postgresql7.1 select workflow_case__begin_task_action( :task_id, :action, :modifying_ip, :user_id, :msg); select workflow_case__new(:case_id, :workflow_key, :context_key, :object_id, now(), :user_id, :creation_ip ) select workflow_case__start_case(:case_id, :user_id, :creation_ip, null ) select journal_entry__new( null, :case_id, 'comment', null, now(), :user_id, :ip_address, :msg ) select workflow__simple_p(:workflow_key); end; select case_id, acs_object__name(object_id) as object_name, state from wf_cases where case_id = :case_id select t.task_id, t.case_id, c.object_id, acs_object__name(c.object_id) as object_name, ot.pretty_name as object_type_pretty, c.workflow_key, tr.transition_name as task_name, t.state, t.enabled_date, to_char(t.enabled_date, :date_format) as enabled_date_pretty, t.started_date, to_char(t.started_date, :date_format) as started_date_pretty, t.canceled_date, to_char(t.canceled_date, :date_format) as canceled_date_pretty, t.finished_date, to_char(t.finished_date, :date_format) as finished_date_pretty, t.overridden_date, to_char(t.overridden_date, :date_format) as overridden_date_pretty, t.holding_user, acs_object__name(t.holding_user) as holding_user_name, as holding_user_email, t.hold_timeout, to_char(t.hold_timeout, :date_format) as hold_timeout_pretty, t.deadline, to_char(t.deadline, :date_format) as deadline_pretty, t.deadline - now() as days_till_deadline, tr.estimated_minutes, tr.access_privilege, now() from wf_tasks t left outer join parties p on p.party_id = t.holding_user, wf_cases c, wf_transition_info tr, acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot, parties p where t.task_id = :task_id and c.case_id = t.case_id and tr.transition_key = t.transition_key and tr.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tr.context_key = c.context_key and o.object_id = c.object_id and ot.object_type = o.object_type select a.attribute_id, a.attribute_name, a.pretty_name, a.datatype, acs_object__get_attribute(c.case_id, a.attribute_name) as value, wfai.wf_datatype, '' as attribute_widget from acs_attributes a, wf_transition_attribute_map m, wf_tasks t, wf_cases c, wf_attribute_info wfai where t.task_id = :task_id and c.case_id = t.case_id and m.workflow_key = c.workflow_key and m.transition_key = t.transition_key and a.attribute_id = m.attribute_id and wfai.attribute_id = a.attribute_id order by m.sort_order select ut.user_id, acs_object__name(ut.user_id) as name, as email from wf_user_tasks ut, parties p where ut.task_id = :task_id and p.party_id = ut.user_id select j.journal_id, j.action, j.action_pretty, o.creation_date, to_char(o.creation_date, :date_format) as creation_date_pretty, o.creation_user, acs_object__name(o.creation_user) as creation_user_name, as creation_user_email, o.creation_ip, j.msg from journal_entries j, acs_objects o left outer join parties p on p.party_id = o.creation_user where j.object_id = :case_id and o.object_id = j.journal_id order by o.creation_date $sql_order select workflow_case__set_attribute_value( :journal_id, :attribute_name, :value ); select workflow_case__clear_manual_assignments( :case_id, :transition_key ); select workflow_case__add_manual_assignment( :case_id, :transition_key, :party_id ); select workflow_case__end_task_action( :journal_id, :action, :task_id ); select workflow_case__fire_message_transition( :task_id ); select workflow_case__suspend( :case_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :msg ); select workflow_case__resume( :case_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :msg ); select workflow_case__cancel( :case_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :msg ); end;