
          libraries. Fixed compiler warnings in winMain.c. Fixed
          compiler warnings in tclexpat.c.

2003-10-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * a number of changes to make XOTclSdbm and XOTclGdbm work
          with xotcl.h solely ... in particular, introduced new stub
          functions and Interface structs for XOTclClass and
          XOTclObject: XOTcl_Class and XOTcl_Object. Changed XOTcl's
          core to expose these in the extern functions that are
          exposed via xotcl.decls.

2003-09-10 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Integrated bug fixes provided by Klaus Kolowratnik 
          <Klaus.Kolowratnik@wu-wien.ac.at> for the secure http server.

2003-08-27 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * moved config.vc, installWin.tcl to win dir and corrected them
        * merged /makefile.vc and /win/makefile.vc; everything for win
          now works from the win dir 
        * adapted other makefile.vc's in distro
        * corrected stub table decls and auto generated table .h files
          that where incorrect due to recent changes in external API
          (XOTclRemoveClass, XOTclAddClass)
        * corrected README
        * added  pkgIndex file for win local dir
        * win version change to 1.1
        * corrected the wrong local TCLLIBPATH on unix from '$(TOP_DIR)' 
          to '$(TOP_DIR)/unix $(TOP_DIR)/library' to circumvent the win
          dir on the auto_path
        * added locale support to xotclAppInit

2003-08-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * went with spell checker over tutorial and
          fixed a hundred of typos
        * fixed install of shells
        * fixed optional built of xowish (TK_LIB_SPEC was not passed correctly)
        * removed obsolete check_library_path in predefined.xotcl
        * some fixes in ::xotcl::config mkindex for autoloadine files
2003-08-26 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * doc for precedence order and transitive instmixins in

2003-08-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Generate library/pkgIndex.tcl from configure 
          (contains version numbers)
        * Fixed script for changing version numbers in xotcl
        * Changed version of XOTcl to 1.1.0

2003-08-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Added support for transitive instmixins in xotcl.c, 
          added test for transitive instmixins
        * Various fixes for new build stuff on Windows

2003-08-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Fixed configure problem with autoconf coming with RH 9.0
        * Allow for the definition of parameters as objects.
          It is now possible to have parameters with properties
          (See tutorial, section "Objects as Parameter")
        * fixed various bugs in the documentation.
          MAKE TODO: make rpm, bin-tar, version-change, install-aol
2003-07-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Fixed potential crash with shared objects in configure
        * First version of object tree creation via parameter

2003-07-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * extended parameter handling code to support the creation 
          of parameter objects
        * fixed a few documentation bugs

2003-07-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: if object is called without method and 
          arguments, xotcl calls now a method named 'defaultmethod'; 
          the default behavior (defined as an instproc on 
          Object) is that the name of the object is returned. 
            Object o
            puts <[o]>   ;# outputs <::o>
            puts <[o defaultmethod]>   ;# outputs <::o>

2003-06-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added --with-xotclsh and --with-xowish to create
          shell optionally

2003-05-28 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added "info mixinguard" and "info instmixinguard"
        * changed GuardList behavior to tolerate qualified names
        * added tests for 'info instmixinguard' and 'info mixinguard'
        * made -withGuard and -order work together for "info filter"
          on objects.
        * checked that guard is deleted, when redefined 
          with FilterAdd/MixinAdd
        * add -guard modifier into filter, mixin definitions and infos
        * updated tests

2003-05-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed toplevel configure and Makefile for better 
          TEA compliance
          (configure should be called from xotcl*/unix)
        * added --with-actiweb to configure; 
          (use --with-actiweb=yes to enable it)
        * standarized tests (using the same Test classes)

2003-05-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed binary shells and XOTcl's context depending
          auto_path setting; consequences:
           - in order to invoke xotcl before installation, use
                export TCLLIBPATH=`pwd`
             in XOTcl's build directory
           - instead of using the environment variable XOTCL
             (as described in this Changelog on 2001-01-08,
             use TCLLIBPATH
        * Two small tcl scripts "xotclsh" and "xowish" are provided
          for backward compatibility with xotclsh applications
        * For interactive use, adding 
               package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::*
          into your ~/.tclshrc is recommended
        * Various changes and simplifications in configure and Makefiles
        * XOTclGdbm: fixed it such it works with enable-threads without
          crashing immediately

2003-05-12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed various bugs in new code and added tests for 
          redefinition and removal of filterguards
        * added tests for 'instmixinguard' and 'mixinguard'

2003-05-11 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * added new methods 'instmixinguard' and 'mixinguard'

2003-05-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed the filter, mixin, and guard code to provide a new
          composition strategy for (filter- and mixin-)guards, in
          case a guard is defined more than once for the same filter
          or mixin... now only the most specific guard counts, all
          others are overridden by this guard. Example:
                Class B -superclass A
                A instfilter {{f2 {[self] == "::b2"}}}
                B instfilter {{f2 {[self calledproc] == "set"}}}
          Here: for an instance of B only the guard on B counts.
        * updated the tests accordingly
        * performance improvement:
          removed ::xotcl::Object from mixin full list computation
        * added new tests for mixinguards to testx.xotcl        
2003-05-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: Changed mixinlist creation from quadratic to linear
          (both, in XOTclAddClass and CmdListAdd)

2003-04-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: cleanup to avoid potential crashes on error messages
          (varargs not terminated by NULL)
        * introspection for mixin guards (o|cl info instmixin|mixin
        * new option for info methods to return only those methods where
          the guard holds in the current context (info methods

2003-04-25 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed various typos in examples in tutorial
        * first implementation of guarded mixins

2003-04-24 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * document "info instdefault" in the language reference
        * corrected a problem with move: it did not prevail the 
          subclass relationships; also added a regression test

2003-04-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: calling the "create" method from 
          the "new" method through the dispatcher (previous version
          used a direct call, now create can be overloaded)

2003-04-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Unified ListObjChildren and ListClassChildren into one 
          method ListListChildren
2003-04-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed segfault from classchildren
          (many thanks to Michael Cleverly for pointing this out)

2003-04-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: Fixed passing of error codes from constructors 
          (instproc init). In previous releases, errors were
        * xotcl.c: Passing correctly error messages from "set" to the
          XOTcl set method.

2003-03-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of full distribution XOTcl 1.0.2

2003-03-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of full distribution XOTcl 1.0.2

2003-03-19 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed  requireNamespace so that contents of a 
          Tcl Namespace with the same name as the XOTcl Namespace to
          be created survive the requireNamespace invocation & added
          tests in testx.xotcl.  Example:
            namespace eval a {proc o args {puts o}}
            Object a -requireNamespace
            ### -> a::o survives
        * some minor issues to everything work with tcl/tk 8.4.2

2003-03-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
        * some more code cleanup (do not abort when my is called outside
          the scope of an object)
        * Makefile less verbose

2003-03-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Made output of the serializer more compact 
          (omitting unnecessary references to ::xotcl::Object

2003-03-07 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Copy/Move to self had undefined or wrong results; corrected 
          both methods so that the objects stay untouched when copied
          or moved to self. Added test in testx.xotcl.

