<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<message_catalog package_key="file-storage" package_version="5.2.3d2" locale="en_US" charset="ISO-8859-1">

  <msg key="_Upload">Revision</msg>
  <msg key="Action">Action</msg>
  <msg key="Actions">Actions:</msg>
  <msg key="Actions_1">Actions</msg>
  <msg key="Add_Dup_As_New_File">If you upload a file with the same name as a file already in this folder, we will alter your new file's name by adding an incremental suffix (eg. &quot;mydoc.doc&quot; -&gt; &quot;mydoc-1.doc&quot;) and making it a new, separate file.&lt;p&gt;&lt;i&gt;Note that this is not the Title of the file, which you can specify as you like. This is the File Name, which must be unique in each folder.&lt;/i&gt;</msg>
  <msg key="Add_Dup_As_Revision">If you upload a file with the same name as a file already in this folder, we will add your file as a new version of the existing file.</msg>
  <msg key="Add_File">Add File</msg>
  <msg key="Add_folder_from_fs">Add folder from file system</msg>
  <msg key="Add_pretty_name">Add %pretty_name%</msg>
  <msg key="Author">Author</msg>
  <msg key="back_to_folder_view">Back to folder view</msg>
  <msg key="back_to_project">Back to project</msg>
  <msg key="bytes">bytes</msg>
  <msg key="Change_Name">Change Name</msg>
  <msg key="Change_upload_limit">Change upload limit</msg>
  <msg key="Choose_Destination_Folder">Choose a destination folder</msg>
  <msg key="Configure_File_Upload_Limit">Configure File Upload Limit</msg>
  <msg key="Copy">Copy</msg>
  <msg key="Copy_File">Copy File</msg>
  <msg key="Copy_to_folder_title">Copy to folder</msg>
  <msg key="Create">Create</msg>
  <msg key="Create_a_new_folder">Create a new folder</msg>
  <msg key="Create_a_URL">Create a URL</msg>
  <msg key="Create_New_Folder">Create New Folder</msg>
  <msg key="day">day</msg>
  <msg key="days_as_new">days as new.</msg>
  <msg key="Delete">Delete</msg>
  <msg key="delete">delete</msg>
  <msg key="Delete_Checked_Items">Delete Checked Items</msg>
  <msg key="Delete_File">Delete File</msg>
  <msg key="delete_folder_and_children">This will delete %folder_name% and %child_count% files and folders. Do you want to continue?</msg>
  <msg key="Delete_this_folder">Delete this folder</msg>
  <msg key="Delete_Version">Delete Version</msg>
  <msg key="Description">Description:</msg>
  <msg key="Download">Download</msg>
  <msg key="Edit">Edit</msg>
  <msg key="edit">edit</msg>
  <msg key="Edit_Folder">Edit Folder</msg>
  <msg key="Edit_URL">Edit URL</msg>
  <msg key="file">file</msg>
  <msg key="file_delete_page_title">Delete %title%</msg>
  <msg key="File_deleted">File deleted</msg>
  <msg key="file_edit_page_title">Rename %title%</msg>
  <msg key="file_edit_page_title_1">Edit %pretty_name%</msg>
  <msg key="file_page_file_title_label">Title: %title%</msg>
  <msg key="file_page_owner_label">Owner: %owner%</msg>
  <msg key="Folder">Folder</msg>
  <msg key="folder">folder</msg>
  <msg key="Folder_Add">Add folder</msg>
  <msg key="Folder_available_via_WebDAV_at">This folder is available via WebDAV at %webdav_url%</msg>
  <msg key="folder_delete_page_title">Delete %folder_name%</msg>
  <msg key="Folder_deleted">Folder deleted</msg>
  <msg key="Folder_ID">Folder ID</msg>
  <msg key="Folder_Name">Folder Name:</msg>
  <msg key="folder_type_pretty_name">folder</msg>
  <msg key="index_page_navigate_up_folder">Up to %up_name%</msg>
  <msg key="item">item</msg>
  <msg key="items">items</msg>
  <msg key="kb">kb</msg>
  <msg key="Last_Modified">Last Modified</msg>
  <msg key="last_month">Last Month</msg>
  <msg key="last_week">Last Week</msg>
  <msg key="link">link</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Add_a_link_to_a_web_p">Add a link to a web page in this folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_administer_permission">administer permissions</msg>
  <msg key="lt_All_Versions_of_title">All Versions of &quot;%title%&quot;</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Are_you_sure_that_you">Are you sure that you want to delete this version &quot;%version_name%&quot; of &quot;%title%&quot;?
