-- @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) -- @creation-date 2004-01-22 -- @cvs-id $Id -- add optional name parameter to copy and move functions create or replace function content_item__copy (integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare item_id alias for $1; target_folder_id alias for $2; creation_user alias for $3; creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null copy_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; begin copy_id := content_item__copy2(item_id, target_folder_id, creation_user, creation_ip); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- copy a content item to a target folder -- 1) make sure we are not copying the item to an invalid location: -- that is, the destination folder exists, is a valid folder, -- and is not the current folder -- 2) make sure the content type of the content item is registered -- with the current folder -- 3) create a new item with no revisions in the target folder -- 4) copy the latest revision from the original item to the new item (if any) create or replace function content_item__copy2 (integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy2__item_id alias for $1; copy2__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy2__creation_user alias for $3; copy2__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_num_revisions integer; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; v_locale cr_items.locale%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_is_registered boolean; v_old_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_new_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_storage_type cr_items.storage_type%TYPE; begin perform content_item__copy ( copy2__item_id, copy2__target_folder_id, copy2__creation_user, copy2__creation_ip, null ); return copy2__item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_item__copy ( integer, integer, integer, varchar, varchar ) returns integer as ' declare copy__item_id alias for $1; copy__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy__creation_user alias for $3; copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null copy__name alias for $5; -- default null v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_num_revisions integer; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; v_locale cr_items.locale%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_is_registered boolean; v_old_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_new_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_storage_type cr_items.storage_type%TYPE; begin -- call content_folder.copy if the item is a folder if content_folder__is_folder(copy__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_folder__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- call content_symlink.copy if the item is a symlink else if content_symlink__is_symlink(copy__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_symlink__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- call content_extlink.copy if the item is an url else if content_extlink__is_extlink(copy__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_extlink__copy( copy__item_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, copy__name ); -- make sure the target folder is really a folder else if content_folder__is_folder(copy__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then select parent_id into v_current_folder_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; select content_type, name, locale, coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision), storage_type into v_content_type, v_name, v_locale, v_revision_id, v_storage_type from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; -- copy to a different folder, or allow copy to the same folder -- with a different name if copy__target_folder_id != v_current_folder_id or ( v_name != copy__name and copy__name is not null ) then -- make sure the content type of the item is registered to the folder v_is_registered := content_folder__is_registered( copy__target_folder_id, v_content_type, ''f'' ); if v_is_registered = ''t'' then -- create the new content item v_item_id := content_item__new( coalesce (copy__name, v_name), copy__target_folder_id, null, v_locale, now(), copy__creation_user, null, copy__creation_ip, ''content_item'', v_content_type, null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, v_storage_type ); select latest_revision into v_old_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__item_id; end if; -- copy the latest revision (if any) to the new item if v_old_revision_id is not null then v_new_revision_id := content_revision__copy ( v_old_revision_id, null, v_item_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; return v_item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_item__move (integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare move__item_id alias for $1; move__target_folder_id alias for $2; begin perform content_item__move( move__item_id, move__targer_folder_id, move__name ); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_item__move (integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare move__item_id alias for $1; move__target_folder_id alias for $2; move__name alias for $3; begin if move__target_folder_id is null then raise exception ''attempt to move item_id % to null folder_id'', move__item_id; end if; if content_folder__is_folder(move__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_folder__move(move__item_id, move__target_folder_id,move__name); else