{/doc/assessment/ {Assessment}} {6. Trigger Administration} 6. Trigger Administration

6. Trigger Administration

The trigger administration page can be reached from two different links, the link "Administer Triggers" in the action bar of each section, or from the link that show the number of triggers related to an item.

If the trigger administration page is reached from thi link of the section, all the triggers related to the items of the section will be display, this allowst to manage the order of the execution of the actions when they are executed immediately or at the end or the assessment. When the arrorws that appear beside each trigger is clicked, then the order of execution will change.

If the trigger administration page is reached through the link that show the number of triggers of each item, then the row will not be shown. Through this interface, the trigger can be edited, deleted or can be managed its notifications.

When a trigger is deleted, a confirm message will be display showing all the information related to it.

The link "Notify User" leads to a page a user can request notifications when this trigger is executed. It also allowst to search and register another users to the notifications.