<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/frameset.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>XOTcl - Documentation -- ./apps/utils/xo-daemon</TITLE> <LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="xotcl-doc.css" TYPE="text/css"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="FFFFFF"> <h1> <IMG SRC="./logo-100.jpg" ALT="./apps/utils/xo-daemon" ALIGN="MIDDLE"> ./apps/utils/xo-daemon</h1> <HR> <P> <h2> Package/File Information </h2> <b> No package provided/required </b> <BR> <BR> <b> Filename: </b> <A HREF="./apps/utils/xo-daemon"> ./apps/utils/xo-daemon </A> <BR> <BR> <TABLE BORDER="0"> <TR VALIGN="top"> <TD VALIGN="top"> <em> Description:</em> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"> This script can be used to start/stop/restart xotcl daemons and maintains the process IDs, log files and means for easy restart. <p> It receives as first parameter the name of the xotcl script to be executed followed by the desired action and optional parameters. The specified action can be <UL> <LI> <EM>start</EM>: the specified script is started in the background, an entry to restart is generated in the run-directory as well as the process id of the started script. In addition a logfile is created in the log directory. If the start of the script fails, the error messages are shown. <LI> <EM>startall</EM>: all scripts that were started before via this script, are started <LI> <EM>stop</EM> terminates te specified script. <LI> <EM>stopall</EM> terminates all scripts started via this command <LI> <EM>restart</EM> tries to restart the specified script. </UL> The optional parameters are: <UL> <LI> <EM>-logir</EM> specifies the directory for logging. The default is ~/.xotcl/log. <LI> <EM>-rundir</EM> specifies the directory where the information about the running processes is kept. The default is ~/.xotcl/run. </UL> </TD> </TR> <TR VALIGN="top"> <TD VALIGN="top"> <em> Authors:</em> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"> Gustaf Neumann, Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at </TD> </TR> <TR VALIGN="top"> <TD VALIGN="top"> <em> Date:</em> </TD> <TD VALIGN="top"> [::xotcl::rcs date {$Date: 2006/02/18 22:17:32 $}] </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <BR> </P> <HR> <P> </P> <A HREF="./index.html"> Back to index page. </A> <BR> <HR> <P> </P> </BODY> </HTML>