{/doc/acs-templating {Templating}} {HTMLQuoting as Part of the Templating System - Requirements} HTMLQuoting as Part of the Templating System - Requirements

HTMLQuoting as Part of the Templating System - Requirements

The Templating System.

Templating systems, as deployed by most web software, serve to distinguish the programming logic of the system from the presentation that is output to the user.

Before introduction of a templating systems to ACS, pages were built by outputting HTML text directly from Tcl code. Therefore it was hard for a designer or a later reviewer to change the appearance of the page. "Change the color of the table? How do I do that when I cannot even find the body tag?" At this point some suggest to embed Tcl code in the document rather than the other way around, like PHP does. But it doesn't solve the problem, because the code is still tightly coupled with the markup, requiring programmer-level understanding for every change. The only workable solution is to try to uncouple the presentation from the design as much as possible.

ACS 4.0 addressed the problem by introducing a custom-written templating system loosely based on the already-present capabilities of the AolServer, the ADP pages. Unlike the ADP system, which allowed the coder to register his own tags to encapsulate often-used functionality, the new templating system came with a pre-programmed set of tags that performed the basic transformations needed to process the page, and some additional value.

Comparing ACS templating to other templating systems, it is my impression that the former was designed to be useful in real life rather than minimalistic -- which is only makes sense given the tight deadlines most ArsDigita projects have to face. Besides the if tag, multiple tag and \@variable\@ variable substitution, which are sufficient to implement any template-based page, it also includes features like including one template in another, customizing site- or module-wide look using the master templates, directly importing query results to the template, facilities for building grid-tables, and more. This utilitarian approach to templating urges us to consider the quoting issues as integral part of the system.


In the context of HTML, we define quoting as transforming text in such a way that the HTML-rendered version of the transformed text is identical to the original text. Thus one way to quote the text "<i>" is to transform it to "&lt;i&gt;". When a browser renders the transformed text, entities &lt; and &gt; are converted back to < and >, which makes the rendered version of the transformation equal to the original.

The easiest way to guarantee correct transformation in all cases is to "escape" ("quote") all the characters that HTML considers special. In the minimalistic case, it is enough to transform &, <, and > into their quoted equivalents, &amp;, &lt;, and &gt; respectively. For additional usefulness in quoted fields, it's a good idea to also quote double and single quotes into &quot; and &#39; respectively.

All of this assumes that the text to be quoted is not meant to be rendered as HTML in the first place. So if your text contains "<i>word</i>", and you expect the word to show up in italic, you should not quote that entire string. However, if word in fact comes from the database and you don't want it to, for instance, close the <i> behind your back, you should quote it, and then enclose it between <i> and </i>.

The ACS has a procedure that performs HTML quoting, ad_quotehtml. It accepts the string that needs to be quoted, and returns the quoted string. In ACS 3.x, properly written code was expected to call ad_quotehtml every time it published a string to a web page. For example:

doc_body_append "<ul>\n" set db [ns_db gethandle] set selection
[ns_db select $db {SELECT name FROM bboard_forums}] while {[ns_db
getrow $db $selection]} { set_variables_after_query doc_body_append
"<li>Forum: <tt>[ad_quotehtml $name]</tt>\n" }
doc_body_append "</ul>\n"

Obviously, this was very error-prone, and more often than not, the programmers would forget to quote the variables that come from the database or from the user. This would "usually" work, but in some cases it would lead to broken pages and even pose a security problem. For instance, one could imagine a mathematicians' forum being named "0 < 1", or an HTML designers' forum being named "The Woes of <h1>".

In some cases the published variable must not be quoted. Examples for that are the bboard postings that are posted in HTML, or variables containing the result of export_form_vars. All in all, the decision about when to quote had to be made by the programmer on a case-by-case basis, and many programmers simply enjoyed the issue because the resulting code happened to work in 95% of the cases.

Then came ACS 4. One hoped that ACS 4, with its advanced templating system, would provide an easy and obvious solution for the (lack of) quoting problem. It turned out that this did not happen, partly because no easy solution exists, and partly because the issue was ignored or postponed.

Let's review the ACS 3.x code from above. The most important change is that it comes in two parts: the presentation template, and the programming logic code. The template will look like this:

<ul> <multiple name=forums> <li>Forum:
  <tt>\@forums.name\@</tt> </multiple> </ul>

Once you understand the (simple) workings of the multiple tag, this version strikes you as much more readable than the old one. But we're not done yet: we need to write the Tcl code that grabs forum names from the database. The db_multirow proc is designed exactly for this; it retrieves rows from the database and assigns variables from each row to template variables in each pass of a multiple of our choice.

db_multirow forums get_forum_names { SELECT name FROM forums }

At this point the careful reader will wonder at which point the forum name gets quoted, and if so, how does the templating system know whether the forum name needs to be quoted or not? The answer is amazingly blunt: no quoting happens anywhere in the process. If a forum name contains HTML special characters, you have a problem.

There are two remedies for this situation, and neither is particularly appealing. One can rewrite the nice db_multirow with a db_foreach loop, manually create a multirow, and feed it the quoted data in the loop. That is ugly and error-prone because it is more typing and it requires you to explicitly name the variables you wish to export at several points. It is exactly the kind of ugly code that db_multirow was designed to avoid.

The alternative approach means less typing, but it's even uglier in its own subtle way. The trick is to remember that our templating still supports all the ADP features, including embedding Tcl code in the template. Thus instead of referring to the multirow variable with the \@forums.name\@ variable substitutions, we use <%= [ad_quotehtml \@forums.name\@] %>. This works correctly, but obviously breaks the abstraction barrier between ADP and Tcl syntaxes. The practical result of breaking the abstraction is that every occurrence of Tcl code in an ADP template will have to be painstakingly reviewed and converted once ADPs start being invoked by Java code rather than Tcl.

At this point, most programmers simply give up and don't quote their variables at all . Quoting is handled only in the areas where it is really crucial and where not handling it would quote immediate and visible breakage, such as in the case of displaying the bodies of bboard articles. This is not exaggeration; it has been proven by auditing the ACS 4.0, both manually and through grepping for ad_quotehtml. Strangely, this otherwise sad fact allows us to deploy a very radical but much more robust solution to the problem.

Quote Always, Except When Told Not to.

At the time when we came to realize how serious the quoting deficiencies of ACS 4.0 were, we were about two weeks away from the release of a project for the German Bank. There was simply no time to hunt all the places where a variable needs to be quoted and implement one of the above quoting tricks.

While examining the ADPs, we noticed that most substituted variable fall into one of three categories:

  1. Those that need to be quoted -- names and descriptions of objects, and in general stuff that ultimately comes from the user.

  2. Those for which it doesn't make a difference whether they are quoted or not -- e.g. all the database IDs.

  3. Those that must not be quoted -- e.g. exported form vars stored to a variable.

  4. Finally we also remembered the fact that almost none of the variables are quoted in the current source base.

Our reasoning went further: if it is a fact that most variables are not quoted, and if the majority of variables either require quoting or are not harmed by it, then we are in a much better position if we make the templating system quote all variables by default! That way the variables from the first and the second category will be handled correctly, and the variables from the third category will need to be marked as noquote to function correctly. But even those should not be a problem, because HTML code that ends up quoted in the page is immediately visible, and all you need to do to fix it is add the marker.

We decided to test whether the idea will work by attempting to convert our system to work that way. I spent several minutes making the change to the templating system. Then we went through all the ADPs and replaced the instances of \@foo\@ where foo contained HTML code with \@foo;noquote\@.

The change took two people less than one day for the system that consisted of core ACS 4.0.1, and modules bboard, news, chat, and bookmarks. (We were also doing other things, so it's hard to measure correctly.) During two of the following days, we would find a broken page from time to time, typically by spotting the obviously visible HTML markup. Such a page would get fixed it in a matter of seconds by appending ;noquote to the name of the offending variable.

We launched successfully within schedule.

Porting the quoting changes to the ACS.

After some discussion, it was decided that these changes will be included into the next ACS release. Since the change is incompatible, it will be announced to module owners and the general public. Explanation on how to port your existing modules and the "gotchas" that one can expect follows in a separate document .

The discussion about speed, i.e. benchmarking results before and after the change, is also available .

Hrvoje Niksic

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