2003-03-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>, Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
        * Made xotcl capable to be loaded via "package require" into
        * To build and install XOTcl for the aolserver-4
          the following commands can be used

          # cd /usr/homes/zv/tmp/xotcl-1.0.2
          # CC=gcc;export CC
          ./configure --enable-threads --prefix=/var/tmp/aolserver \
              --enable-symbols --without-tk --without-gdbm \
          # make
          # make install-aol

          This installs libxotcl*.so, the serializer, and the file
          xotcl.tcl into aolserver/modules/tcl. The file xotcl.tcl
          contains a "package require XOTcl" and "... serializer" and
          sources the files aolserver/modules/tcl/*.xotcl

2003-03-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: abort, when a non-threaded xotcl version
          is loaded into a threaded environment (e.g. aol-server)

2003-02-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed a bug the lead to a crash in "self x"

2003-02-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes to compile xotcl as a module for aolserver-4 

2003-02-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * made -volatile a method rather than an option of the 
          new method

2003-01-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * aol-server adjustments (fix the documentation
          for new directory structure, update serializer code, testing)
        * provided simple replacements for xotclsh and xowish scripts
          in the unix subdir for testing purposes (not yet installed)

2003-01-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new directory structure with no version information
        * removed pwd from make.xotcl
        * new method "ismixin": Test whether the argument is a 
          mixin or instmixin of the object.
        * new method "hasclass": Test whether the argument is either 
          a mixin or instmixin of the object or 
          if it is on the  class hierarchy of the object.
          This method combines the functionalities of 
          istype and ismixin.
        * documented and tested new methods.
2003-01-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Changed calls in the form of "[self] method" to "my method"
          in 59 files in the xotcl distribution
        * changed Serializer to use [list] in configure where necessary

2003-01-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * configure methods can be placed into a list to avoid
          ambiguity of "-". This character is used as a meta-char to
          denote method names, but it has to be used in values as well.
             Class Book -parameter {title author}
             Book b1 -title "--the title--" -author a.b.c
          has to be written as 
             Book b1 [list -title "--the title--"] -author a.b.c
          Note, that XOTcl allows us to provide multiple arguments
          to methods called via configure

2003-01-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * configure returns now the number of preceding elements
          without a "-" in its first place. This is needed
          for convenient processing of argument lists with trailing
          options from tcl. 
        * avoid processing configure list twice in c code.

2002-12-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * some cleanup in c-code (to make -Wall slient)
        * fixed a bug in the "all" method of the Serializer, changed
          package name to "xotcl::serializer"

2002-12-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed deprecated methods "parameters", "applymethods",
          "newChild", "newChildOf"

2002-12-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * release of full distribution XoTcl 1.0.1

2002-12-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: some cleanup
        * aol-server: improved namespace.tcl (using Serializer) 

2002-12-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * New Serialzer: 
            - up to 30% faster recreation of objects
            - more control of objects or variables to be omitted
            - provide mappings for (relative) object names
          In general, the Serializer 
            - is used to generate the blueprint of a workspace 
              (e.g. in the aolserver)
            - can be used migate objects between threads
            - to cache objects in the aol-server
          For details, see doc.

2002-12-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: new predefined method 'noinit'
          can be used to create an object without calling its
          constructor (used in the serializer to recreate objects
          from a snapshot)

2002-12-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * installWin.tcl: correction for patchlevel
        * changed version to 1.0.1

2002-12-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c fixed a bug in "info default arg var" and 
          "info instdefault arg var" in connection with filters.
          The output variable was created in the filter frame.
          Many thanks to Oumung Mehrotra for reporting the problem.
        * New switch for compilation USE_ASSOC_DATA to use Tcl_AssocData
          instead of namespace client data for the runtime state
          (without assoc data, 10-15% faster)

2002-12-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * changed recreate semantics: recreate now calls the cleanup
          method; so that one can preserve object information in the
          recreate, call next (and do the cleanup), and finally handle
          the correction for recreation.
        * tutorial: added example of structure preserving recreate and
          updated langRef.xotcl accordingly

2002-11-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes in documentation
        * automatic generation of pdf files and make target
          for the tutorial and the language reference 

2002-11-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes for configure for aolserver 3.5.*

2002-11-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * correct check for XOTcl lib on auto_path in predefined.xotcl;
          it was checked for xotcl$VERSION, should be xotcl$VERSION

2002-11-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2002-11-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * Win makefile.vc: let nmake install call the install script 
        * removed "class" hook from recreate ... 
        * updateding AOL-server patch and README
        * finshing rpm and bin-tar generation
        * release of full distribution XoTcl 1.0

2002-11-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * let the Unix Makefile also (try to) cleanup Win->Release dirs

2002-10-30 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes for tcl 8.0.5

2002-10-28 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * used a proc for exit handler (instead of Object variable),
          old interface for exitHandler does still work
        * eliminated a mem leak in FilterFindReg as indicated by

2002-10-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed problem with external symbol for 
          cmdType and reactivated KEEP_TCL_CMD_TYPE for all 
          tcl versions

2002-10-25 Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
        * xotcl.c: fixed memory leak for new method.

2002-10-23 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
              * Object instproc extractConfigureArg: get one configure argument
          (and possibly cut it) from a given args list. Especially used in 
          create before init is called with next to get args 
          before the object is actually created (& documentation).

2002-10-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * used Tcl's Assoc structures for runtime state

2002-10-21 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * corrected "abstract" next handling in predefined.xotcl

2002-09-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: prevent duplicate destroy calls during cleanup
        * xotcl.c: error in exit handler does not panic anymore, but
          writes to stderr (panic can't be used when exit handler
          is called by a thread)
        * Serializer.xotcl: {Serializer all] return exit handler
          as well.

2002-09-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Trace.xotcl: fixed typos in documentation code, changes 
          for "my".
2002-08-29 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * corrected findXOTcl.c: it got confused by an toplevel
          XOTcl dir, like: ~/xotcl-1.0/x/xotcl-full-1.0 and didn't find 
          the libs then. 