if content_folder__is_folder(move__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then if content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(move__item_id),''f'') = ''t'' and content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(content_symlink__resolve(move__item_id)),''f'') = ''t'' then -- update the parent_id for the item update cr_items set parent_id = move__target_folder_id, name = coalesce(move__name, name) where item_id = move__item_id; end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_extlink__copy ( integer, integer, integer, varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy__extlink_id alias for $1; copy__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy__creation_user alias for $3; copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null v_extlink_id cr_extlinks.extlink_id%TYPE; begin v_extlink_id := content_extlink__copy ( copy__extlink_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip, NULL ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; create or replace function content_extlink__copy ( integer, integer, integer, varchar, varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy__extlink_id alias for $1; copy__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy__creation_user alias for $3; copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null copy__name alias for $5; v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_url cr_extlinks.url%TYPE; v_description cr_extlinks.description%TYPE; v_label cr_extlinks.label%TYPE; v_extlink_id cr_extlinks.extlink_id%TYPE; begin if content_folder__is_folder(copy__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then select parent_id into v_current_folder_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__extlink_id; -- can''t copy to the same folder select i.name, e.url, e.description, e.label into v_name, v_url, v_description, v_label from cr_extlinks e, cr_items i where e.extlink_id = i.item_id and e.extlink_id = copy__extlink_id; -- copy to a different folder, or same folder if name -- is different if copy__target_folder_id != v_current_folder_id or ( v_name <> copy_name and copy_name is not null ) then if content_folder__is_registered(copy__target_folder_id, ''content_extlink'',''f'') = ''t'' then v_extlink_id := content_extlink__new( coalesce (copy__name, v_name), v_url, v_label, v_description, copy__target_folder_id, null, current_timestamp, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; create or replace function content_folder__copy (integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy__folder_id alias for $1; copy__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy__creation_user alias for $3; copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null v_valid_folders_p integer; v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_label cr_folders.label%TYPE; v_description cr_folders.description%TYPE; v_new_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_folder_contents_val record; begin v_new_folder_id := content_folder__copy ( copy__folder_id, copy__target_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy_creation_ip, NULL ); return v_new_folder_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_folder__copy (integer,integer,integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy__folder_id alias for $1; copy__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy__creation_user alias for $3; copy__creation_ip alias for $4; -- default null copy__name alias for $5; -- default null v_valid_folders_p integer; v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_label cr_folders.label%TYPE; v_description cr_folders.description%TYPE; v_new_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_folder_contents_val record; begin select count(*) into v_valid_folders_p from cr_folders where folder_id = copy__target_folder_id or folder_id = copy__folder_id; select parent_id into v_current_folder_id from cr_items where item_id = copy__folder_id; if copy__folder_id = content_item__get_root_folder(null) or copy__folder_id = content_template__get_root_folder() or copy__target_folder_id = copy__folder_id then v_valid_folders_p := 0; end if; -- get the source folder info select name, label, description into v_name, v_label, v_description from cr_items i, cr_folders f where f.folder_id = i.item_id and f.folder_id = copy__folder_id; if v_valid_folders_p = 2 then if content_folder__is_sub_folder(copy__folder_id, copy__target_folder_id) != ''t'' or v_current_folder_id != copy__target_folder_id or (v_name != copy__name and copy__name is not null) then -- create the new folder v_new_folder_id := content_folder__new( coalesce (copy__name, v_name), v_label, v_description, copy__target_folder_id, null, null, now(), copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); -- copy attributes of original folder insert into cr_folder_type_map select v_new_folder_id as folder_id, content_type from cr_folder_type_map map where folder_id = copy__folder_id and -- do not register content_type if it is already registered not exists ( select 1 from cr_folder_type_map where folder_id = v_new_folder_id and content_type = map.content_type ) ; -- for each item in the folder, copy it for v_folder_contents_val in select item_id from cr_items where parent_id = copy__folder_id LOOP raise notice ''COPYING item %'',v_folder_contents_val.item_id; PERFORM content_item__copy( v_folder_contents_val.item_id, v_new_folder_id, copy__creation_user, copy__creation_ip ); end loop; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_folder__delete (integer, boolean) returns integer as ' declare delete__folder_id alias for $1; p_cascade_p alias for $2; v_count integer; v_child_row record; v_parent_id integer; v_path varchar; v_folder_sortkey varbit; begin if p_cascade_p = ''f'' then select count(*) into v_count from cr_items where parent_id = delete__folder_id; -- check if the folder contains any items if v_count > 0 then v_path := content_item__get_path(delete__folder_id, null); raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Folder ID % (%) cannot be deleted because it is not empty.'', delete__folder_id, v_path; end if; else -- delete children select into v_folder_sortkey tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id=delete__folder_id; for v_child_row in select item_id, tree_sortkey, name from cr_items where tree_sortkey between v_folder_sortkey and tree_right(v_folder_sortkey) and tree_sortkey != v_folder_sortkey order by tree_sortkey desc loop if content_folder__is_folder(v_child_row.item_id) then perform content_folder__delete(v_child_row.item_id); else perform content_item__delete(v_child_row.item_id); end if; end loop; end if; PERFORM content_folder__unregister_content_type( delete__folder_id, ''content_revision'', ''t'' ); delete from cr_folder_type_map where folder_id = delete__folder_id; select parent_id into v_parent_id from cr_items where item_id = delete__folder_id; raise notice ''deleteing folder %'',delete__folder_id; PERFORM content_item__delete(delete__folder_id); -- check if any folders are left in the parent update cr_folders set has_child_folders = ''f'' where folder_id = v_parent_id and not exists ( select 1 from cr_items where parent_id = v_parent_id and content_type = ''content_folder''); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_folder__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare delete__folder_id alias for $1; v_count integer; v_parent_id integer; v_path varchar; begin return content_folder__delete( delete__folder_id, ''f'' ); end;' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('content_extlink__new','name,url,label,description,parent_id,extlink_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip'); select define_function_args('content_folder__new','name,label,description,parent_id,context_id,folder_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip,security_inherit_p'); select define_function_args('content_item__new','name,parent_id,item_id,locale,creation_date;now,creation_user,context_id,creation_ip,item_subtype;content_item,content_type;content_revision,title,description,mime_type;text/plain,nls_language,text,data,relation_tag,is_live;f,storage_type;lob'); select define_function_args('content_keyword__new','heading,description,parent_id,keyword_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip,object_type;content_keyword'); select define_function_args('content_symlink__new','name,label,target_id,parent_id,symlink_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip'); select define_function_args('content_template__new','name,parent_id,template_id,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip'); select define_function_args('content_type__create_type','content_type,supertype;content_revision,pretty_name,pretty_plural,table_name,id_colum;XXX,name_method'); select define_function_args('content_type__create_attribute','content_type,attribute_name,datatype,pretty_name,pretty_plural,sort_order,default_value,column_spec;text'); -- DRB: PG version now verifies that the new content_type's supertype is indeed content_revision -- or one of its descendants. create or replace function content_type__create_type (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_type__content_type alias for $1; create_type__supertype alias for $2; -- default ''content_revision'' create_type__pretty_name alias for $3; create_type__pretty_plural alias for $4; create_type__table_name alias for $5; create_type__id_column alias for $6; -- default ''XXX'' create_type__name_method alias for $7; -- default null v_temp_p boolean; v_supertype_table acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; begin if (create_type__supertype <> ''content_revision'') and (create_type__content_type <> ''content_revision'') then select count(*) > 0 into v_temp_p from acs_object_type_supertype_map where object_type = create_type__supertype and ancestor_type = ''content_revision''; if not v_temp_p then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: supertype % must be a subtype of content_revision'', create_type__supertype; end if; end if; -- create the attribute table if not already created select count(*) > 0 into v_temp_p from pg_class where relname = lower(create_type__table_name); if NOT v_temp_p then select table_name into v_supertype_table from acs_object_types where object_type = create_type__supertype; execute ''create table '' || create_type__table_name || '' ('' || create_type__id_column || '' integer primary key references '' || v_supertype_table || '')''; end if; PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( create_type__content_type, create_type__pretty_name, create_type__pretty_plural, create_type__supertype, create_type__table_name, create_type__id_column, null, ''f'', null, create_type__name_method ); PERFORM content_type__refresh_view(create_type__content_type); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('content_type__drop_type','content_type,drop_children_p;f,drop_table_p;f'); select define_function_args('content_type__drop_attribute','content_type,attribute_name,drop_column;f'); -- PG 