--- TBD --- -- Closed --All Categories-- --Select Person-- --Select Role-- completed this subproject Action Action to take? Actions Active tasks Actual end date Actual end dates Actual hours worked Actual start date Actual start dates Add Add subproject Add a Process Add a process Add a task Add assignment Add comment Add complaint Add myself as Add process Add project Add subproject Add task Add %task_term_lower% Add tasks Added: Added: %new% Admin Aggregate projects from this time of past years and beyond. All Assign from categories Assign myself Assign myself as lead %assign% removed %assign% saved Assignee Assignee: Assignees "Assignees" Assignment Assignments Assignments saved Attach a file? Average Back one week back to admin page Close Projects By deadline Cancel Cancel, do not delete Categories Check/Uncheck Close Aufgaben schliessen Close project Close tasks <b><font color="red">Warning:</font> The following projects have unclosed subprojects.</b> Closed Code Code: Comment: Comment Comments Complete: Contact Create Offer Automatically create a new offer made up of offer items for each of the combinations given above? Create project Created Creation date CSV Current Currently integrated: Currently selected: Customer Customer Name Customers Date Date: Dates Dates: Days days Days work Days worked Deadline: Deadline Deadline Time Default roles Delete Delete: %one_line% Delete task Delete tasks Delete this task? Dep dependencies Dependency: Dependency Dependency types Description Description: Description Description changed Done. Done Dynamic Form Dynamic Forms Earliest Finish Earliest finish Earliest finish date Earliest Start Earliest start Earliest start date Earliest start dates Edit Edit assignees Edit a Process Edit assignees Edit categories Edit multiple tasks Edit Process Edit %project_term% Edit %task_term% Edit Tasks Edit tasks Edit this role EF Email End date End dates Enhanced Text Error ES Estimated Hours Estimated Hours (Max) Estimated Hours (Min) Estimated hours work False Fixed-width Text Format: Printer friendly format Forward one week Go Go back Goal Goal: Hide Hour to date hours Hours completed Hours remaining Hours worked hrs HTML ID Jobid Insert a keyword to search for a Jobid (project name). Key Last Last Years Latest Finish Latest finish Latest finish date Latest finish dates Latest Start Latest start Latest start: Latest start date Latest start dates Lead LF Link package instances Link task: Linking Log Log entry: Log hours Log time Logged variables Logger Logger integration Long Term Tasks LS . Project manager requires you to install and mount at least one instance of logger, because it uses logger to log time and other variables against projects and tasks. However, you can have varying levels of integration with logger. This section sets up which logger instances you want to be fully integrated with project-manager, so that new project-manager projects appear in the logger instance. . Project manager requires you to install and mount at least one instance of logger, because it uses logger to log time and other variables against projects and tasks. However, you can have varying levels of integration with logger. This section sets up which logger instances you want to be fully integrated with project-manager, so that new project-manager projects appear in the logger instance. A person interested in developments, possibly helping out on it. A person on the team responsible for completion of the project Actual hours completed Add a comment to: %title% Add a process %task_term_lower% Add a process %task_term_lower% (assignment) Add a %project_term_lower% Add new tasks Add %task_term_lower% dependencies Administrator needs to set up logger integration After they have done this, you can go back to the previous page, refresh it, and then add and edit logged hours. Are you ready to sync with these URLs? Are you sure you want to delete this process: %one_line% Are you sure you want to delete log entry with %value% %variable.unit% %variable.name% on %time_stamp%?' Are you sure you'd like to delete these %task_term_lower%s? Assigned to project: %project_name% (be patient, this takes a long time, you can read the log files to see what's happening if you like.) Begin synchronization Changes to project saved Click on one of the following items to set it up: Comment: %title% saved Complete: %task_info.percent_complete%% consult with people affected, and let them know deadlines are affected Date: %entries.time_stamp_pretty% Days remaining: %task_info.days_remaining% Deadline: Deadline: %tasks.end_date_html;noquote% Delete process: %one_line% Delete process %task_term_lower% Dependency changed <i>from</i> %old% (%old_dependency%) <i>to</i> %new% (%new_dependency%) depends on another %task_term_lower% done with project update page (finally!) Earliest finish dates Edit a process %task_term_lower% Edit a %project_term_lower% Edit a %task_term_lower% Edit process instance Edit project assignees Edited %task_term% #%task_item_id%: %subject% Enter 100% to close the %task_term_lower%, or less to open it. Enter 100% to close the %task_term_lower%, or less to open it. Enter a number for ordering the priority. 