2002-08-27 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * disabled KEEP_TCL_CMD_TYPE for 8.4, as it did not compile for 8.4b1

2002-08-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: order directories before files in directory

2002-07-18 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: fix for handling broken links

2002-07-12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Win fixes for compilation with Tcl 8.4b1
        * fixed mem leak of filter search

2002-07-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes for compilation with Tcl 8.4b1 

2002-07-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Fixed a compilation bug concerning Tcl 8.2 and younger

2002-05-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed destroy bug, when object was destroyed 
          during init
        * xotcl.c: minor cleanup

2002-05-16 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: searching filter start commands again, if order is
          invalidated. Otherwise filter commands of de-registered mixins
          persist to be a filter. If no other filter or instfilter with
          the name is found, the filter entry is removed from the filter
2002-05-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * COMPILE: an explicit sentence in the beginning that you need
          Tcl/Tk sources to compile XOTcl.
        * xotcl.c: FilterSearch has only search for object-specific
          filters in the object's current order ... that was a bug. It
          has to search for filters on mixins and instmixins as they are
          specified by filter and instfilter. fixed.
        * xotcl.c: Filter application order was: object filters -> mixin
          filters -> class filters. Corrected to mixin filters -> object
          filters -> class filters. Now it conforms to the order on
          normal dispatches.
        * xotcl.c: changed fatal abort to error, when self is called
          without an active object

2002-05-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed UTF-8 conversion for filenames
2002-04-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: minor cleanup (removed superfluous instvars)
        * xotcl.c: removed incr/decr refcount on cl-names in DoDispatch

2002-04-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a bug in path settings:
          when xotclsh was called from an xotcl source directory where
          no libxotcl*.so was located (e.g. before a compile) an error
          was produced during load; xotclsh checks now whether it can
          locate the .so file before setting the path.

2002-04-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a bug in filter code (recursion blocking)

2002-04-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Http client code: fixed several small bugs:
          - url composition
          - error handling 
          - redirects to different ports

2002-04-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
2002-04-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * finshing rpm and bin-tar generation
        * patch release of full distribution (0.9.4)

2002-04-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a bug in copy/move (the constructor was called during
          copying without instvars etc.; now the construcor is not
          called here) Many thanks for Artur Trzewik for noting this.

2002-04-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * fixed .add files for Windows

2002-04-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed persistence dir in actiweb regression test to achieve
          same behavior on each run of the test
        * Storage.xotcl: fixed a bug when new persistence directories are
        * fixed a small memory leak in autonames

2002-04-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * defined the following policies for excplicit freeing in the 
          exit handler:

            NO_CLEANUP    for processes, the physical free in the exit handler
                          is not needed

            CLEANUP       for threads, just the xotcl classes/objects with
                          its instvars are reclaimed, annother
                          mechanism should take care of the global 
                          procs and vars (automatically choosen, when
                          compiled with TCL_THREADS)

            FULL_CLEANUP  for testing purposes, to check, whether xotcl
                          has memory leaks; all global procs and vars
                          are deleted as well.

2002-04-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a bug with duplicated tcl_objs of XOTclObjectType 
          that could cause double frees.

2002-04-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Less agressive converison to tcl_objs of XOTclObjectType.
          It will try to keep objects of type tclCmdType when
          KEEP_TCL_CMD_TYPE is activated during compilation (default).

2002-03-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * horrible bug fixed, when USE_ALLOCA or USE_MALLOC
          was defined (macro substitution lead to wrong arithmetic).
          These macros were defined for c-compilers that do not
          support variable sized arrays as local variables. Gcc
          were always fine, but e.g. under the standard AIX compiler
          array boundaries were overwritten... I wonder, why we have
          seen no bug reports, this bug was in since ages....

2002-03-27 Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
        * more code for volatile objects moved to C

2002-03-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Fixed a few more places, where recounted xotcl-objects 
          can cause troubles (mem-leaks + invalid pointers)

2002-03-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * auto-deletion of global vars and proc to 
          get rid of references to xotcl-objects for deletion

2002-03-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * added reference counts for xotcl objects to
          avoid crashes for recreated objects (thanks for 
          Artur Trzewik for sending a good bug report)

2002-03-11 Zoran Vasiljevic <zoran@archiware.com>
        * xotcl.c: fixed XOTclReplaceCommand for AOL-Server 
          (multi threading bug)

2002-03-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: fixed relative pathname-bug for basic authentification

2002-03-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * marked newChild as deprecated (use new -childof)

2002-03-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Changed name of selfdispatch to "my"

2002-03-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: allow encoded characters in path and resource names
        * Httpd.xotcl: use dictionary oder for directory listings
        * Mime.xotcl: added some more default mime times

2002-02-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: added functionality to provide directory listings
        * Httpd.xotcl: create specified root directory if it does not

2002-02-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Makefile.in: fixed a bug in make install 
          ("package require package" did not work)

2002-02-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * HttpPlace: added Pragma no-cache for dynamic contents
        * overworked persistence manager to separate storage
          specific concerns (like directory checking) from generic ones
        * new storage manager multi-storage to multiplex storage
          requests to multiple sinks.

2002-01-10 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * removed duplicated system library in library/system. The correct
          one is in xotcl-XXX/library!!

2002-01-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed path determination code during
          startup to avoid "cant read 'pf'" messages

2002-01-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * introduced bcc (copy) database option for persistent databases and
          configuration option for db file names and  dirs in actiweb
        * xotcl.c: found and fixed a small bug in unknown:
            Object o; o r
          with no unknown defined has looped (not for class -> unknown).
          corrected it and added it to testx.xotcl
2002-01-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * further improvement of bytecode compilation
        * new bytecode instruction SELFDISPATCH
        * methcall benchmar now more than 40% faster than in 0.9.3
        * some cleanup in xotcl dispatch code
        * fixing external references for symbols not starting with xotcl

2002-01-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new xotcl byte codes for XOTcl primitives next, self, 
          and initProcNS. Speedup for the oo-shootout
           + methcall 30%
           + objinst 9%
          some tests are now twice as fast than before, self is
          now 10 times faster (about 1 microsecond on a 600 MHz PIII)

2001-12-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed changeXOTclVersion, made more generic
        * fixed Agent migration, made all migrations synchronous
          (for the time being)

2001-12-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
2001-12-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * finshing rpm and bin-tar generation
        * patch release of full distribution (0.9.3)

2001-12-10 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * removed two "! test" so that configures work with sh on Solaris
        * added make bin-tar target
        * removed all compiler warnings on windows

2001-12-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * revived configure-code for aolserver, added patchlevel 
          to log message, updated aolserver README file
        * renamed directory "script-creation" to "serialize"
        * deactivated create of unneeded installed dirs 
          (xotclexpat, xotclgdbm, xotclsdbm)

2001-12-07 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * documented recent changes in XOTcl for release

2001-12-05 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed call to unknown in copy method

2001-12-01 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: xotcl::interp rewritten
2001-11/12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * changed xotcl support a (more or less) TEA compliant 
          build process, use Tcl stub lib, and make shells
          only shallow wrappers that load the XOTcl package
          on demand

2001-10-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed code for calling variable command

2001-10-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixed bug for empty superclass list
        * fixed stub-install under 8.0.5

2001-10-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2001-10-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * patch release of source distribution (0.9.1)

2001-10-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * reimplemented method 'new' of Class in C
        * various cleanups for stub handling
        * added regression test for stub library

2001-10-18 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * removed linking glitch in 0.9: stub enabled lib was linked 
          with non-stub enabled obj-files.
        * added a stub enabled lib to Windows make procedure
        * renamed stub enabled lib to (lib)xotcl-tclstubs.(so|dll) 

2001-10-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * removed "can't instvar to link" problem during aliasing
          to a link var

2001-10-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2001-05-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * XOTcl 0.9 Release
2001-10-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new method of Object: parametercmd:
          a convenient way to define a new getter/setter for 
          individual objects (similar to parameters for classes)
        * polishing docu

2001-10-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * improved make clean
        * fixed incompatibilities in various
          scripts distributed with xotcl

2001-10-11 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * configure.in: fixed that --without-tk functions
          ensured that user-defines with --with-tcl/tk
          override found settings.
        * xotcl.c:
          - conditional for different TclIncrVar2 interfaces
            in Tcl 8.05 and Tcl 8.3
          - added TCL_PARSE_PART1 to variable lookup in 
            GetInstVarIntoCurrentScope. TclLookupVar in 8.05
            requires it for looking up arrays with only part1
2001-10-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed autoname method for Tcl 8.0.5

2001-10-10 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * finished polishing mem leaks (thanks to Zoran Vasiljevic again)
        * disallowed "[self] next" ... next is now only a command
        * Gdbm,Sdbm,Expat: corrected Makefile.in to rely on 
          -L$(TCLLIBDIR) (thanks to J�rg Rudnik for the hint)

2001-10-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * configure.in: fixes for AOLSERVER to ease configuration
        * aolstub.c: fixes for namespace handling (XOTcl is
          now a "well behaved" Tcl extension)
2001-10-05 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * added PRESERVE and RELEASE functions for Tcl_Objs so that
          we remember all Tcl_Objs that are temporarily allocated,
          otherwise the ExitHandler would not free Tcl_Objs, like:
          callaMethodContainingExit(); /* "exit" call */
          DECR_REF_COUNT(tclobj); /* not reached */
        * corrected filtersearch and procsearch to return the new
          proc qualifier format:
            <objName|classname> proc|instproc <methodName>
          as a Tcl list. filtersearch does now operate on objs as well,
          procsearch does support mixins now. Added tests for both.
        * documented new features in tutorial and langRef
2001-10-04 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * minor fixes to get WIN version to run again
2001-10-03 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * removed some more mem leaks,
        * reworked exit handler to destroy metaclasses and operate on a
          instance list, instead of namespace cmdTable
        * pop remaining callstack entries in ExitHandler to prevent
          from false deletion order, if "exit" is called from within a
        * changed XOTclErrInProc not to rely on obj/class Tcl_Obj*
           so that we do not have to preserve them in DoDispatch 
          (mem problem)

2001-10-02 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * added a optional simple mem counter functionality. DEFINE
          XOTCL_MEM_COUNT so that you get a mem count dump after exit.
        * removed some mem leaks
2001-10-01 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * new info option "info methods" ... returns all methods (procs
          and cmds) defined along the hierarchy for an object.
          accepts modifiers: -noprocs, -nocmds, -nomixins

2001-09-30 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * don't allow duplicates in filter/mixin structures (e.g. info
          filter has returned "b c b", now the filter appears only
          once. Filterguards are merged into one guard.
        * new modifier "-order" for info filter and info mixin -> 
          returns order on a particular object, for filters with
          syntax "<obj/cl> proc/instproc <procName>" for mixins just a
          class list

2001-09-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * cleanup, removed a few bugs
        * new instproc for Class: insttclcmd <name>
          creates an instmethod with the given name 
          that calls the Tcl command with the given name in the
          variable environment of the object
        * renamed instproc of Class parameteradd to: instparametercmd
        * xotcl.c: more complete set of tracing options for debugging
        * some speedups: 
           - instcommand array, append, lappend trace
             are now more than 3 times faster than before 
             (through insttclcmd)
           - condition checking (for pre and post conditions and guards)
             is as well more than 3 times faster than before
        * configure.in: made -Wall conditional for gcc

2001-09-25 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * merge with <Gustaf's version

2001-09-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: new XOTclObject member "flags", which
          is a bitmap for various object states
          (isClass, isDestroyed, etc.). Defined several
          according macros XOTclObjectIsClass(obj),
          XOTclObjectToClass(obj), etc.
        * revitalized Tcl_Obj of type XOTclObj to speedup
          access of Objects and classes by using
          (speedup of create by 15%, a few simple commands
           are now more than twice as fast (Object isclass))

2001-09-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - made objectData structure optional and moved 
          functions into file xotclObjectData.c
          use XOTCL_OBJECTDATA to compile it in
        - moved obj & cl clientDatas into optional memory, new extern
          getter/setter functions:  XOTclSetObjClientData,
          XOTclGetObjClientData, XOTclSetClassClientData,
          XOTclGetClassClientData. Used them in persistence store 
          wrappers xotclSdbm.c & xotclGdbm.c
        * testx.xotcl:
        - Added some obj filter tests

2001-09-19 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: 
        - added "opt" structures to XOTclObject and XOTclClass so that
          optional info (filters, mixins, asssertion,...) is only
          allocated on demand
        - corrected bug ... search for epoched filter cmd in 
          FilterRemoveOnObjFromCmdPtr also in mixins
        - added flags to XOTclObject instead of filterDefined,
          mixinDefined, and destroyCalled shorts

2001-09-18 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: removed object reference code ... I guess we won't do
          references this way

2001-09-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: added new instcommand "vwait" on object that mirrors
        the behavior of Tcl's vwait, but does not operate on flag
        TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY. The new xotcl obj var tables do not operate with
        that. E.g.:
        Object instproc vwait {varName} {
          [self] instvar $varName
          ::vwait [list $varName]
        would wait for a global variable varName ... though:
        Object instproc vwait {varName} {
          [self] requireNamespace
          ::vwait [self]::[list $varName]
        should work ...
        * xotcl.c: info classparent now returns object name of class, not
        * xotcl.c: new method "objeval" on Object. It executes an command
        in the scope of an object. This is an important convenience
        method because something like:
        Object instproc lappend {varName args} {
          [self] instvar varName
          eval ::lappend [list $varName] $args
        is problematic if the object has a namespace and varName is an
        array element ... then Tcl does want to upvar it (was also
        present in all earlier xotcl versions ... we have used an
        instvar alias then). Now we can do:

        Object instproc lappend {varName args} {
          [self] objeval [concat ::lappend [list $varName] $args]
        This is easier an faster than using an alias ...
2001-09-16 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * predefined.xotcl:
        - new method "trace" on Object ... simple forwarder to tcl's trace
        - eliminated "cset" on Object and from the distribution, seems to
          be nearly unused
        * whole distr:
        - replaced direct namespace variable accesses with [self] or
        instvar accesses. Here's what I did:
        (a) grep for <[self]::>
        (b) grep for <info exists> plus <::> together in one line
        (c) grep for <}::> to get e.g. ${a}::b
        that should find most occurrences of variable namespace access,
        except for direct accesses like: set y::x, where y is an object
        name and c a variable to be set. 

