-- -- acs-workflow/sql/sample-expenses-create.sql -- -- Creates an expenses workflow to play with. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-05-18 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: sample-expenses-create.sql,v 1.4 2001/04/13 04:31:27 danw Exp $ -- /* This table will hold one row for each case using this workflow. */ create table wf_expenses_cases ( case_id integer primary key constraint wf_expenses_cases_case_fk references wf_cases on delete cascade ); create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare v_workflow_key varchar; begin v_workflow_key := workflow__create_workflow( ''expenses_wf'', ''Expense Authorization'', ''Expense authorizations'', ''Workflow for authorizing employee''''s expenses on the company''''s behalf'', ''wf_expenses_cases'', ''case_id'' ); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('start', 'expenses_wf', 'Initial state', 1); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('assignments_done', 'expenses_wf', 'Tasks have been assigned', 2); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('supervisor_to_approve', 'expenses_wf', 'Supervisor is to approve', 3); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('other_to_approve', 'expenses_wf', 'Other is to approve', 4); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('supervisor_approved', 'expenses_wf', 'Supervisor has approved', 5); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('other_approved', 'expenses_wf', 'Other has approved', 6); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('ready_to_buy', 'expenses_wf', 'Both have approved', 8); insert into wf_places(place_key, workflow_key, place_name, sort_order) values ('end', 'expenses_wf', 'End state', 9); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('assign', 'Assign users to approval', 'expenses_wf', 1, 'user'); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('and_split', 'Both supervisor and Other approval', 'expenses_wf', 2, 'automatic'); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('supervisor_approval', 'Supervisor approval', 'expenses_wf', 3, 'user'); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('other_approval', 'Other approval', 'expenses_wf', 4, 'user'); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('and_join', 'Supervisor and other approval both done', 'expenses_wf', 5, 'automatic'); insert into wf_transitions(transition_key, transition_name, workflow_key, sort_order, trigger_type) values ('buy', 'Buy stuff', 'expenses_wf', 6, 'user'); -- assign -- -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'assign', 'start', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'assign', 'assignments_done', 'out'); -- and-split -- -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_split', 'assignments_done', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_split', 'supervisor_to_approve', 'out'); insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_split', 'other_to_approve', 'out'); -- supervisor_approval -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'supervisor_approval', 'supervisor_to_approve', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'supervisor_approval', 'supervisor_approved', 'out'); -- other-approval -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'other_approval', 'other_to_approve', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'other_approval', 'other_approved', 'out'); -- and-join and or-split -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_join', 'supervisor_approved', 'in'); insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_join', 'other_approved', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction, guard_callback, guard_description) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_join', 'ready_to_buy', 'out', 'wf_expenses__guard_both_approved_p', 'Both supervisor and CEO approved'); insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction, guard_callback, guard_description) values ('expenses_wf', 'and_join', 'end', 'out', '#', 'Either supervisor or CEO did not approve'); -- buy -- in insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'buy', 'ready_to_buy', 'in'); -- out insert into wf_arcs(workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction) values ('expenses_wf', 'buy', 'end', 'out'); create function inline_1 () returns integer as ' declare v_attribute_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin v_attribute_id := workflow__create_attribute( ''expenses_wf'', ''supervisor_ok'', ''boolean'', ''Supervisor Approval'', null, null, null, ''f'', 1, 1, null, ''generic'', ''none'' ); insert into wf_transition_attribute_map (workflow_key, transition_key, attribute_id, sort_order) values (''expenses_wf'', ''supervisor_approval'', v_attribute_id, 1); v_attribute_id := workflow__create_attribute( ''expenses_wf'', ''other_ok'', ''boolean'', ''Other Approval'', null, null, null, ''f'', 1, 1, null, ''generic'', ''none'' ); insert into wf_transition_attribute_map (workflow_key, transition_key, attribute_id, sort_order) values (''expenses_wf'', ''other_approval'', v_attribute_id, 1); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_1 (); drop function inline_1 (); insert into wf_transition_assignment_map (workflow_key, transition_key, assign_transition_key) values ('expenses_wf', 'assign', 'supervisor_approval'); insert into wf_transition_assignment_map (workflow_key, transition_key, assign_transition_key) values ('expenses_wf', 'assign', 'other_approval'); /* Context stuff */ insert into wf_context_transition_info ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, estimated_minutes ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'assign', 5 ); insert into wf_context_transition_info ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, hold_timeout_callback, hold_timeout_custom_arg, estimated_minutes ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'supervisor_approval', 'wf_callback__time_sysdate_plus_x', 1/24, 15 ); insert into wf_context_transition_info ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, estimated_minutes ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'other_approval', 15 ); insert into wf_context_transition_info ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, estimated_minutes ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'buy', 30 ); insert into wf_context_task_panels ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, sort_key, header, template_url ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'supervisor_approval', 1, 'Claim Info', 'sample/expenses-claim-info' ); insert into wf_context_task_panels ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, sort_key, header, template_url ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'supervisor_approval', 2, 'Logic and Aids', 'sample/expenses-approval-aids' ); insert into wf_context_task_panels ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, sort_key, header, template_url ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'other_approval', 1, 'Claim Info', 'sample/expenses-claim-info' ); insert into wf_context_task_panels ( context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, sort_key, header, template_url ) values ( 'default', 'expenses_wf', 'other_approval', 2, 'Logic and Aids', 'sample/expenses-approval-aids' ); /* Callbacks for the workflow */ -- create or replace package wf_expenses --is -- -- function guard_both_approved_p ( -- case_id in integer, -- workflow_key in varchar2, -- transition_key in varchar2, -- place_key in varchar2, -- direction_in varchar2, -- custom_arg in varchar2 -- ) -- return char; -- --end wf_expenses; --/ --show errors; --create or replace package body wf_expenses create function wf_expenses__guard_both_approved_p (integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns boolean as ' declare guard_both_approved_p__case_id alias for $1; guard_both_approved_p__workflow_key alias for $2; guard_both_approved_p__transition_key alias for $3; guard_both_approved_p__place_key alias for $4; guard_both_approved_p__direction_in alias for $5; guard_both_approved_p__custom_arg alias for $6; v_other_ok_p boolean; v_supervisor_ok_p boolean; begin v_other_ok_p := workflow_case__get_attribute_value( guard_both_approved_p__case_id, ''other_ok'' ); if v_other_ok_p = ''f'' then return ''f''; end if; v_supervisor_ok_p := workflow_case__get_attribute_value( guard_both_approved_p__case_id, ''supervisor_ok'' ); return v_supervisor_ok_p; end;' language 'plpgsql';