7.3 now supports drop column ... create or replace function content_type__drop_attribute (varchar,varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare drop_attribute__content_type alias for $1; drop_attribute__attribute_name alias for $2; drop_attribute__drop_column alias for $3; -- default ''f'' v_attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; v_table acs_object_types.table_name%TYPE; begin -- Get attribute information select upper(t.table_name), a.attribute_id into v_table, v_attr_id from acs_object_types t, acs_attributes a where t.object_type = drop_attribute__content_type and a.object_type = drop_attribute__content_type and a.attribute_name = drop_attribute__attribute_name; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Attribute %:% does not exist in content_type.drop_attribute'', drop_attribute__content_type, drop_attribute__attribute_name; end if; -- Drop the attribute PERFORM acs_attribute__drop_attribute(drop_attribute__content_type, drop_attribute__attribute_name); -- FIXME: postgresql does not support drop column. -- Drop the column if neccessary if drop_attribute__drop_column then execute ''alter table '' || v_table || '' drop column '' || drop_attribute__attribute_name || ''cascade''; -- exception when others then -- raise_application_error(-20000, ''Unable to drop column '' || -- v_table || ''.'' || attribute_name || '' in content_type.drop_attribute''); end if; PERFORM content_type__refresh_view(drop_attribute__content_type); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function content_type__is_content_type (varchar) returns boolean as ' declare is_content_type__object_type alias for $1; v_is_content_type boolean; begin if is_content_type__object_type = ''content_revision'' then v_is_content_type := ''t''; else select count(*) > 0 into v_is_content_type from acs_object_type_supertype_map where object_type = is_content_type__object_type and ancestor_type = ''content_revision''; end if; return v_is_content_type; end;' language 'plpgsql' stable; /***********************************************************************/ /* Lars: Make trigger handle parent_id's that are not cr_items */ /***********************************************************************/ drop trigger cr_items_tree_insert_tr on cr_items; drop function cr_items_tree_insert_tr(); create function cr_items_tree_insert_tr () returns opaque as ' declare v_parent_sk varbit default null; v_max_value integer; v_parent_id integer; begin -- Lars: If the parent is not a cr_item, we treat it as if it was null. select item_id into v_parent_id from cr_items where item_id = new.parent_id; if v_parent_id is null then -- Lars: Treat all items with a non-cr_item parent as one big pool wrt tree_sortkeys -- The old algorithm had tree_sortkeys start from zero for each different parent select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(child.tree_sortkey)) into v_max_value from cr_items child where child.parent_id not in (select item_id from cr_items); else select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(tree_sortkey)) into v_max_value from cr_items where parent_id = new.parent_id; select tree_sortkey into v_parent_sk from cr_items where item_id = new.parent_id; end if; new.tree_sortkey := tree_next_key(v_parent_sk, v_max_value); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_items_tree_insert_tr before insert on cr_items for each row execute procedure cr_items_tree_insert_tr (); drop trigger cr_items_tree_update_tr on cr_items; drop function cr_items_tree_update_tr(); create function cr_items_tree_update_tr () returns opaque as ' declare v_parent_sk varbit default null; v_max_value integer; p_id integer; v_rec record; clr_keys_p boolean default ''t''; begin if new.item_id = old.item_id and ((new.parent_id = old.parent_id) or (new.parent_id is null and old.parent_id is null)) then return new; end if; for v_rec in select item_id from cr_items where tree_sortkey between new.tree_sortkey and tree_right(new.tree_sortkey) order by tree_sortkey LOOP if clr_keys_p then update cr_items set tree_sortkey = null where tree_sortkey between new.tree_sortkey and tree_right(new.tree_sortkey); clr_keys_p := ''f''; end if; -- Lars: If the parent is not a cr_item, we treat it as if it was null. select parent.item_id into p_id from cr_items parent, cr_items child where child.item_id = v_rec.item_id and parent.item_id = chid.parent_id; if p_id is null then -- Lars: Treat all items with a non-cr_item parent as one big pool wrt tree_sortkeys -- The old algorithm had tree_sortkeys start from zero for each different parent select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(tree_sortkey)) into v_max_value from cr_items child where child.parent_id not in (select item_id from cr_items); else select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(tree_sortkey)) into v_max_value from cr_items where parent_id = p_id; select tree_sortkey into v_parent_sk from cr_items where item_id = p_id; end if; update cr_items set tree_sortkey = tree_next_key(v_parent_sk, v_max_value) where item_id = v_rec.item_id; end LOOP; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_items_tree_update_tr after update on cr_items for each row execute procedure cr_items_tree_update_tr (); -- Now update all the existing tree_sortkeys -- This will cause the entire set of values to be shifted, -- i.e. it will no longer start at zero, but at max(tree_sortkey)+1. -- Don't know how to avoid this. update cr_items set parent_id = parent_id;