select w.workflow_key, t.pretty_name, w.description, count(c.case_id) as num_cases, 0 as num_unassigned_tasks from wf_workflows w left outer join wf_cases c on (w.workflow_key = c.workflow_key and c.state = 'active'), acs_object_types t where w.workflow_key = t.object_type group by w.workflow_key, t.pretty_name, w.description order by t.pretty_name select count(*) from wf_tasks t, wf_cases c where t.workflow_key = :workflow_key and t.state = 'enabled' and c.case_id = t.case_id and c.state = 'active' and not exists (select 1 from wf_task_assignments ta where ta.task_id = t.task_id)