This action cannot be reversed.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_bad_folder_id_folder_">missing folder id</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Comments_on_this_file">Comments on this file:</msg>
  <msg key="lt_contentscontent_size_">%contents.content_size_pretty% bytes</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Copy_Checked_Items_to">Copy Checked Items to Another Folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_delete_file">Are you sure you want to delete the file &quot;%title%&quot; and all of its versions?  This action cannot be reversed.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_delete_folder">Are you sure you want to delete the folder &quot;%folder_name%&quot; and all the items it contains?  This action cannot be reversed.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Delete_this_file_incl">Delete this file (including all versions)</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Do_you_want_to_delete">Do you want to delete the listed items?</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Download_an_archive_o">Download an archive of the contents of this folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Either_there_is_alrea">Either there is already a folder with the name &quot;%folder_name%&quot; or you clicked on the button more than once.  You can use the Back button to return and choose a new name, or &lt;a href=&quot;%directory_url%&quot;&gt;return to the directory listing&lt;/a&gt; to see if your folder is there.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_File-Storage_folder_f">File-Storage folder: %folder_name%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_File_Storage_Notifica">File Storage Notification</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Folder_folder_name_is">Folder %folder_name% is empty.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_It_appears_that_there">It appears that there is already a file with that name in this folder (although possibly you clicked more than once on the submit button.)</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Leave_blank_for_linked_documents">Leave title blank when uploading multiple interlinked documents.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Live_version_of_title">Live version of &quot;%title%&quot;</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Modify_permissions_on">Modify permissions on this file</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Modify_permissions_on_1">Modify permissions on this folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Move_Checked_Items_to">Move Checked Items to Another Folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Moving_allowed_count_">Moving %allowed_count% items.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Name_of_the_action_ty">Name of the %action_type%: %filename%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_New_version_of_file_u">New version of file uploaded</msg>
  <msg key="lt_New_Version_Uploaded_">New Version Uploaded for file: %filename%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_No_valid_items_to_be_">No valid items to be moved.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_not_allowed_count_ite">%not_allowed_count% items can not be moved</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Notification_for_File">Notification for: File-Storage: %action_type%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Please_enter_the_new_">Please enter the new name for this file:</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Select_the_folder_tha">Select the folder that you would like to copy &quot;%file_name%&quot; to</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Select_the_folder_tha_1">Select the folder that you would like to move &quot;%file_name%&quot; under</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Show_files_modified_i">Show files modified in the past</msg>
  <msg key="lt_show_only_live_versio">show only live version</msg>
  <msg key="lt_The_folder_link_you_s">The %folder_link% you selected already contains a file with the same name.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_The_specified_file_is">The specified file is not valid.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_The_specified_folder_">The specified folder does not exist.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_The_specified_folder__1">The specified folder is not valid.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_The_specified_parent_">The specified parent folder is not valid.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_There_are_no_versions">There are no versions of this file available to you</msg>
  <msg key="lt_This_file_has_version">This file has versions that you do not have permission to delete,
so you cannot delete the file.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_This_folder_contains_">This folder contains items that you do not have permission to
delete, therefore you cannot delete it.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_This_is_a_ZIP">This is a ZIP file containing multiple files. Expect a long upload time for large files.  You may minimize your browser while waiting.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Upload_a_compressed_f">Upload a compressed folder that will be unzipped as it was.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Upload_a_file_in_this">Upload a file in this folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Upload_compressed_fol">Upload Compressed Folder</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Use_the_Browse_button">Use the &quot;Browse...&quot; button to locate your file, 
    then click &quot;Open&quot;.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_version_not_valid">The specified version is not valid.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Version_Notes_descrip">Version Notes: %description%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_View_folder_contents_">View folder contents: %url_version%</msg>
  <msg key="lt_We_got_an_error_that_">We got an error that we couldn't readily identify.  Please let the system owner know about this.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_We_received_an_error_">We received an error from the database.  Probably
    the folder you selected already contains a file with the same name.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Were_sorry_but_at_the">We're sorry, but at the moment you cannot delete folders unless they are already empty.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_You_may_not_delete_th">You may not delete the root folder.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_You_probably_clicked_">You probably clicked on the Add button more than once. Check if the file is properly loaded on the %folder_link% you want, or you can use the Back button to return and re-enter the version file.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t">Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Your_file_is_larger_t_1">Your file is larger than the maximum file size allowed on this system (%max_number_of_bytes% bytes)</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Your_search_on_query_">Your search on &quot;%query%&quot; did not return any results.</msg>
  <msg key="lt_Your_search_on_query__1">Your search on &quot;%query%&quot; returned the following files:</msg>
  <msg key="Modified">Modified</msg>
  <msg key="Move">Move</msg>
  <msg key="Move_File">Move File</msg>
  <msg key="Move_to_folder_title">Move to %folder_tree.label%</msg>
  <msg key="Multiple_files">Multiple files:</msg>
  <msg key="Name">Name</msg>
  <msg key="new">new</msg>
  <msg key="New_File_Uploaded">New File Uploaded</msg>
  <msg key="New_Folder">New Folder</msg>
  <msg key="New_URL_Uploaded">New URL Uploaded</msg>
  <msg key="No_such_type">No such type</msg>
  <msg key="no_such_URL">no such URL</msg>
  <msg key="No_valid_destination_folders_exist">No valid destination folder exists</msg>
  <msg key="PDF">PDF</msg>
  <msg key="Permissions">Permissions</msg>
  <msg key="properties">properties</msg>
  <msg key="Rename">Rename</msg>
  <msg key="Rename_File">Rename File</msg>
  <msg key="Rename_this_folder">Rename this folder</msg>
  <msg key="Save">Save</msg>
  <msg key="Search">Search</msg>
  <msg key="Search_again">Search again:</msg>
  <msg key="Search_Results">Search Results</msg>
  <msg key="Set_Permissions">Set Permissions</msg>
  <msg key="show_all_versions">show all versions</msg>
  <msg key="simple_add_page_title">Create %pretty_name%</msg>
  <msg key="Size">Size</msg>
  <msg key="Size_bytes">Size (bytes)</msg>
  <msg key="this_may_take_a_while">&lt;strong&gt;Note:&lt;/strong&gt; This may take a while, please be patient.</msg>
  <msg key="Title">Title</msg>
  <msg key="Title_">Title :</msg>
  <msg key="Type">Type</msg>
  <msg key="untitled">untitled</msg>
  <msg key="Update">Update</msg>
  <msg key="Upload">Upload</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_a_file">Upload a file</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_a_folder">Upload a folder</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_a_new_version">Upload a new version</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_folder_help">Upload a folder from the file system</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_Limit">Upload Limit (bytes)</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_limit_error">The upload limit can not be set to be larger than</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_limit_error_2">bytes. Increase the upload limit in your AOLserver's Tcl configuration file.</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_New_File">Upload New File</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_New_Version">Upload New Version</msg>
  <msg key="Upload_Revision">Upload Revision</msg>
  <msg key="Uploaded_by_ownern">Uploaded by: %owner%</msg>
  <msg key="URL">URL:</msg>
  <msg key="URL_deleted">URL deleted</msg>
  <msg key="version_add_page_title">Upload New Version of %title%</msg>
  <msg key="version_delete_page_title">Delete %version_name%</msg>
  <msg key="Version_filename">Version filename</msg>
  <msg key="Version_filename_">Version filename :</msg>
  <msg key="Version_filename_1">Version filename:</msg>
  <msg key="Version_Notes">Version Notes</msg>
  <msg key="Version_Notes_1">Version Notes:</msg>
  <msg key="view_details">view details</msg>
  <msg key="Yes_Delete">Yes, Delete</msg>
  <msg key="Yes_Delete_It">Yes, Delete It</msg>