2001-09-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - Namespaces of objects are now created only on demand, 
          that is when:
          - obj proc is created
          - obj command is created with XOTclAddPMethod
          - child is created on the object
          Note that this is a prominent change. Especially it saves a
          significant amount of memory allocation per object. But you
          cannot assume the existence of object namespaces anymore.
           That means:
            Object o
            set o::var 1
          returns TCL_ERROR: parent namespace does not exist. Use 
            o set var 1
          instead. Same appears for append, lappend, trace, array and
          other Tcl variable handling commands.
          "info exists" is problematic because it does not return an 
          error message:
            Object o
             o set i 1
            info exists o::i
          returns 0.
        It is save to use all Tcl command together with instvar. 
        - new method "requireNamespace" on Object. Creates an object
        namespace explicitly.
        - new info option "hasNamespace" on Object: returns 1, if the obj
        currently has a namespace, otherwise: 0.
        - eliminated "returnCode" on RUNTIME_STATE due to several bugs, 
        why was it there??? 

2001-09-14 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - Changed XOTclCInfoMethod to be based on two switch statement        
          instead of ifs. Let List* functions return the state (such 
          as TCL_OK).  
        - introduced code for modifiers in info methods. Modifiers are
          "-" options that change the behavior of an info method
        - introduced -guard modifier for filter and instfilter (it 
          prints a filter list with guards)

2001-09-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - eliminated some flaws in filterguards
        - forbid "new" filtering during checking a filterguard

2001-09-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - also allowed instfilters on a mixin class of an object
2001-09-03 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c:
        - bug corrected: filter correctly removed from all dependent
          classes when filter proc is deleted or superclass is changed
        - bug corrected: added cmdEpoch check on computation of full
          filter/mixin lists

2001-09-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * various cleanup and fixes due to new features

2001-09-03 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * testx.xotcl:
        - filterguard tests
        * xotcl.c:
        - bug corrected: filter order invalidation upon new proc/instproc
           ... for filter inheritance

2001-08-25 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: 
          - new filter guards language construct for constraining filter
          - introduced generic Tcl_obj* list instead of
2001-08-24 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: 
        - CallStackGetFrame: iterate only over INACTIVE filters (was a bug)
        - self filter & mixin infos: determine info position from
          callstack with CallStackGetFrame, so that uplevel functions with
          [self calling*,called*]
        - NextMethod: passed XOTCL_UNKNOWN through at end of mixin/filter 
          chain, if no method was found.
        * testx: added tests for these corrections.

2001-08-23 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c and tests: added initProcNS command executed at
          beginning of all XOTcl procs/instprocs ... it prevents from
          jumping to the object's namespace, when a proc is opened.
            namespace eval html {
              Object o
              o proc t {} {puts ns=[namespace current];li}
              o t
          results in:

          Now inside of a namespace, like ::Object, you can call global
          methods, like ::set without preceding "::" ...
        => Incompatibility to former versions: direct XOTcl proc
        calls, like:
             Object rp
            rp proc time {cmd time} {...}
            rp proc x {
              time "set x 3" t
          are invalid ... you have to write:
            rp proc x {
              [self] time "set x 3" t

2001-08-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c and all tests: moved Object, Class, and @ into ::xotcl
          namespace, now 
            namespace import -force xotcl::*
          has to be written at the beginning of each script to have 
          them in the global namespace.
        - info options now return ::xotcl::Object, ::xotcl::Class, and 
        - direct sets and unsets of variable are not possible anymore:
           "Object set a 5" functions, but not "set Object::a 5",
          but "set xotcl::Object::a 5" is ok

2001-08-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c and all tests: moved xotcl classes from ::XOTclClasses
          to ::xotcl::classes

2001-08-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * Actiweb -> made it run with new filter code ... what you have to 
        change on your existing code to make it run:
        1. change all invocations of "filter" to "instfilter"
         2. same for "info filter" to "info instfilter"
        3. same for "filterappend" to "instfilterappend"
        4. for all filters on metaclasses: you must not provide the
           metaclass name anymore, the filter finds it 
           automatically, say, if you have a metaclass C and a 
           filter f, you had to write:
             A filter C::f
            now this is
             A instfilter f
        5. replace regclass with [lindex [self filterreg] 0] ... 
           may be changed again
2001-08-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: integrated complete rewrite of filter code with
        per-object filters

2001-08-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * patch release of source distribution (0.85.3)
        * following naming conventions of Tcl for minor changes

2001-08-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c. predefined.xotcl: fast parameter inst-commands
        * xotcl.c: new instcommand for Object: parameteradd
                   (to register the instcommand for parameters)
        * xotcl.c: applymethods renamed to configure
        * xotcl.c: small speedup for assertion checking
        * xotcl.c: simplified set methods

2001-08-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixes for actiweb (agent migration was broken)
        * comm/Access.xotcl: a response to an HTTP-PUTS request should
          not contain a body. If it does, Httpd complains shortly
          and accepts it.
        * mos/Agent.xotcl: fixed obsolete code (callcoder)
        * mos/AgentManagement.xotcl: fixed broken RDF-interface

2001-08-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c reduced size of XOTclObject structure from 
          172 bytes to 68 bytes by allocating assertion
          structures on demand and by deactivating per
          default the old metadata structures

2001-08-02 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * integrating AOL-server-changes from Zoran, solution for 
            threads, stublib and older tcl-versions
        * improved stubs support
        * generating a stub library src/libxotclstub.so
        * AOL_DEFINES in Makefile (automatically activated 
          when xotcl is compiled within the source tree 
          of aolserver
        * configure.in: using exec_prefix for platform dependent files
        * new target: make libs (for AOL-server)

2001-07-23 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * improved parameter support (see apps/scripts/parameter.xotcl)
        * custom setter/getter methods
        * xotcl.h: make it usable from C++

2001-07-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * TextFileStorage: bug in opening files with 
          TextFileStorage eliminated 
        * MemStorage: fix for Mem Storage to support lazy 
          persistence (mem store persists object destroy)
        * Persistence.test: new test LotsOfObjects

2001-07-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * patch release of source distribution (0.85-p2)

2001-07-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: first draft of new implementation of parameter
          see apps/scripts/parameter.xotcl for a list of features

2001-07-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fix for propagating special return codes through
           next calls (e.g. ... return -code continue).
          This is needed for Tk integration; 
          thanks to catherine letondal@pasteur.fr for 
          pointing out the problem
        * Mime.xotcl: handling yet another file format for ~/.mime.types

2001-06-21 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * fix for tclexpat in Tcl 8.2 versions

2001-06-21 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: more fixes for bug in copy/move for object 
          names with spaces
        * predefined.h: fixes for xotcl methods for spaces in object 
          names (eval)

2001-06-20 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fixes for bug in copy/move for object names 
          with spaces
        * xotcl.c: reporting error codes when copy move does not work

2001-06-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * AIX compatibility fixes (thanks to Adrian Wallaschek)
        * improved portability
        * easier export from bk
        * Httpd.xotcl: added -ipaddr option to configure 
          IP-address of server

2001-06-12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: fixed reference counting for volatile objects

2001-05-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * patch release of source distribution (0.85p1)

2001-05-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new predefined method: newChildOf

