select apt.package_key from apm_package_types apt where exists (select 1 from layout_includelets li where apt.package_key = li.application) and apt.package_type = 'apm_service' order by apt.package_key select li.title, count(*) from layout_includelets li, layout_elements le where le.package_id = :subsite_id and le.includelet_name = and li.application = :package_key group by li.title order by li.title select distinct ap.package_key , ap.package_id from layout_includelets li, apm_packages ap, site_nodes s, apm_package_types apt where s.parent_id = :subsite_node_id and s.object_id = ap.package_id and apm_package__is_child(li.application, ap.package_key) and apt.package_key = ap.package_key and apt.package_type = 'apm_application' select li.title, count(*) from layout_includelets li, layout_elements le where le.package_id = :package_id and le.includelet_name = group by li.title order by li.title select apt.package_key from apm_package_types apt where exists (select 1 from layout_includelets li, site_nodes s where apm_package__is_child(li.application, apt.package_key)) and not exists (select 1 from site_nodes s, apm_packages ap where s.parent_id = :subsite_node_id and s.object_id = ap.package_id and ap.package_key = apt.package_key) and apt.package_type = 'apm_application' order by apt.package_key select title as includelet from layout_includelets where apm_package__is_child(application, :package_key) order by title