Rosetta Example: Sudoku

Solve a partially filled-in 9x9 Sudoku grid and display the result in a human-readable format. For detailed description of this example, see

This implementation is based on

package require nx

The class Sudoku implements the basic interface to a sudoku 9x9 board to load/dump data and to set/access cells, rows, columns and regions.

nx::Class create Sudoku {

    :variable board

    # Setup an array from 0..9 to ease iterations over the cells of
    # lines and columns.
    for {set i 0} {$i < 9} {incr i} {lappend positions $i}
    :variable positions $positions

    :public method load {data} {
        # Load a 9x9 partially solved sudoku. The unsolved cells are
        # represented by a@ symbols.
        set error "data must be a 9-element list, each element also being a\
                list of 9 numbers from 1 to 9 or blank or an @ symbol."
        if {[llength $data] != 9} {
            error $error
        foreach y ${:positions} {
            set row [lindex $data $y]
            if {[llength $row] != 9} {
                error $error
            foreach x ${:positions} {
                set cell [lindex $row $x]
                if {![regexp {^[@1-9]?$} $cell]} {
                    error $cell-$error
                if {$cell eq "@"} {set cell ""}
                :set $x $y $cell

    :public method dump {-pretty-print:switch} {
        # Output the current state of the sudoku either as list or in
        # a pretty-print style.
        set rows [lmap y ${:positions} {:getRow 0 $y}]
        if {${pretty-print}} {
            set result +-----+-----+-----+\n
            foreach line $rows postline {0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1} {
                append result |[lrange $line 0 2]|[lrange $line 3 5]|[lrange $line 6 8]|\n
                if {$postline} {
                    append result +-----+-----+-----+\n
            return $result
        } else {
            return $rows

    :method log {msg} {
        #puts "log: $msg"

    :method set {x y value:integer,0..1} {
        # Set cell at position x,y to the given value or empty.
        if {$value<1 || $value>9} {
            set :board($x,$y) {}
        } else {
            set :board($x,$y) $value
    :method get {x y} {
        # Get value of cell at position x, y.
        return [set :board($x,$y)]

    :method getRow {x y} {
        # Return a row at constant position y.
        return [lmap x ${:positions} {:get $x $y}]
    :method getCol {x y} {
        # Return a column at constant position x.
        return [lmap y ${:positions} {:get $x $y}]

    :method getRegion {x y} {
        # Return a 3x3 region
        set xR [expr {($x/3)*3}]
        set yR [expr {($y/3)*3}]
        set regn {}
        for {set x $xR} {$x < $xR+3} {incr x} {
            for {set y $yR} {$y < $yR+3} {incr y} {
                lappend regn [:get $x $y]
        return $regn

The class SudokuSolver inherits from Sudoku, and adds the ability to solve a given Sudoku game. The method solve applies all rules for each unsolved cell until it finds a safe solution.

nx::Class create SudokuSolver -superclass Sudoku {

    :public method validchoices {x y} {
        set v [:get $x $y]
        if {$v ne {}} {
            return $v

        set row [:getRow $x $y]
        set col [:getCol $x $y]
        set regn [:getRegion $x $y]
        set eliminate [list {*}$row {*}$col {*}$regn]
        set eliminate [lsearch -all -inline -not $eliminate {}]
        set eliminate [lsort -unique $eliminate]

        set choices {}
        for {set c 1} {$c < 10} {incr c} {
            if {$c ni $eliminate} {
                lappend choices $c
        if {[llength $choices]==0} {
            error "No choices left for square $x,$y"
        return $choices

    :method completion {} {
        # Return the number of already solved items.
        return [expr {81-[llength [lsearch -all -inline [join [:dump]] {}]]}]

    :public method solve {} {
        # Try to solve the sudoku by applying the provided rules.
        while {1} {
            set begin [:completion]
            foreach y ${:positions} {
                foreach x ${:positions} {
                    if {[:get $x $y] eq ""} {
                        foreach rule [Rule info instances] {
                            set c [$rule solve [self] $x $y]
                            if {$c} {
                                :set $x $y $c
                                :log "[$rule info class] solved [self] at $x,$y for $c"
            set end [:completion]
            if {$end == 81} {
                :log "Finished solving!"
            } elseif {$begin == $end} {
                :log "A round finished without solving any squares, giving up."

