-- -- packages/categories/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-1.0d6-1.0d7.sql -- -- @author Deds Castillo (deds@i-manila.com.ph) -- @creation-date 2005-01-13 -- @arch-tag: a966a122-5391-45e3-8176-dc0956fc9450 -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-1.0d6-1.0d7.sql,v 1.2 2005/02/24 13:33:05 jeffd Exp $ -- ----- -- -- drop trigger as we force update the synonyms and we do not want to end -- up with cyclic problems -- ----- drop trigger category_synonym__insert_cat_trans_trg on category_translations; drop trigger category_synonym__update_cat_trans_trg on category_translations; ----- -- -- fix entries destroyed by old procs -- ---- create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' declare v_name category_translations.name%TYPE; v_synonym_cursor RECORD; begin FOR v_synonym_cursor IN select category_id, locale from category_synonyms where synonym_p = ''f'' LOOP select name into v_name from category_translations where category_id = v_synonym_cursor.category_id and locale = v_synonym_cursor.locale; update category_synonyms set name = v_name where category_id = v_synonym_cursor.category_id and locale = v_synonym_cursor.locale; END LOOP; return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); ----- -- -- recreate functions that return the proper record -- ----- create or replace function category_synonym__new_cat_trans_trg () returns trigger as ' -- trigger function for inserting category translation declare v_synonym_id integer; begin -- create synonym v_synonym_id := category_synonym__new (NEW.name, NEW.locale, NEW.category_id, null); -- mark synonym as not editable for users update category_synonyms set synonym_p = ''f'' where synonym_id = v_synonym_id; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function category_synonym__edit_cat_trans_trg () returns trigger as ' -- trigger function for updating a category translation declare v_synonym_id integer; begin -- get synonym_id of updated category translation select synonym_id into v_synonym_id from category_synonyms where category_id = OLD.category_id and name = OLD.name and locale = OLD.locale and synonym_p = ''f''; -- update synonym PERFORM category_synonym__edit (v_synonym_id, NEW.name, NEW.locale); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; ----- -- -- recreate triggers -- ----- create trigger category_synonym__insert_cat_trans_trg after insert on category_translations for each row execute procedure category_synonym__new_cat_trans_trg(); create trigger category_synonym__update_cat_trans_trg before update on category_translations for each row execute procedure category_synonym__edit_cat_trans_trg(); ----- -- -- these function have embedded tabs which make pg or is is the driver(?) barf -- fix them to have spaces -- ----- create or replace function category__edit ( integer, -- category_id varchar, -- locale varchar, -- name varchar, -- description timestamp with time zone, -- modifying_date integer, -- modifying_user varchar -- modifying_ip ) returns integer as ' declare p_category_id alias for $1; p_locale alias for $2; p_name alias for $3; p_description alias for $4; p_modifying_date alias for $5; p_modifying_user alias for $6; p_modifying_ip alias for $7; begin -- change category name update category_translations set name = p_name, description = p_description where category_id = p_category_id and locale = p_locale; update acs_objects set last_modified = p_modifying_date, modifying_user = p_modifying_user, modifying_ip = p_modifying_ip where object_id = p_category_id; return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql';