-- /packages/ticket-tracker-lite/sql/views-and-plsql.sql -- -- @author dvr@arsdigita.com -- @created 2001-02-18 -- --------------------------------------------------- -- All areas create or replace view ttl_v_areas as select o.*, a.* from acs_objects o, ttl_areas a where o.object_id = a.area_id; -- All active areas create or replace view ttl_va_areas as select * from ttl_v_areas where active_p = 't'; -- All tickets create or replace view ttl_v_tickets as select o.*, t.* from acs_objects o, ttl_tickets t where t.ticket_id = o.object_id; -- All active tickets create or replace view ttl_va_tickets as select * from ttl_v_tickets where active_p = 't'; -- All active comments create or replace view ttl_va_comments as select * from ttl_comments where active_p = 't'; -- The time of the last comment for each ticket create or replace view ttl_v_comments_latest as select * from ttl_va_comments c where c.comment_id = (select max(c2.comment_id) from ttl_comments c2 where c.ticket_id = c2.ticket_id); -- All users who assignable to tickets create or replace view ttl_v_users as select object_id as package_id, grantee_id as user_id, privilege from acs_permissions where privilege = 'write'; create or replace function ttl_relative_date ( -- -- if the date is today, show just the time. Otherwise -- return the date. -- v_date IN date ) return varchar as v_sysdate date; begin v_sysdate := sysdate; if trunc(v_date) = trunc(sysdate) then return to_char(v_date, 'fmhh:fmmi am'); else return to_char(v_date, 'month fmdd, yyyy'); end if; end ttl_relative_date; / show errors create or replace function ttl_top_privilege_for_object ( -- -- Return the top privilege the user has for this object -- At the moment this is either 'admin' or 'write' -- v_object_id in integer, v_user_id in integer ) return acs_privileges.privilege%TYPE as v_privilege acs_privileges.privilege%TYPE; v_admin_p integer; begin select count(*) into v_admin_p from dual where acs_permission.permission_p(v_object_id, v_user_id, 'admin') = 't'; if v_admin_p = 1 then v_privilege := 'admin'; else select privilege into v_privilege from acs_permissions where object_id = v_object_id and grantee_id = v_user_id and privilege = 'write'; end if; return v_privilege; end; / show errors; create or replace function ttl__create_file ( p_package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE, p_user_id in users.user_id%TYPE, p_name in cr_items.name%TYPE, p_parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE, p_mime_type in cr_mime_types.mime_type%TYPE, p_file_extension in cr_mime_types.file_extension%TYPE ) return cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE as v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_mime_type cr_mime_types.mime_type%TYPE; begin begin -- detect mime type if mime is not yet in cr_mime_type and add it select mime_type into v_mime_type from cr_mime_types where mime_type = p_mime_type; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then insert into cr_mime_types (mime_type, file_extension) values (p_mime_type, p_file_extension); end; -- if the file already exists then nuke it. this become essentially write select max(item_id) into v_item_id from cr_items where name = p_name; if v_item_id is not null then content_item.delete(v_item_id); end if; -- vinodk: this needs to be rewritten to use CR API -- oracle - use lob instead of file -- create a new cr_item v_item_id := acs_object.new ( null, 'content_item', sysdate, p_user_id, null, p_package_id ); insert into cr_items (item_id, parent_id, name, content_type, storage_type) values (v_item_id, p_parent_id, p_name, 'content_revision', 'lob'); -- create a new cr_revision v_revision_id := acs_object.new ( null, 'content_revision', sysdate, p_user_id, null, null ); insert into cr_revisions (revision_id, item_id, mime_type) values (v_revision_id, v_item_id, p_mime_type); return v_revision_id; end; / show errors;