select primary_object_type
from contact_rel_types
where primary_role = :role_two
select acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name(primary_role) as pretty_name,
primary_role as role
from contact_rel_types
where secondary_object_type in ( :contact_type, 'party' )
group by primary_role
order by upper(acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name(primary_role))
select rel_id, other_name, other_party_id, role_singular, rel_type, object_id_one, object_id_two
select CASE WHEN object_id_one = :party_id THEN contact__name(object_id_two) ELSE contact__name(object_id_one) END as other_name,
CASE WHEN object_id_one = :party_id THEN object_id_two ELSE object_id_one END as other_party_id,
CASE WHEN object_id_one = :party_id THEN role_two ELSE role_one END as role,
CASE WHEN object_id_one = :party_id THEN acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name(role_two) ELSE acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name(role_one) END as role_singular,
CASE WHEN object_id_one = :party_id THEN acs_rel_type__role_pretty_plural(role_two) ELSE acs_rel_type__role_pretty_name(role_two) END as role_plural,
role_one, role_two,
acs_rels.rel_id, acs_rels.rel_type, object_id_one, object_id_two
from acs_rels,
where acs_rels.rel_type = acs_rel_types.rel_type
and ( object_id_one = :party_id or object_id_two = :party_id )
and acs_rels.rel_type in ( select object_type from acs_object_types where supertype = 'contact_rel')
) rels_temp
[template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name "relationships"]
select contact__name(parties.party_id),
contact__name(parties.party_id,:name_order) as name,,
( select first_names from persons where person_id = party_id ) as first_names,
( select last_name from persons where person_id = party_id ) as last_name,
( select name from organizations where organization_id = party_id ) as organization
from parties left join cr_items on (parties.party_id = cr_items.item_id) left join cr_revisions on (cr_items.latest_revision = cr_revisions.revision_id ) , group_distinct_member_map
where parties.party_id = group_distinct_member_map.member_id
and group_distinct_member_map.group_id in ('[join [contacts::default_groups] "','"]')
[contact::search_clause -and -search_id $search_id -query $query -party_id "parties.party_id" -revision_id "revision_id"]
order by upper(contact__name(parties.party_id))
limit 100