2001-05-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * HttpPlace.xotcl: added call to replyCode in front 
          of replyErrorMsg
        * Httpd.xotcl: made httpd more robust in error cases 
          (invalid first line)
        * ignore attic in tar
        * xotclgdbm.c: faster exists test
        * lib/xml/TclExpat-1.1/Makefile.in: better make clean

2001-05-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2001-05-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * XOTcl 0.85 Release

2001-05-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: parameter defaults for (per-class) mixins are 
          evaluated upon creation
        * tutorial: documented how to evaluate parameter defaults for
          obj/class mixins
        * win-files: adapted to new src directory tree

2001-05-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: fix for colon checking to determine parent namespace
        * xotcl.c: Object and Class create returns absolute name (with leading ::)
2001-05-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: fix for checking in parent namespace

2001-05-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * doc update (formatting, info instproc, ismetaclass and isclass)
        * xotcl.c: argument for ismetaclass and isclass is now optional
        * xotcl.c: checking for namespace parent in object creation to avoid crash
        * Httpd.xotcl: fix for ie 5.5 under win98, 
           POST has not always contentlength set

2001-04-14 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: don't call unknown for dash-commands on class
          objects to avoid errors like "Class C -superClass Object"
          that lead to object creation in earlier versions
        * first version of xoman
        * Httpd.xotcl: new method replyErrorMsg; replyCode
          does not produce HTML messages by itself

2001-04-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Access.xotcl: added :: in front of global objects, more robust
        * using namespace for soap, implifying interface

2001-04-03 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl::comm::httpd: added error code 500 {Server Error},
          errorReply hook in replyCode added to be able to prevent HTML
           error response.
2001-04-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl::comm::httpAccess: user-agent string more generic

2001-03-27 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: added inheritance feature for instinvars
        * xotcl.c: standard cleanup now destroy aggregated children
        * testx.xotcl: tests for both new features in xotcl.c

2001-03-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * version number in xotcl references to allow multiple
          xotcl-versions to coexist
        * various changes to accommodate bitkeeper
        * package.xotcl: fixes for argument passing 
          (thanks to Artur Trzewik)
        * Httpd.xotcl: better error messages containing referer for 
          files which are not found on the server.

2001-03-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: "cleanup" does not receive args anymore
        * xoXML.xotcl: used [self class] for parser autoname

2001-03-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed dependencies form wafecompat
        * Sccs support added to makefiles
        * documentation for mixins updated
        * decode POST moved before "respond" to ease overloading

2001-03-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2001-03-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * release of Version 0.84

2001-03-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * removed "exec date" from tests to ensure win compatibility
        * fixed regression tests under win: don't use dependencies on 
          time-zones, fixed ordering problems and HTML bugs

2001-03-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed a few bugs in xodoc
        * documentation for apps/utils/*
        * package name xotcl::store::storage changed to xotcl::store
        * PCache uses new Storage interface
        * new predefined object ::xotcl::rcs to extract
          info from RCS strings (methods date and version)

2001-03-07 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: Mutex patch for exit handlers in MT apps by 
          Zoran Vasiljevic
        * xotcl.c: self next implemented  ... enables callstack
          information for the "next" method
        * Persistent.test: bench test reduced to 272
        * tutorial/langref: documented new functionalities
2001-03-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * htmllib.xotcl: integrated new version with HtmlBuilder; 
          thanks to Antti Salonen.
        * package names: changed all package names to convention that
          names are starting with lower cases. Separated names with :: 
          prefixes. For now, these names are just chosen to avoid name
          clashes, in 0.85 they will probably be used as basis for a
          hierarchical component model.
2001-03-05 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * metadataAnalizer: split into dynamic and static variant (static
          is used for xodoc

2001-03-02 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: moved callstack information (calledproc, calledclass,
          callingproc, callingobject, callingclass, regclass) from 
          info to self; e.g. use in a filter instead of
              [[self] info calledproc]
          from now on 
              [self calledproc]
        * testx.xotcl: integrated callstack information changes.

2001-03-01 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * complete installation and test suite for Windows, i.e. doc,
          packages, all tests, install, etc. now function on Windows
        * XOTclSdbm ported to Windows
        * Expat xotcl version running on Windows
        * xotclsh.1, xowish.1 man pages added

2001-02-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new global variables for configuration and logging
           ::xotcl::confdir ~/.xotcl
           ::xotcl::logdir $::xotcl::confdir/log
        * new script daemon.xotcl for starting/stopping 
          xotcl scripts in the background

2001-02-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xoDoc.xotcl, metadataAnalyzer.xotcl: added documentation and 
          handling for "abstract" methods, and corrected bugs in html 
2001-02-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotkAppInit.c: added static package Tk

2001-02-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * splitted xodoc.xotcl into a generic static metadata analyzer
          (metadataAnalyzer.xotcl) and the HTML documentation part
        * htmllib.xotcl: incorporated fishpool's html lib for use 
          in xodoc; thanks to Antti Salonen.

2001-02-17 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Serializer.xotcl: new package for serialization of workspace 
          contents (Classes and Objects). Serialization of full
              Serializer s
              s serializeWs ?filename?
          Serialization of Object or Class
              s serialize ObjectOrClass
        * bugfix in mixins
        * xotcl.c: tidying up

2001-02-10 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: some speed improvements 
          (next without args more than twice as fast due to moving
          arguments to the stack, caching of stack pointers)

2001-02-08 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        ! xotcl.c: Removed mixin init logic. Mixin & instmixin inits 
          are only called if the mixin is registered for the object
          during initialization. Beforehand "mixin" has called init,
          when it wasn't called before. This was inconsistent with
          behavior of class and instmixin.

2001-02-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c, testx.xotcl, ...: tests for new destroy logic

2001-02-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xotcl.c: cleanup and various simplifications
        ! using xotcl namespace for:
                version, lib, check_library_path, 
                interp, trace, deprecated, mkindex, load, 
                namespace_copyvars, namespace_copycmd
          potential incompatibility: use ::xotcl::version
          instead of ::xotcl_version!

2001-02-01 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
       * xotcl.c: new destroy logic with recreate   

2001-01-26 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * Persistence.xotcl: 
        - persistenceMgr now uses child object as storage
        - persistent arrays bug fixed, lazy persistent arrays added
        - added persistent arrays to test

2001-01-25 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: class redefinition logic instead of direct command
        destroy added to solve destroy problems identified 
        by Kristoffer Lawson.

2001-01-24 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: fixed alias bug identified by Kristoffer Lawson.

2001-01-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * fixed regression test for new path settings
        * removed Unix dependencies from regression test (sleep)

2001-01-18 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * all storages: added nextkey + firstkey methods 
          for traversal of DBs

2001-01-17 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        ! all packages: all internal distribution package names now
          start with "xotcl::" to avoid name clashes with other 
2001-01-16 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * XOTclGdbm: added XOTcl Gdbm wrapper 

2001-01-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: alloc now handled as a Class instproc, like
          create. Thanks to Kristoffer Lawson for the hint.

