# -*- Tcl -*- package req nx package req nx::test # parameter/variable info reform # # /cls/ info configure parameters ?pattern? -> list of params # /cls/ info configure syntax -> syntax output # # /cls/ info method parameters /methodname/ ?/pattern/? -> list of params # /cls/ info method syntax /methodname/ -> syntax output # /cls/ info variables ?/pattern/? -> list of variable handles # # /obj/ info object method parameters /methodname/ ?/pattern/? -> list of params # /obj/ info object method syntax /methodname/ -> syntax output # /obj/ info object variables ?/pattern/? -> list of variable handles # # /obj/ info lookup configure parameters ?/pattern/? -> list of params # /obj/ info lookup configure syntax -> syntax output # /obj/ info lookup variables ?/pattern/? -> list of variable handles # # Context-free: work on any object, would not need object. # /obj/ info parameter list|name|syntax /param/ -> value # /obj/ info variable definition|name|parameter /handle/ -> value # nx::test case configure-parameters { nx::Class create Person { :property name :property age:integer :public method foo {-force:switch age:integer {name ""}} {return $age} } ? {join [Person info configure parameters] \n} \ "-age:integer -name -object-mixin:mixinreg,slot=::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin,slotassign,method=object-mixin,0..n -class:class,alias,method=::nsf::methods::object::class -object-filter:filterreg,alias,method=::nx::Object::slot::__object::filter,0..n __initblock:cmd,optional,noleadingdash" ? {Person info configure parameters age} "-age:integer" ? {Person info configure parameters {*a[gs]*}} "-age:integer -class:class,alias,method=::nsf::methods::object::class" ? {Person info configure syntax} "/::Person/ ?-age /integer/? ?-name /value/? ?-object-mixin /mixinreg .../? ?-class /class/? ?-object-filter /filterreg .../? ?/__initblock/?" ? {Person info method parameters foo} {-force:switch age:integer {name ""}} ? {Person info method parameters foo force} "-force:switch" ? {Person info method parameters foo {*a[gm]*}} {age:integer {name ""}} ? {Person info method syntax foo} "/cls/ foo ?-force? /age/ ?/name/?" ? {Person info parameter syntax age:integer} "/age/" ? {Person info parameter syntax -force:switch} "?-force?" ? {Person info parameter name "a b"} "a" ? {lmap p [Person info configure parameters] {nsf::parameter::get default $p}} "0 0 0 0 0 0" ? {lmap p [Person info method parameters foo] {nsf::parameter::get default $p}} "1 0 1" nx::Class create Bar { :property {p 9} } nx::Class create Foo -superclass Bar { :property a:integer :property {b:integer 123} :variable c 456 :variable d:lower abc :variable -accessor public e:lower efg :property -accessor private {p 19} :property -accessor protected q :property -incremental i :public method m {} {: -local p get} :create f1 } ? {lmap p [Foo info configure parameters] {nsf::parameter::get name $p}} \ "i a b p object-mixin class object-filter __initblock" ? {lmap p [Foo info configure parameters] {nsf::parameter::get default $p}} \ "0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0" ? {lmap p [Foo info configure parameters] {nsf::parameter::get type $p}} \ "{} integer integer {} mixinreg class filterreg {}" ? {join [lsort [::Foo info slots]] \n} \ "::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::a ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q" ? {::Foo info configure parameters ?} "-i:1..n -a:integer {-b:integer 123} {-p 9}" ? {::Foo::slot::b definition} "::Foo property -accessor none {b:integer 123}" ? {::Foo::slot::i definition} "::Foo property -accessor public -incremental i:1..n" ? {::Foo::slot::____Foo.p definition} "::Foo variable -accessor private p 19" ? {::Foo::slot::d definition} "::Foo variable -accessor none d:lower abc" ? {::Foo::slot::e definition} "::Foo variable -accessor public e:lower efg" ? {::Foo::slot::q definition} "::Foo variable -accessor protected q" ? {join [lsort [::f1 info lookup slots]] \n} \ "::Bar::slot::p ::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::a ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q ::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::class ::nx::Object::slot::object-filter ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # get the configure value from p and the value of the private property via m ? {f1 cget -p} 9 ? {f1 m} 19 ? {lsort [f1 info vars]} "__private b c d e p" #package require nx::serializer #puts stderr [::Foo::slot::____Foo.p serialize] ? {llength [::f1 info lookup