create table forums_reading_info ( root_message_id integer constraint forum_read_parent_id_fk references forums_messages (message_id) on delete cascade, user_id integer constraint forums_read_user_id_fk references users(user_id) constraint forums_read_user_id_nn not null, reading_date timestamp default current_timestamp constraint forum_read_datetime_nn not null, forum_id integer constraint forum_read_forum_id_fk references forums_forums (forum_id) on delete cascade constraint forums_read_forum_id_nn not null, constraint forums_reading_info_pk primary key (root_message_id,user_id) ); create index forums_reading_info_user_index on forums_reading_info (user_id); create index forums_reading_info_forum_message_index on forums_reading_info (root_message_id); create index forums_reading_info_forum_forum_index on forums_reading_info (forum_id); create index forums_reading_info_user_id_root_message_id_idx on forums_reading_info(user_id,root_message_id); create or replace view forums_reading_info_user as select forum_id, user_id, count(*) as threads_read from forums_reading_info group by forum_id, user_id; -- mark message as unread -- added select define_function_args('forums_reading_info__remove_msg','message_id'); -- -- procedure forums_reading_info__remove_msg/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_reading_info__remove_msg( p_message_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN delete from forums_reading_info where root_message_id = p_message_id; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- mark all messages in forum as read -- added select define_function_args('forums_reading_info__user_add_forum','forum_id,user_id'); -- -- procedure forums_reading_info__user_add_forum/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_reading_info__user_add_forum( p_forum_id integer, p_user_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_message_id integer; BEGIN for v_message_id in select message_id from forums_messages_approved m where forum_id = p_forum_id and parent_id is null and not exists (select 1 from forums_reading_info where user_id = p_user_id and root_message_id = m.message_id) loop insert into forums_reading_info ( root_message_id, user_id, forum_id ) values ( v_message_id, p_user_id, p_forum_id ); end loop; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- mark single message as read by user -- added select define_function_args('forums_reading_info__user_add_msg','root_message_id,user_id'); -- -- procedure forums_reading_info__user_add_msg/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_reading_info__user_add_msg( p_root_message_id integer, p_user_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_forum_id integer; BEGIN if NOT exists (select 1 from forums_reading_info where user_id = p_user_id and root_message_id = p_root_message_id) then insert into forums_reading_info ( root_message_id, user_id, forum_id ) values ( p_root_message_id, p_user_id, (select forum_id from forums_messages where message_id = p_root_message_id) ); end if; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- move thread to other thread -- added select define_function_args('forums_reading_info__move_thread_update','source_message_id,target_message_id'); -- -- procedure forums_reading_info__move_thread_update/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION forums_reading_info__move_thread_update( p_source_message_id integer, p_target_message_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_source_root_message_id integer; BEGIN select root_message_id from forums_forums where forum_id = (select forum_id from forums_messages where message_id = p_source_message_id) into v_source_root_message_id; -- for all users that have read target, but not the source, remove -- target_info delete from forums_reading_info i where root_message_id = p_target_message_id and not exists (select 1 from forums_reading_info where root_message_id = v_source_root_message_id and user_id = i.user_id); -- for all users that have read source, remove reading info four -- source message since it no longer is root_message_id delete from forums_reading_info where root_message_id = p_source_message_id; return 1; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;