The class rule provides "solve" as public interface for all rule objects. The rule objects apply their logic to the values passed in and return either 0 or a number to allocate to the requested square.

nx::Class create Rule {

    :public method solve {hSudoku:object,type=::SudokuSolver x y} {
        :Solve $hSudoku $x $y [$hSudoku validchoices $x $y]

    # Get all the allocated numbers for each square in the the row, column, and
    # region containing $x,$y. If there is only one unallocated number among all
    # three groups, it must be allocated at $x,$y
    :create ruleOnlyChoice {
        :object method Solve {hSudoku x y choices} {
            if {[llength $choices] == 1} {
                return $choices
            } else {
                return 0

    # Test each column to determine if $choice is an invalid choice for all other
    # columns in row $X. If it is, it must only go in square $x,$y.
    :create RuleColumnChoice {
        :object method Solve {hSudoku x y choices} {
            foreach choice $choices {
                set failed 0
                for {set x2 0} {$x2 < 9} {incr x2} {
                    if {$x2 != $x && $choice in [$hSudoku validchoices $x2 $y]} {
                        set failed 1
                if {!$failed} {return $choice}
            return 0

    # Test each row to determine if $choice is an invalid choice for all other
    # rows in column $y. If it is, it must only go in square $x,$y.
    :create RuleRowChoice {
        :object method Solve {hSudoku x y choices} {
            foreach choice $choices {
                set failed 0
                for {set y2 0} {$y2 < 9} {incr y2} {
                    if {$y2 != $y && $choice in [$hSudoku validchoices $x $y2]} {
                        set failed 1
                if {!$failed} {return $choice}
            return 0

    # Test each square in the region occupied by $x,$y to determine if $choice is
    # an invalid choice for all other squares in that region. If it is, it must
    # only go in square $x,$y.
    :create RuleRegionChoice {
        :object method Solve {hSudoku x y choices} {
            foreach choice $choices {
                set failed 0
                set regnX [expr {($x/3)*3}]
                set regnY [expr {($y/3)*3}]
                for {set y2 $regnY} {$y2 < $regnY+3} {incr y2} {
                    for {set x2 $regnX} {$x2 < $regnX+3} {incr x2} {
                        if {
                            ($x2!=$x || $y2!=$y)
                            && $choice in [$hSudoku validchoices $x2 $y2]
                        } then {
                            set failed 1
                if {!$failed} {return $choice}
            return 0

SudokuSolver create sudoku {

    :load {
        {3 9 4    @ @ 2    6 7 @}
        {@ @ @    3 @ @    4 @ @}
        {5 @ @    6 9 @    @ 2 @}

        {@ 4 5    @ @ @    9 @ @}
        {6 @ @    @ @ @    @ @ 7}
        {@ @ 7    @ @ @    5 8 @}

        {@ 1 @    @ 6 7    @ @ 8}
        {@ @ 9    @ @ 8    @ @ @}
        {@ 2 6    4 @ @    7 3 5}

    puts [:dump -pretty-print]

The dump method outputs the solved Sudoku:

|3 9 4|8 5 2|6 7 1|
|2 6 8|3 7 1|4 5 9|
|5 7 1|6 9 4|8 2 3|
|1 4 5|7 8 3|9 6 2|
|6 8 2|9 4 5|3 1 7|
|9 3 7|1 2 6|5 8 4|
|4 1 3|5 6 7|2 9 8|
|7 5 9|2 3 8|1 4 6|
|8 2 6|4 1 9|7 3 5|