2001-01-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new Interface for persistent storage

          Class Storage
          Storage abstract instproc open   filename
          Storage abstract instproc close  {}
          Storage abstract instproc exists key
          Storage abstract instproc set    {key ?value?}
          Storage abstract instproc unset  key
          Storage abstract instproc names  {}  
2001-01-12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
         * Storage test suite added

2001-01-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * Makefiles: generic makefile for expat, gdbm, ... in the 
          style of XOTcl's Makefile + fed by toplevel configure
        * packages/store/XOTclSdbm: sdbm wrapper for XOTcl 

2001-01-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * The search for the XOTcl library is performed according to the 
           following rules:

          1) If the environment variable XOTCL is set and points to a
             directory, it is taken as the XOTCL directory.

          2) If the auto_path (determined in part by the environment 
             variable TCLLIBPTH) contains a directory named "xotcl" 
             and it exists, it is taken.

          3) If no xotcl library is determined yet, check
             whether the current directory is in an xotcl source tree. If
             yes take it.

          4) If the auto_path contains a directory, that has a
             sub-directory named xotcl, it is taken.

          5) If the auto_path contains a directory that has a
             directory named xotcl as a neighbor, it is taken.

          6) Take the compiled-in path for the xotcl library. 

         After the search for the XOTcl library the global Tcl
         variable ::xotcl::lib is set to the determined directory. This
         directory is added automatically to the ::auto_path if

2000-12-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * packages/make.xotcl: passing target to avoid grep 
          through Makefile

2000-12-15 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * packages/make.xotcl: less verbose
        * new environment variable XOTCL, points to directory
          where the XOTcl library lives

2000-12-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * packages...Httpd.xotcl: close connection after errors
        * packages...Httpd.xotcl: elementary support for HTTP method

2000-12-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xoXML: fix info vars 
          instvar method creates variable that is not accessible and
          should not be listed in info vars

2000-12-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * version changed to 0.84
        * xoXML: fix for multiple PCDATA calls after one element

2000-11-30 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
2000-11-30 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * release of Version 0.83

2000-11-30 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xoXML/xoRDF: added the ability to process mixed content PCDATA
          (i.e. more than one pcdata in one element)
2000-11-29 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * src/lib/soccerClub.xotcl: simple introductory example for 
          the tutorial
        * xotcl.c: corrected assertion checking: built in commands that
          affect assertions are not checked (check, info, proc, instproc,
          invar, and instinvar). Otherwise we can not react on a broken
          assertion in the error handler (& documented this stuff in the
2000-11-29 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * tried to improve documentation tool
        * work on xotcl homepage, manual section added

2000-11-28 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * apps/actiweb-apps/univ/ added (example for RDF)
        * packages/make.xotcl extended for test in apps directory
        * HtmlPlace.xotcl: allowExit method added for HtmlPlace to allow an 
          actiweb place to terminate via URL (primarily for regression tests, 
          which require no kill anymore, now platform independent)
        * Httpd.xotcl: logging of contains more detailed information
        * HttpPlace.xotcl: added HTTP errors (invalid requests 
          for actiweb are correctly noted in log files)

2000-11-28 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: Removed theClasses/theObjecs hashtable, because they
          caused some problems in exit handling (thanks to 
          Catherine Letondal for the hint), 
        * xotcl.c: fixed all remaining memory leaks in tests (thanks to Zoran
          Vasiljevic for helping us out with purify)
        * tutorial.html: added documentation for @

2000-11-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * src/Makefile.in: changed logic for building and 
          installing xowish
        * xotcl.c: fixed bug in "info mixins"

2000-11-24 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Access.xotcl: overhaul, uses now exits method instead of 
          'info exists'
        * packages/xml/xml.xotcl: overhaul of the introductory XML-parser 
        * predefined.xotcl: new predefined method of Object: 
          vwait (Tcl semantics)
        * some tuning to avoid speed penalties
        * src/Makefile.in: added some dependencies

2000-11-24 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: removed internal mem leaks reported by dmalloc
        * xotcl.c: corrected assertion checking for built-in commands, like set
        * xotcl.c, xotclMetaData.c: put metadata into own file + 
            made them deprecated -> use @ instead
        * testx.xotcl, testo.xotcl: used @ instead of metadata
        * tutorial.html: reworked the tutorial, added instmixins
2000-11-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * dmalloc defines added to Makefile.in
        * xotcl.c: removed some mem leaks

2000-11-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * documented various sample applications
        * fixed problems with pipes for xocomm.test (should work now under
          windows as well)
        * polished output from xodoc
        * extended sample webserver to return info about the current 
          request and provided means for stopping it remote.

2000-11-22 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * configure.in: added ""'s around -z tests and added 
          --without-gdbm support
          (thanks to Catherine Letondal for the hint)
        * package/store/persistenceExample.xotcl added as a basic
          persistence store example.

2000-11-21 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: corrected infinite loop in instvar assertions
          (thanks to Zoran Vasiljevic for the hint)

2000-11-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c/xotclInt.h: moved the global objects and a static
          variable to interpreter structure (thanks to Zoran Vasiljevic for
          the patches)
        * xotcl.c correctes mem leak in "mixin" method 
          (thanks to Zoran Vasiljevic for the hint)

2000-11-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * MimeTypes can be specified for certain filenames via
          Mime set nameTable(ChangeLog$) text/plain
          where the index is treated as a regular expression
        * rpm target added to Makefile
        * rpm files added to www.xotcl.org
        * removed file installed to / from binary distribution

2000-11-15 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: corrected deletion order for aggregated children:
          child destructor is called before parent's destructor
        * Makefile.in: removed "-full-" from filename

2000-11-03 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        Various changes to HttpPlace.xotcl and Httpd.xotcl
        * access control for HttpPlaces
        * new instance variable "user" in Worker for authenticated requests
        * access to ordinary files (and not only to WebObjects) from
          HttpPlaces (if there is no object with the name of the file)
        * worker added as a argument to credentialsNotOk

2000-10-28 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * testx.xotcl: added tests for instmixins

2000-10-26 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: added instmixins

2000-10-13 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new global variable xotcl_version in analogy to tcl_version
        * fixed parameter passing to init for multiple arguments 
          (not starting with a "-")
        *  added regression test
        * fix bug for variable name aliasing in the instvar method

2000-10-09 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * prepared Version 0.82 

2000-10-06 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * experimental tests for actiweb apps (invoke
          with 'make test' at toplevel)

2000-10-02 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * Documented xotcl.c + src/lib and src/scripts directories

2000-09-29 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xodoc.xotcl new XOTcl documentation package .. all docs 
          are now in file docs, with @ object

2000-09-28 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        !! xotcl.c removed aggregation short form due to incompatibilities
          with unknown. I.e., 
            [self] Class x
          does not function like 
            Class [self]::x
          anymore, but triggers the unknown mechanism.
        * removed bug: parameters have tried to  call  "-1" 
          default value as method 

2000-09-26 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        !! src/xotcl.c: short form for creation of nested object and
           classes removed.
        * new documentation tool

2000-09-22 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new configure flags:

2000-09-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * apps/actiweb-apps/FormsWithState.xotcl:
          new example script for implementing a multi-page form
          which keeps the state in a context object, which
          is passed from form to form via hidden form fields
        * new toplevel configure file
        * toplevel "make install" copies demo apps as well
          (should we set the path to xotclsh in first line?)