variables]} 9 ? {join [lsort [::f1 info lookup variables]] \n} \ "::Bar::slot::p ::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::a ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q" # One can get 2 values for "lookup variables p"; the private one an # the non-private, since both have the same name. this is necessary # to obtain e.g. the definition of the private slot. ? {lsort [::f1 info lookup variables p]} "::Bar::slot::p ::Foo::slot::____Foo.p" ? {llength [::Foo info variables]} 8 ? {join [lsort [::Foo info variables]] \n} \ "::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::a ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q" ? {::Foo info variables p} "::Foo::slot::____Foo.p" ? {::Foo info slots p} "::Foo::slot::____Foo.p" set ::vs [lsort [::Foo info variables]] ? {join [lmap handle $::vs {::Foo info variable definition $handle}] \n} \ "::Foo variable -accessor private p 19 ::Foo property -accessor none a:integer ::Foo property -accessor none {b:integer 123} ::Foo variable -accessor none c 456 ::Foo variable -accessor none d:lower abc ::Foo variable -accessor public e:lower efg ::Foo property -accessor public -incremental i:1..n ::Foo variable -accessor protected q" set ::ps [lmap handle $::vs {::Foo info variable parameter $handle}] ? {join $::ps \n} \ "p 19 a:integer b:integer 123 c 456 d:lower abc e:lower efg i:1..n q" ? {lmap handle $::vs {::Foo info variable name $handle}} \ "__private(::Foo,p) a b c d e i q" ? {lmap handle $::ps {::Foo info parameter name $handle}} \ "p a b c d e i q" ? {lmap handle $::ps {::Foo info parameter default $handle}} \ "1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0" ? {lmap handle $::ps {::Foo info parameter type $handle}} \ "{} integer integer {} lower lower {} {}" ? {nsf::parameter::get default "b:integer 123" ::var1} "1" ? {set ::var1} "123" ? {::Foo info parameter default "b:integer 123" ::var2} "1" ? {set ::var2} "123" } nx::test case object-variables { nx::Class create Bar { :property {p 9} } nx::Class create Foo -superclass Bar { :property a:integer :property {b:integer 123} :variable c 456 :variable d:lower abc :variable -accessor public e:lower efg :property -accessor private {p 19} :property -accessor protected q :property -incremental i :public method m {} {: -local p} :create f1 } Foo create f2 { :object property oa:integer :object property {ob:integer 123} :object variable oc 456 ;# NO slot :object variable od:lower abc ;# NO slot :object variable -accessor public oe:lower efg :object property -incremental oi :object property -accessor private {op 19} :object property -accessor protected oq :public object method om {} {: -local p} } set ::ovs [lsort [::f2 info object variables]] ? {llength $::ovs} "6" ;# oc, od missing ? {join $::ovs "\n"} \ "::f2::per-object-slot::____f2.op ::f2::per-object-slot::oa ::f2::per-object-slot::ob ::f2::per-object-slot::oe ::f2::per-object-slot::oi ::f2::per-object-slot::oq" ? {join [lmap handle $::ovs {::f2 info variable definition $handle}] \n} \ "::f2 object variable -accessor private op 19 ::f2 object property -accessor none oa:integer ::f2 object property -accessor none {ob:integer 123} ::f2 object variable -accessor public oe:lower efg ::f2 object property -accessor public -incremental oi:1..n ::f2 object variable -accessor protected oq" ? {lmap handle $::ovs {::f2 info variable parameter $handle}} \ "{op 19} oa:integer {ob:integer 123} {oe:lower efg} oi:1..n oq" ? {lmap handle $::ovs {::f2 info variable name $handle}} \ "__private(::f2,op) oa ob oe oi oq" set ::ovs [lsort [::f2 info lookup variables]] ? {llength $::ovs} "15" ;# oc, od missing ? {join $::ovs "\n"} \ "::Bar::slot::p ::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::a ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q ::f2::per-object-slot::____f2.op ::f2::per-object-slot::oa ::f2::per-object-slot::ob ::f2::per-object-slot::oe ::f2::per-object-slot::oi ::f2::per-object-slot::oq" # redefine property a on the object level ::f2 object property -accessor none a:integer set ::ovs [lsort [::f2 info lookup variables]] ? {llength $::ovs} "15" ;# oc, od missing ? {join $::ovs "\n"} \ "::Bar::slot::p ::Foo::slot::____Foo.p ::Foo::slot::b ::Foo::slot::c ::Foo::slot::d ::Foo::slot::e ::Foo::slot::i ::Foo::slot::q ::f2::per-object-slot::____f2.op ::f2::per-object-slot::a ::f2::per-object-slot::oa ::f2::per-object-slot::ob ::f2::per-object-slot::oe ::f2::per-object-slot::oi ::f2::per-object-slot::oq" } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: