[comment {-*- tcl -*- manpage fragment for alias method, shared by nx::Object and nx::Class}] [keywords "alias method"] [keywords "value checker"] [keywords "method handle"] Define an [term "alias method"] for the given [vset SCOPE]. The resulting method registers a pre-existing Tcl command [arg cmdName] under the (alias) name [arg methodName] with the [vset SCOPE]. If [arg cmdName] refers to another [method method], the corresponding argument should be a valid [term "method handle"]. If a Tcl command (e.g., a [cmd proc]), the argument should be a fully qualified Tcl command name. If aliasing a subcommand (e.g., [cmd "array exists"]) of a Tcl namespace ensemble (e.g., [cmd array]), [arg cmdName] must hold the fully qualified subcommand name (and not the ensemble name of the subcommand). [para] As for a regular [method "[vset SCOPE] method"], [option "-returns"] allows for setting a [term "value checker"] on the values returned by the [term "alias method"]. [para] When creating an [term "alias method"] for a [emph C-implemented] Tcl command (i.e., command defined using the Tcl/NX C-API), [opt [option -frame]] sets the scope for variable references used in the aliased command. If the provided value is [const object], then variable references will be resolved in the context of the called object, i.e., the object upon which the [term "alias method"] is invoked, as if they were object variables. There is no need for using the colon-prefix notation for identifying object variables. If the value is [const method], then the aliased command will be executed as a regular method call. The command is aware of its called-object context; i.e., it can resolve [cmd ::nx::self]. In addition, the [term "alias method"] has access to the method-call context (e.g., [cmd nx::next]). If [option "-frame"] is omitted, and by default, the variable references will resolve in the context of the caller of the [term "alias method"].