select r.role_key, r.role_name, '' as assignment_widget from wf_tasks t, wf_transition_role_assign_map tram, wf_roles r where t.task_id = :task_id and tram.workflow_key = t.workflow_key and tram.transition_key = t.transition_key and r.workflow_key = tram.workflow_key and r.role_key = tram.assign_role_key order by r.sort_order select count(*) from wf_user_tasks where task_id = :task_id and user_id = :user_id select a.attribute_name as name, a.pretty_name, a.datatype, v.attr_value as value from wf_attribute_value_audit v, acs_attributes a where v.journal_id = :journal_id and a.attribute_id = v.attribute_id select t.pretty_name, w.description from wf_workflows w, acs_object_types t where w.workflow_key = :workflow_key and t.object_type = w.workflow_key select transition_key, transition_name, sort_order from wf_transitions where workflow_key = :workflow_key and trigger_type = 'user' order by sort_order asc select a.attribute_name as name, a.pretty_name, a.datatype, v.attr_value as value from wf_attribute_value_audit v, acs_attributes a where v.journal_id = :journal_id and a.attribute_id = v.attribute_id select case_id from wf_tasks where task_id = :task_id select place_key from wf_places where workflow_key = :workflow_key select role_key from wf_roles where workflow_key = :workflow_key select transition_key from wf_transitions where workflow_key = :workflow_key insert into wf_context_transition_info (context_key, workflow_key, transition_key, estimated_minutes, instructions) values (:context_key, :workflow_key, :transition_key, :estimated_minutes, :instructions) select wf.description, ot.pretty_name, ot.pretty_plural, ot.table_name from wf_workflows wf, acs_object_types ot where wf.workflow_key = :workflow_key and ot.object_type = wf.workflow_key select place_key, place_name, sort_order from wf_places where workflow_key = :workflow_key order by sort_order asc select role_key, role_name, sort_order from wf_roles where workflow_key = :workflow_key select transition_key, transition_name, sort_order from wf_transitions where workflow_key = :workflow_key and trigger_type = 'user' order by sort_order asc select transition_key, place_key, direction, guard_callback, guard_custom_arg, guard_description from wf_arcs where workflow_key = :workflow_key order by transition_key asc select a.attribute_name as name, a.pretty_name, a.datatype, v.attr_value as value from wf_attribute_value_audit v, acs_attributes a where v.journal_id = :journal_id and a.attribute_id = v.attribute_id select transition_key, sort_order from wf_transition_attribute_map where workflow_key = :workflow_key and attribute_id = :attribute_id select transition_key, assign_role_key from wf_transition_role_assign_map where workflow_key = :workflow_key order by transition_key select transition_key, estimated_minutes, instructions, enable_callback, enable_custom_arg, fire_callback, fire_custom_arg, time_callback, time_custom_arg, deadline_callback, deadline_custom_arg, deadline_attribute_name, hold_timeout_callback, hold_timeout_custom_arg, notification_callback, notification_custom_arg, unassigned_callback, unassigned_custom_arg from wf_context_transition_info where workflow_key = :workflow_key and context_key = :context_key select role_key, assignment_callback, assignment_custom_arg from wf_context_role_info where workflow_key = :workflow_key and context_key = :context_key select transition_key, sort_order, header, template_url, overrides_action_p, only_display_when_started_p from wf_context_task_panels where context_key = :context_key and workflow_key = :workflow_key order by transition_key asc, sort_order asc