-- -- IMS-LD Package Data Model for Level B -- -- @author jopez@inv.it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date jan-2006 -- create table imsld_properties ( property_id integer constraint imsld_pro_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_pro_id_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_pro_comp_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, identifier varchar(100) not null, type varchar(20) check (type in ('loc','locpers','locrole','globpers','global')), datatype varchar(20) check (datatype in ('boolean','integer','real','string','file','uri','datetime','duration','text','other')), initial_value varchar(4000), role_id integer constraint imsld_pro_rid_fk references cr_items, --imsld_roles existing_href varchar(2000), --the href of the existing properties uri varchar(2000) --for global_definition elements: the uri ); create index imsld_prop_comp_idx on imsld_properties(component_id); comment on table imsld_properties is ' Properties are introduced in the level B of the IMS-LD spec, and are stored in this table (the definition, because the instantiantion for each user/role is stored in the imsld_property_instanced table). The global definitions of the globpers and global property types are stored in this table also, because they share all but one fields.'; create table imsld_property_groups ( property_group_id integer constraint imsld_pgr_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_pgr_id_pk primary key, component_id integer constraint imsld_pro_comp_fk references cr_items --imsld_components not null, identifier varchar(100) not null ); create index imsld_pgr_comp_idx on imsld_property_groups(component_id); comment on table imsld_property_groups is ' Used to group properties (using the rels: imsld_gprop_prop_rel and )'; create table imsld_restrictions ( restriction_id integer constraint imsld_rest_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_rest_id_pk primary key, property_id integer constraint imsld_rest_prop_fk references cr_items --imsld_properties not null, restriction_type varchar(20) check (restriction_type in ('length','minlength','maxlength','enumeration','maxinclusive','mininclusive','maxexclusive','minexclusive','totaldigits','fractiondigits','whitespace','pattern')), value varchar(4000) ); create index imsld_rest_idx on imsld_restrictions(property_id); comment on table imsld_restrictions is ' Restrictions of the properties. Defined in the IMS-LD spec'; create table imsld_properties_values ( property_value_id integer constraint imsld_propv_id_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_propv_id_pk primary key, property_id integer constraint imsld_propv_prop_fk references cr_items --imsld_properties not null, langstring varchar(400), calculate_id integer constraint imsld_propv_calc_fk references cr_items, --imsld_expressions property_value_ref integer constraint imsld_prop_ref_fk references cr_items --imsld_properties_values ); comment on table imsld_properties_values is ' Table used to store the values of the properties for the ''when_property_value_is set'' and ''change_property_value''.'; create table imsld_monitor_services ( monitor_id integer constraint imsld_monserv_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_monserv_pk primary key, service_id integer constraint imsld_monsevr_service_fk references cr_items --imsld_services not null, role_id integer constraint imsld_monserv_role_fk references cr_items, --imsld_roles self_p char(1) check (self_p in ('t','f')) default 'f', imsld_item_id integer constraint imsld_monserv_item_fk references cr_items --imsld_items ); create index imsld_monserv_serv_id_idx on imsld_monitor_services(service_id); create index imsld_monserv_role_id_idx on imsld_monitor_services(role_id); create index imsld_monserv_iitem_id_idx on imsld_monitor_services(imsld_item_id); comment on table imsld_monitor_services is ' The monitor service provides a facility for users to look at their own properties or that of others in a structured way. A monitor uses global properties in resources of type ''imsldcontent'' to view the properties of one-self or of all users in a role.'; create table imsld_when_condition_true ( when_condition_true_id integer constraint imsld_when_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_when_pk primary key, role_id integer constraint imsld_then_ref_fk references cr_items --imsld_roles not null, expression_xml text ); create index imsld_when_role_idx on imsld_when_condition_true(role_id); comment on table imsld_when_condition_true is ' Simple expression for a condition. This condition applies to all the individual users mentioned in the containing role-ref. When the contained expression is true for all users in the specified roles, this condition is true.'; alter table imsld_send_mail_services add column email_property_id integer constraint imsld_emailprop_fk references cr_items; --imsld_properties alter table imsld_send_mail_services add column username_property_id integer constraint imsld_unameprop_fk references cr_items; --imsld_properties alter table imsld_complete_acts add column time_property_id integer constraint imsld_compa_timepropv_fk references cr_items; --imsld_properties alter table imsld_complete_acts add column when_prop_val_is_set_id integer constraint imsld_compa_wpvis_fk references cr_items; --imsld_properties_values alter table imsld_complete_acts add column when_condition_true_id integer constraint imsld_compa_whencondt_fk references cr_items; --imsld_properties alter table imsld_services drop constraint imsld_serv_type_ck; alter table imsld_services add constraint imsld_serv_type_ck check (service_type in ('send-mail','conference','monitor')); create table imsld_conditions ( condition_id integer constraint imsld_cond_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade constraint imsld_cond_pk primary key, method_id integer constraint imsld_cond_method_fk references cr_items --imsld_methods not null, condition_xml text ); create index imsld_cond_methodid_idx on imsld_conditions(method_id); comment on table imsld_conditions is ' All conditions are pre-conditions and must be evaluated: - when entering the run of a unit of learning (new session); - every time when the value of a property has been changed.';