select order_id from ec_orders where user_session_id=:user_session_id and order_state='in_basket' select order_id, user_id as order_owner from ec_orders where user_session_id=:user_session_id and order_state='in_basket' select i.price_name, i.price_charged, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice, p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, count(*) as quantity from ec_items i, ec_products p where i.order_id = :order_id and i.product_id = p.product_id group by p.product_name, p.one_line_description, p.product_id, i.price_name, i.price_charged, i.color_choice, i.size_choice, i.style_choice update ec_orders set user_id=:user_id where order_id=:order_id select count(*) from ec_items where order_id=:order_id select count(*) from ec_addresses where address_id = :address_id and user_id = :user_id select shipping_address from ec_orders where order_id=:order_id select first_names, last_name from cc_users where user_id=:user_id select p.no_shipping_avail_p from ec_items i, ec_products p where i.product_id = p.product_id and p.no_shipping_avail_p = 'f' and i.order_id = :order_id group by no_shipping_avail_p select attn, line1, line2, city, usps_abbrev, zip_code, phone, country_code, full_state_name, phone_time from ec_addresses where address_id=:address_id update ec_addresses set attn=:attn, line1=:line1, line2=:line2, city=:city, usps_abbrev=:usps_abbrev, zip_code=:zip_code, phone=:phone, phone_time=:phone_time where address_id=:address_id insert into ec_addresses (address_id, user_id, address_type, attn, line1, line2, city, usps_abbrev, zip_code, country_code, phone, phone_time) values (:address_id, :user_id, :address_type, :attn, :line1,:line2,:city,:usps_abbrev,:zip_code,:country_code,:phone,:phone_time) select country_code, zip_code from ec_addresses where address_id = :address_id update ec_orders set shipping_address=:address_id where order_id=:order_id select address_id from ec_addresses where user_id=:user_id and address_type = 'shipping' select c.creditcard_id, c.creditcard_type, c.creditcard_last_four, c.creditcard_expire from ec_creditcards c where c.user_id=:user_id and c.creditcard_number is not null and c.failed_p='f' and 0 < (select count(*) from ec_orders o where o.creditcard_id = c.creditcard_id) order by c.creditcard_id desc