0 is the default and also the lowest priority. Estimated finish date Estimated finish dates Estimated hours total Estimated maximum hours Estimated minimum hours Finishes before this starts Finishes before this finishes For new tasks, a project must be passed in Hard deadline changed <i>from</i> %date_old% <i>to</i> <b>%date_new%</b> Hours remaining: %task_info.hours_remaining% If the row is in red, you are involved in this task. If it is in grey, then it has already been completed. If yes, then this project has no deadline @import "%package_url%style-logger.css"; @import "%package_url%style.css"; Last <input type="text" name="logger_days" value="%logger_days%" size="5" /> Days This page allows you to link other package instances to this project manager Linked logger project Linked logger projects Log hours Log time for multiple tasks Logger is a package that lets you log time, expenses, and other . Project manager requires you to install and mount at least one instance of logger, because it uses logger to log time and other variables against projects and tasks. However, you can have varying levels of integration with logger. This section sets up which logger instances you want to be fully integrated with project-manager, so that new project-manager projects appear in the logger instance. Logger is a package that lets you log time, expenses, and other Logger is a package that lets you log time, expenses, and other Logger projects synchronized look over these to plan ahead %mod_username% assigned you to a new %task_term_lower% %mod_username% edited this %task_term_lower% &nbsp;%num.rownum%&nbsp;&nbsp; New %task_term% #%task_item_id%: %subject% (not current, select live version from the (not current, select live version from the page) Now set up dependencies Once you have chosen logger instances to be integrated with project-manager, you may have a lot of older project-manager projects that are not synchronized with logger. This page lets you synchronize older project-manager projects with logger, so that they are all linked in correctly with that instance. This does not add in logger projects to project-manager (although someone can certainly add that functionality if they wish). Primary logger instance\ Primary logger instance saved Priority: %task_info.priority% Process added. Now add process tasks. Process changes saved. Now edit process tasks Process task dependencies saved Process %task_tasks% saved. Project changed <i>from</i> %old% Project changes saved Project comment: %title% Project: %entries.project_name% Project: '%project_name%' added %project.actual_hours_completed% of %project.estimated_hours_total% Projects can be categorized according to multiple 'trees' of categories. What this means is you can have multiple ways of categorizing your projects. This section sets up your categories and allows you to link them to projects. Currently, there is a bug in the categories package that prevents the context bar at the top of the screen from returning you to the project-manager pages. %required_param% is a required parameter. Saved change of process instance name Saved project assignments based on task assignments Saved tasks. You may need to refresh the screen to see the changes. Select a %project_term% to assign this %task_term% to Select a %project_term% to assign this process to Send a process reminder Send email to assignees? set according to task assignments %project_term% code %project_term% goal %project_term% name Set to 100 to close the task set up integration with logger Set up logger integration skip adding dependencies Slack: %task_info.slack_time% Slack time: %task_info.slack_time% Starts before this finishes Starts before this starts Synchronize logger projects %task_info.estimated_hours_work_min% - %task_info.estimated_hours_work_max% hrs estimated %task_info.percent_complete%% complete Task %task_item_id% Deleted %task_term% and current status %task_term%s depending on this %task_term% %task_term%(s) depending on this %task_term% %task_term%s this depends on. %task_term%(s) this depends on. Tasks can be categorized according to multiple 'trees' of categories. What this means is you can have multiple ways of categorizing your tasks. This section sets up your categories and allows you to link them to tasks. Currently, there is a bug in the categories package that prevents the context bar at the top of the screen from returning you to the project-manager pages. Team members who are responsible for the completion of the project The administrator needs to The data model has a facility for default roles, although it is not currently used at all. This shows what is in the database for default roles. Currently unimplemented. The parameters allow you to do things such as set up daily reminder emails, change what fields are shown in the project view and edit pages, and so on. Highly recommended if you're setting up project-manager. The roles people can take on projects and tasks, such as manager, sales contact, tech support person, etc.. Currently, can only be edited directly in the database. There are no matching log entries There is a data model for workgroups, but it is not a part of the UI. Shows what is in the database (currently, nothing!) There is currently a bug in this page where it will not allow you to remove values. You will have to do that through the parameters section. This is a daily reminder of tasks that are assigned to you You currently have <i>%cur_task_count%</i> tasks assigned to you This page allows you to update the deadlines of all the projects in your installation. It will take a while. This page will eventually allow you to log hours against multiple tasks at once. to these process %task_term_lower%s. Dependencies describe the order in which items must be completed. For example, &quot;the boards must be delivered before construction can begin&quot;. Entering dependencies is important because it allows the system to automatically compute schedules. However, you can Unknown group by column %group_by% Updated who you will see on the task calendar Updating projects and tasks Use all tasks in this process: %use_link;noquote% Use this process: %use_link;noquote% User: %entries.user_chunk;noquote% Valid status codes, for example, 'Open' and 'Closed' View %project_term_lower% roles View %project_term_lower% workgroups View this project version Week: %entries.time_stamp_week% When implemented, this page will allow you to view and edit the descriptions given to various dependency types (such as finish before start, etc..) Currently, the only dependency used is finish before start, so it's not exposed in the UI Will continue automatically Work estimate changed <i>from</i> %old% <i>to</i> %new% days Work estimate changed <i>from</i> %old_estimated_hours_work% <i>to</i> %new_estimated_hours_work% hrs Work estimate (max) changed <i>from</i> %old% <i>to</i> %new% days Work estimate (max) changed <i>from</i> %old_estimated_hours_work_max% <i>to</i> %new_estimated_hours_work_max% hrs Work estimate (min) changed <i>from</i> %old% <i>to</i> %new days% Work estimate (min) changed <i>from</i> %old_estimated_hours_work_min% <i>to</i> %new_estimated_hours_work_min% hrs You can optionally log time worked here. You have been assigned to a project: <a href=\"%project_url%\">%project_name%</a> (as %role%) You may enter a %task_term_lower% that needs to be completed before this %task_term_lower% You may now add to these process %task_term_lower%s. Dependencies describe the order in which items must be completed. For example, "the boards must be delivered before construction can begin". Entering dependencies is important because it allows the system to automatically compute schedules. However, you can . You may optionally enter a hard deadline You must choose a logger instance to be the primary logger linked in with project-manager. This is closely linked in with project-manager, so you can view reports of a project, etc. You must enter a number here (make your best guess) You must submit changes on this page or you will lose any data on this page you need to start working on these soon to avoid affecting deadlines Max: Min: Minimal Amount Minimal amount made by projects. Choose one project to move the task to. Move Task Move task to project: n/a Name Name: &nbsp;&nbsp;%project_term% New Process New %project_term% New %task_term% No no hard deadline No project passed in No UI not set up Nothing Now # Number of new tasks Observer? OK One One line description One process One %project_term% One Task Ongoing Open Or search for another project: Order Overdue Tasks Overview of process: Package Instance Package Instance page) Page Size Parameters Party ID People Percent complete Percent Complete\ Percent complete Percents complete Plain Text Planned end date Planned end date between: Planned end dates Planned start date Planned start dates Player Please wait... Pressing Tasks Previous Status Priorities Priority: Priority Priority changed <i>from</i> %old_prio% <i>to</i> %new_prio% Proceed Proceed with closing subprojects as well Process Process deleted Process Instances Process instances Process name Process overview Process status Process tasks: process tasks Processes Project: project Add <input type="hidden" name="process_id" value="%process_id%"><input type="text" name="number" size="3" value="1" /> new task(s) to this process (not current, select live version from the <a href="task-revisions?task_id=%task_info.item_id%">task change</a> page) Project Project categories Project Changes Project code Project Code, e.g. used by the customer Project codes Customer for whom this project is run Description of the project (what is it about) Project Emails Deadline of the project Time of the deadline of the project Project goal Project goals Project information Project is ongoing? Project missing Project name Name of the project Project ongoing Project Search: Project Search term Status of the project %project_term;noquote%s %project_term%s Projection Projects Projects ongoing Project reports Quantity: Rate Rate Rate Assignees Rate this project Rate This Project Related %task_term%s Remaining Work myself Remove myself Removed Removed: %old% Results: Role Role ID Roles Search: Search Search: Search Enter a keyword to search for projects. Search Jobid Search project Search Users Section Select Assigne in this project to send a message Select process: Select Project Send email? Send Mail Send message to: Set permissions Set up Show Show closed Show this projects Show Subprojects Skip this task? Slack: Slack Slack: n/a Slack time Sort order Start Start date Starting... Starts Status: Status Status types Status update sent Subject: Subject Subject\ Subject changed <i>from</i> %old_title% <i>to</i> %new_title% Subproject Tasks Subprojects Subtotal Subtotal Average Sync Table Task task Task Calendar Task calendar Task categories task change Task Description Task hours completed Task Name: Task overview %task_term% Changes %task_term%s TASKS Tasks Tasks linked Time: Times used Title Title\ Total Total Amount Total work Total work required: True Type Unmounted Update all Updating status... Use Use a process Use process User Users to view variables View View active tasks View all tasks View customers View only tasks where you actively collaborating View only tasks where you are an observer View options View project changes View Project Emails View Revisions View task changes View this revision View this task View Watcher tasks Watcher Who Work Work estimate Work required: Workgroup ID Workgroups Working Project Tasks Yes You may now add Your role: