-- -- acs-kernel/sql/acs-permissions-create.sql -- -- The ACS core permissioning system. The knowledge level of system -- allows you to define a hierarchichal system of privilages, and -- associate them with low level operations on object types. The -- operational level allows you to grant to any party a privilege on -- any object. -- -- @author Rafael Schloming (rhs@mit.edu) -- -- @creation-date 2000-08-13 -- -- @cvs-id acs-permissions-create.sql,v 2001/01/12 22:59:20 oumi Exp -- --------------------------------------------- -- KNOWLEDGE LEVEL: PRIVILEGES AND ACTIONS -- --------------------------------------------- -- suggestion: acs_methods, acs_operations, acs_transactions? -- what about cross-type actions? new-stuff? site-wide search? --create table acs_methods ( -- object_type not null constraint acs_methods_object_type_fk -- references acs_object_types (object_type), -- method varchar2(100) not null, -- constraint acs_methods_pk -- primary key (object_type, method) --); --comment on table acs_methods is ' -- Each row in the acs_methods table directly corresponds to a -- transaction on an object. For example an sql statement that updates a -- bboard message would require an entry in this table. --' create table acs_privileges ( privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_privileges_pk primary key, pretty_name varchar(100), pretty_plural varchar(100) ); create table acs_privilege_hierarchy ( privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_priv_hier_priv_fk references acs_privileges (privilege), child_privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_priv_hier_child_priv_fk references acs_privileges (privilege), constraint acs_privilege_hierarchy_pk primary key (privilege, child_privilege) ); create index acs_priv_hier_child_priv_idx on acs_privilege_hierarchy (child_privilege); create table acs_privilege_hierarchy_index ( privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_priv_hier_priv_fk references acs_privileges (privilege), child_privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_priv_hier_child_priv_fk references acs_privileges (privilege), tree_sortkey varchar(4000) ); create index priv_hier_sortkey_idx on acs_privilege_hierarchy_index (tree_sortkey); -- This trigger is used to create a pseudo-tree hierarchy that -- can be used to emulate tree queries on the acs_privilege_hierarchy table. -- The acs_privilege_hierarchy table maintains the permissions structure, but -- it has a complication in that the same privileges can exist in more than one -- path in the tree. As such, tree queries cannot be represented by the -- usual tree query methods used for openacs. -- DCW, 2001-03-15. -- usage: queries directly on acs_privilege_hierarchy don't seem to occur -- in many places. Rather it seems that acs_privilege_hierarchy is -- used to build the view: acs_privilege_descendant_map. I did however -- find one tree query in content-perms.sql that looks like the -- following: -- select privilege, child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy -- connect by prior privilege = child_privilege -- start with child_privilege = 'cm_perm' -- This query is used to find all of the ancestor permissions of 'cm_perm'. -- The equivalent query for the postgresql tree-query model would be: -- select h2.privilege -- from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index h1, -- acs_privilege_hierarchy_index h2 -- where h1.child_privilege = 'cm_perm' -- and h1.tree_sortkey between h2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(h2.tree_sortkey) -- and h2.tree_sortkey <> h1.tree_sortkey; -- Also since acs_privilege_descendant_map is simply a path enumeration of -- acs_privilege_hierarchy, we should be able to replace the above connect-by -- with: -- select privilege -- from acs_privilege_descendant_map -- where descendant = 'cm_perm' -- This would be better, since the same query could be used for both oracle -- and postgresql. create function acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr () returns opaque as ' declare new_key varchar; deleted_p boolean; v_rec record; begin -- if more than one node was deleted the second trigger call -- will error out. This check avoids that problem. if TG_OP = ''DELETE'' then select count(*) = 0 into deleted_p from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index where old.privilege = privilege and old.child_privilege = child_privilege; if deleted_p then return new; end if; end if; -- recalculate the table from scratch. delete from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index; -- first find the top nodes of the tree for v_rec in select privilege, child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy where privilege NOT in (select distinct child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy) LOOP -- top level node, so find the next key at this level. select ''/'' || tree_next_key(max(tree_sortkey)) into new_key from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index where tree_level(tree_sortkey) = 1; -- insert the new node insert into acs_privilege_hierarchy_index (privilege, child_privilege, tree_sortkey) values (v_rec.privilege, v_rec.child_privilege, new_key); -- now recurse down from this node PERFORM priv_recurse_subtree(new_key, v_rec.child_privilege); end LOOP; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr after insert or delete on acs_privilege_hierarchy for each row execute procedure acs_priv_hier_ins_del_tr (); create function priv_recurse_subtree(varchar, varchar) returns integer as ' declare nkey alias for $1; child_priv alias for $2; new_key varchar; v_rec record; begin -- now iterate over all of the children of the -- previous node. for v_rec in select privilege, child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy where privilege = child_priv LOOP -- calculate the next key for this level and parent select tree_next_key(max(tree_sortkey)) into new_key from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index where tree_sortkey like nkey || ''/%'' and tree_sortkey not like nkey || ''/%/%''; new_key := nkey || ''/'' || new_key; -- insert the new child node. insert into acs_privilege_hierarchy_index (privilege, child_privilege, tree_sortkey) values (v_rec.privilege, v_rec.child_privilege, new_key); -- keep recursing down until no more children are found PERFORM priv_recurse_subtree(new_key, v_rec.child_privilege); end LOOP; -- no children found, so insert the child node as its own separate -- node. if NOT FOUND then insert into acs_privilege_hierarchy_index (privilege, child_privilege, tree_sortkey) values (child_priv, child_priv, nkey || ''/00''); end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; --create table acs_privilege_method_rules ( -- privilege not null constraint acs_priv_method_rules_priv_fk -- references acs_privileges (privilege), -- object_type varchar2(100) not null, -- method varchar2(100) not null, -- constraint acs_privilege_method_rules_pk -- primary key (privilege, object_type, method), -- constraint acs_priv_meth_rul_type_meth_fk -- foreign key (object_type, method) references acs_methods --); comment on table acs_privileges is ' The rows in this table correspond to aggregations of specific methods. Privileges share a global namespace. This is to avoid a situation where granting the foo privilege on one type of object can have an entirely different meaning than granting the foo privilege on another type of object. '; comment on table acs_privilege_hierarchy is ' The acs_privilege_hierarchy gives us an easy way to say: The foo privilege is a superset of the bar privilege. '; --comment on table acs_privilege_method_rules is ' -- The privilege method map allows us to create rules that specify which -- methods a certain privilege is allowed to invoke in the context of a -- particular object_type. Note that the same privilege can have -- different methods for different object_types. This is because each -- method corresponds to a piece of code, and the code that displays an -- instance of foo will be different than the code that displays an -- instance of bar. If there are no methods defined for a particular -- (privilege, object_type) pair, then that privilege is not relavent to -- that object type, for example there is no way to moderate a user, so -- there would be no additional methods that you could invoke if you -- were granted moderate on a user. --' create function acs_privilege__create_privilege (varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_privilege__privilege alias for $1; create_privilege__pretty_name alias for $2; -- default null create_privilege__pretty_plural alias for $3; -- default null begin insert into acs_privileges (privilege, pretty_name, pretty_plural) values (create_privilege__privilege, create_privilege__pretty_name, create_privilege__pretty_plural); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function acs_privilege__create_privilege (varchar) returns integer as ' declare create_privilege__privilege alias for $1; begin return acs_privilege__create_privilege(create_privilege__privilege, null, null); end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function acs_privilege__drop_privilege (varchar) returns integer as ' declare drop_privilege__privilege alias for $1; begin delete from acs_privileges where privilege = drop_privilege__privilege; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function acs_privilege__add_child (varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare add_child__privilege alias for $1; add_child__child_privilege alias for $2; begin insert into acs_privilege_hierarchy (privilege, child_privilege) values (add_child__privilege, add_child__child_privilege); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function acs_privilege__remove_child (varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare remove_child__privilege alias for $1; remove_child__child_privilege alias for $2; begin delete from acs_privilege_hierarchy where privilege = remove_child__privilege and child_privilege = remove_child__child_privilege; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; ------------------------------------ -- OPERATIONAL LEVEL: PERMISSIONS -- ------------------------------------ create table acs_permissions ( object_id integer not null constraint acs_permissions_on_what_id_fk references acs_objects (object_id), grantee_id integer not null constraint acs_permissions_grantee_id_fk references parties (party_id), privilege varchar(100) not null constraint acs_permissions_priv_fk references acs_privileges (privilege), constraint acs_permissions_pk primary key (object_id, grantee_id, privilege) ); create index acs_permissions_grantee_idx on acs_permissions (grantee_id); create index acs_permissions_privilege_idx on acs_permissions (privilege); create view acs_privilege_descendant_map as select p1.privilege, p2.privilege as descendant from acs_privileges p1, acs_privileges p2 where exists (select h2.child_privilege from acs_privilege_hierarchy_index h1, acs_privilege_hierarchy_index h2 where h1.privilege = p1.privilege and h2.privilege = p2.privilege and h2.tree_sortkey between h1.tree_sortkey and tree_right(h1.tree_sortkey)) or p1.privilege = p2.privilege; create view acs_permissions_all as select op.object_id, p.grantee_id, p.privilege from acs_object_paths op, acs_permissions p where op.ancestor_id = p.object_id; create view acs_object_grantee_priv_map as select a.object_id, a.grantee_id, m.descendant as privilege from acs_permissions_all a, acs_privilege_descendant_map m where a.privilege = m.privilege; -- The last two unions make sure that the_public gets expaned to all -- users plus 0 (the default user_id) we should probably figure out a -- better way to handle this eventually since this view is getting -- pretty freaking hairy. I'd love to be able to move this stuff into -- a Java middle tier. create view acs_object_party_privilege_map as select ogpm.object_id, gmm.member_id as party_id, ogpm.privilege from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, group_approved_member_map gmm where ogpm.grantee_id = gmm.group_id union select ogpm.object_id, rsmm.member_id as party_id, ogpm.privilege from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, rel_seg_approved_member_map rsmm where ogpm.grantee_id = rsmm.segment_id union select object_id, grantee_id as party_id, privilege from acs_object_grantee_priv_map union select object_id, u.user_id as party_id, privilege from acs_object_grantee_priv_map m, users u where m.grantee_id = -1 union select object_id, 0 as party_id, privilege from acs_object_grantee_priv_map where grantee_id = -1; ---------------------------------------------------- -- ALTERNATE VIEW: ALL_OBJECT_PARTY_PRIVILEGE_MAP -- ---------------------------------------------------- -- This view is a helper for all_object_party_privilege_map create view acs_grantee_party_map as select -1 as grantee_id, 0 as party_id from dual union all select -1 as grantee_id, user_id as party_id from users union all select party_id as grantee_id, party_id from parties union all select segment_id as grantee_id, member_id from rel_seg_approved_member_map union all select group_id as grantee_id, member_id as party_id from group_approved_member_map; -- This view is like acs_object_party_privilege_map, but does not -- necessarily return distinct rows. It may be *much* faster to join -- against this view instead of acs_object_party_privilege_map, and is -- usually not much slower. The tradeoff for the performance boost is -- increased complexity in your usage of the view. Example usage that I've -- found works well is: -- -- select DISTINCT -- my_table.* -- from my_table, -- (select object_id -- from all_object_party_privilege_map -- where party_id = :user_id and privilege = :privilege) oppm -- where oppm.object_id = my_table.my_id; -- -- DRB: This view does seem to be quite fast in Postgres as well as Oracle. create view all_object_party_privilege_map as select op.object_id, pdm.descendant as privilege, gpm.party_id as party_id from acs_object_paths op, acs_permissions p, acs_privilege_descendant_map pdm, acs_grantee_party_map gpm where op.ancestor_id = p.object_id and pdm.privilege = p.privilege and gpm.grantee_id = p.grantee_id; -- This table acts as a mutex for inserts/deletes from acs_permissions. -- This is used since postgresql's exception handing mechanism is non- -- existant. A dup insert on acs_permissions will roll-back the -- transaction and give an error, which is not what we want. Using a -- separate table for locking allows us exclusive access for -- inserts/deletes, but does not block readers. That way we don't -- slow down permissions-checking which is known to have performance -- problems already. -- (OpenACS - DanW) create table acs_permissions_lock ( lck integer ); create function acs_permissions_lock_tr () returns opaque as ' begin raise EXCEPTION ''FOR LOCKING ONLY, NO DML STATEMENTS ALLOWED''; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger acs_permissions_lock_tr before insert or update or delete on acs_permissions_lock for each row execute procedure acs_permissions_lock_tr(); create function acs_permission__grant_permission (integer, integer, varchar) returns integer as ' declare grant_permission__object_id alias for $1; grant_permission__grantee_id alias for $2; grant_permission__privilege alias for $3; exists_p boolean; begin lock table acs_permissions_lock; select count(*) > 0 into exists_p from acs_permissions where object_id = grant_permission__object_id and grantee_id = grant_permission__grantee_id and privilege = grant_permission__privilege; if not exists_p then insert into acs_permissions (object_id, grantee_id, privilege) values (grant_permission__object_id, grant_permission__grantee_id, grant_permission__privilege); end if; -- exception -- when dup_val_on_index then -- return; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure revoke_permission create function acs_permission__revoke_permission (integer, integer, varchar) returns integer as ' declare revoke_permission__object_id alias for $1; revoke_permission__grantee_id alias for $2; revoke_permission__privilege alias for $3; begin lock table acs_permissions_lock; delete from acs_permissions where object_id = revoke_permission__object_id and grantee_id = revoke_permission__grantee_id and privilege = revoke_permission__privilege; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Speedy version of permission_p from Matthew Avalos -- Further improved to a minor degree by Don Baccus create function acs_permission__permission_p (integer,integer,varchar) returns boolean as ' declare permission_p__object_id alias for $1; permission_p__party_id alias for $2; permission_p__privilege alias for $3; exists_p boolean; begin -- -- Check public-like permissions if (0 = permission_p__party_id or exists (select 1 from users where user_id = permission_p__party_id)) and exists (select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map where object_id = permission_p__object_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and grantee_id = -1) -- then return ''t''; end if; -- -- Check direct permissions if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map where object_id = permission_p__object_id and grantee_id = permission_p__party_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege) then return ''t''; end if; -- -- Check group permmissions if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, group_approved_member_map gmm where object_id = permission_p__object_id and gmm.member_id = permission_p__party_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and ogpm.grantee_id = gmm.group_id) then return ''t''; end if; -- -- relational segment approved group if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, rel_seg_approved_member_map rsmm where object_id = permission_p__object_id and rsmm.member_id = permission_p__party_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and ogpm.grantee_id = rsmm.segment_id) then return ''t''; end if; return ''f''; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Returns true if at least one user exists with the given permission. Used -- to avoid some queries on acs_object_party_privilege_map. create function acs_permission__user_with_perm_exists_p (integer,varchar) returns boolean as ' declare permission_p__object_id alias for $1; permission_p__privilege alias for $2; begin -- -- Check public-like permissions if exists (select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map where object_id = permission_p__object_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and grantee_id = -1) -- then return ''t''; end if; -- -- Check direct user permissions if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map, users where object_id = permission_p__object_id and grantee_id = user_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege) then return ''t''; end if; -- -- Check group permmissions if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, group_approved_member_map gmm where object_id = permission_p__object_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and ogpm.grantee_id = gmm.group_id) then return ''t''; end if; -- -- relational segment approved group if exists ( select 1 from acs_object_grantee_priv_map ogpm, rel_seg_approved_member_map rsmm where object_id = permission_p__object_id and privilege = permission_p__privilege and ogpm.grantee_id = rsmm.segment_id) then return ''t''; end if; return ''f''; end;' language 'plpgsql';