2000-09-13 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: added new format functionality to autoname. %
          strings are now recognized as in the Tcl "format"
          command. E.g.: autoname a%06d --> a000000, a000001, a000002, ..

        * rdf/xoRDF.test, rdf/RDFTriple.xotcl: used new autonames here
          in order to make triples sort-able with lsort

2000-09-12 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * Httpd.xotcl: Fixed a bug for IE5.5 with persistent connections:
         (Server blocked); cause: the Tcl command "fcopy" alters the 
         blocking state of a socket when it finishes (bug in fcopy 
         of tcl 8.3.2)

2000-09-12 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl/src: added xotclInt.h as XOTcl internal API 
          (still incomplete)
        * xotcl.c: 
          - extracted xotclProfile.c, xotclReference.c, xotclTrace.c, 
            and xotclError.c  from xotcl.c,
          - started conversion to Tcl-like naming convention for 
            functions: XOTcl... for internal API, 
                       XOTcl_... for external API

2000-09-07 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xoXML.xotcl: removed need for empty topNode
        * xoRDF.xotcl/RDFTriple.xotcl: Uniform Parse Tree
         - abbrev properties and parseType = resource  are now parse 
           into descriptions
         - class hierarchy uniformized to resources and properties 
           ... object names
           are either prop.. or res..
         - resource types are stored in rdftypes variable 
           (as a list of types)
         - Typed nodes are parsed into description + type
         - namespace definition at RDF tag recognized
         - hard coded "rdf:" removed (now rdfNSPrefix is stored on 
           each node, the parser has a rdfNamespace parameter)                                               

2000-09-06 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * packages/store/Persistence.xotcl: lazy open for 
          persistence database added (to avoid creation of not needed
          files, when no persistent variables are used, and to reduce
          permission problems for creation, opening, etc)

2000-09-04 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c, Makefile.vc: INST_XOLIBPKG, XOTCLVERSION passed to
          VC 6.0 preprocessor from Makefile.vc (thanks to David
          LeBlanc for the fix)

2000-09-04 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * xoRDF: trivial fix for make numbering of anonymous resources
          easier to comprehend
        * predefined.xotcl: methods "append" and "lappend" added
        * xotcl/Makefile: keeps track of configure.in and reconfigures 
          if necessary (eg. version change)
        * new -reset option for autoname (does currently not work with

2000-08-31 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xoRDF: added subject ID to anonymous descriptions & fixed bugs
2000-08-30 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>
        * xotcl.c: fixed xotcltrace
        * trace.xotcl: "deprecated messages" show* fixed

2000-08-19 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * toplevel Makefile: target "make test" added

2000-08-16 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * RDFTriple got a new method "prettyTriples" which uses 
          indentation to show connections between triples (used in xoRDF.test)

2000-08-11 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * apps/xocomm/webserver.xotcl listens on port 9086 as well 
          to test basic access control
        * packages/make.xotcl -test added
        * Access.xotcl: fixes for credentials, timing for SimpleRequest now optional
          (-timing 1, default is -timing 0)
        * new files: packages/comm/xocomm.test, packages/rdf/xoRDF.test
        * Ftp fixed for now Access methods
         * "Class instproc newChild" and "Class instproc new" added

2000-08-09 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * untested C-API placed between #ifdef
        * dead code removed
        * all internal calls to destroy handled by a single
          function "callDestroyMethod"
        * target "xref" added to xotc/src/Makefile 
          (needs free program xref to be installed)

2000-08-08 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * new instcommand "exists" to check whether a variable
          exists (no need to use namespaces or instvar to check
          for the existence of variables)
        * xotcl.c: using new macros 
          to change VariableFrames 
          (speedup mand making code more uniform)
        * returning int objects instead of string objects
        * using new features obove led to more than 20% speedup
          on RDF benchmark.
        * regression and speed test 
          xotcl/src/lib/speedtest.xotcl added 

2000-08-07 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * HTML Form interface changed, 
          form arguments are not longer appended to call
        * new methods for WebObj: getWorker and getFormData
           to access worker internals and form data
        * some minor speed improvements

2000-08-01 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        !! more thorough checks for object names 
         (no ":", no "::", no ":[^:].+", no ".+:", no ".*NAME::[:]+NAME")
        * copy and move methods create no invalid names that must be fixed
          by Object creation
        !! methods called via "-" syntax must start with an alphanum character
        * Object creation 10% faster
              * apps/actiweb-apps/MC.xotcl uses POST instead of GET

2000-07-27 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        !!! info children returns fully qualified object names
        !!! info classchildren returns fully qualified object names
        !!! info filter returns function names without class paths
        * fixed composite attributes in RDF
        * some speed improvements
        * parameter passing from FORMs to WebObjects via parameter objects
        * HtmlPlace has a default method that lists all exported objects
        * Mime component added
        * multipart-form data code added to Httpd

2000-06-26 <Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at>
        * version number increased to 0.82
        * automated version number management
        * test client and server for tls added
        * minor changes for TLS
        * minor fixes for Tcl 8.4a
        * including certificates

2000-06-20 Uwe Zdun <uwe.zdun@uni-essen.de>

        * packages/mos/Agent.xotcl:
        - migrate bug -- 'self' called after destroy of migrate --
        - support for synchronous invoke, clone, and migrate added in
          addition to async methods
        * AgentClient/Receiver: example enhanced with class cloning and
          sync invoke, clone, and migrate

2000-06-05 XOTcl 0.81 Release -- Major Changes to Version 0.80
        - changelog started by Uwe Zdun
        * xotcl.c: 
        - deep copy/move with all language features
         - renamed "parameters" to "parameter"
        - renamed "info filters" and "info mixins" to "info filter"/
          "info mixin"
        - added deprecated error message
        - added "xotcl_interp" command to start an XOTcl slave interp
        - better "package" support and integration
        - linearizing of per-object mixin hierarchy with ordinary 
          class hierarchy
        - isobject, isclass, and ismetaclass with identical interface: 
          all have the obj/cls in question as argument
        - reference tracing with "info reference", "info referencedby" added
        - internal xotcl-lib now in predefined.xotcl -> make file 
          automatically creates predefined.h        
        * toplevel-configure added
        * Actiweb:
        - early alpha preview for code mobility, registry, web objects 
          added. be careful: the APIs will most likely change in the 
        - SSL Place
        * HTTPserver/access:
        - Open SSL support
        * xoXML/xoRDF:
        - RDF Typed Node support
        - Parsing of several top nodes at once -> mixing of XML and RDF easier
        - Tests integrated and several new tests
        - XML/RDF recreation added
        * xoStore:
        - Support for tclgdbm added -- thanks to Stefan Vogel for 
          providing the Win version of gdbm