Most of the forms in OpenACS are created using the form builder, see Using Form Builder: building html forms dynamically. For detailed information on the API take a look here.
The following section shows how you can modify your form to allow WYSIWYG functionalities.
Convert your page to use ad_form
(some changes but worth it)
Here an examples. From:
template::form create my_form template::element create my_form my_form_id -label "The ID" -datatype integer -widget hidden template::element create my_form my_input_field_1 -html { size 30 } -label "Label 1" -datatype text -optional template::element create my_form my_input_field_2 -label "Label 2" -datatype text -help_text "Some Help" -after_html {<a name="#">Anchor</a>}
ad_form -name my_form -form { my_form_id:key(acs_object_id_seq) {my_input_field_1:text,optional {label "Label 1"} {html {size 30}}} {my_input_field_2:text {label "Label 2"} {help_text "Some Help"} {after_html {<a name="#">Anchor</a>}}} } ...
You must not give your your form the same name that your page has. Otherwise HTMLArea won't load.
Convert your textarea widget to a richtext widget and enable htmlarea.
The htmlarea_p
-flag can be used to prevent
WYSIWYG functionality. Defaults to true if left away.
{my_input_field_2:richtext(richtext) {htmlarea_p "t"}
The richtext widget presents a list with two elements: text and content type.
To learn more on existing content types search in Google for "MIME-TYPES" or
take a look at the cr_mime_types
Make sure that both values are passed as a list to your
or you will have problems
displaying the content or handling the data manipulation correctly.
Depending on the data model of your package you either support a content format
or don't. If you don't you can assume "text/html"
or "text/enhanced"
The relevant parts in your ad_form
definition are the
switches -new_data
, -edit_data
and -on_submit
To allow your data to display correctly you need to add an -on_request
If you have the format stored in the database pass this as well else use "text/html"
set my_input_field_2 [template::util::richtext::create $my_input_field_2 "text/html"]
Now make sure that your SQL queries that do the data manipulation retrieve the correct value.
If you simply use my_input_field_2
you will store a list.
Thus you need to add an -on_submit
set my_input_field_2 [ template::util::richtext::get_property contents $my_input_field_2] set format [ template::util::richtext::get_property format $my_input_field_2] #This is optional
Now the correct values for my_input_field_2
are passed to the -new_data
blocks which don't need to get touched.
To make HTMLArea optional per package instance define a string parameter
which defaults 0
for your
package using the APM.
In your edit page make the following changes
# Is WYSIWYG enabled? set use_wysiwyg_p [parameter::get -parameter "UseWysiwygP" -default "f"] ... {htmlarea_p $use_wysiwyg_p}
The -on_request
switch should set this value for your form.
set htmlarea_p $use_wysiwyg_p
All you need now is a configuration page where the user can change this setting. Create a
ad_page_contract { This page allows a faq admin to change the UseWysiwygP setting } { {return_url ""} } set title "Should we support WYSIWYG?" set context [list $title] set use_wysiwyg_p ad_form -name categories_mode -form { {enabled_p:text(radio) {label "Enable WYSIWYG"} {options {{Yes t} {No f}}} {value $use_wysiwyg_p} } {return_url:text(hidden) {value $return_url}} {submit:text(submit) {label "Change"}} } -on_submit { parameter::set_value -parameter "UseWysiwygP" -value $enabled_p if {![empty_string_p $return_url]} { ns_returnredirect $return_url } }
In the corresponding ADP file write
<master> <property name="title">@title@</property> <property name="context">@context@</property> <formtemplate id="categories_mode"></formtemplate>
And finally reference this page from your admin page
#TCL: set return_url [ad_conn url] #ADP: <a href=configure?<%=[export_url_vars return_url]%>>Configure</a>