1 = Individual Activities Activities for students Activity Add Assignment Add Assignment Type Add assignment type Add $grade_name Add %grade_name% Add Member to group Add Task Add Task Solution Add/edit answer Add/edit solution again Already answered ANSWER SUBMISSION Answer Answer OK How will the task be answered? Answer Date <br> (24 hr format) ANSWERS Assignment Group Assignment Groups Assignment Type Assignment Types Assignment Types Assignments Assignments Associate Associate to group... Audit Info. Audit info Audit Info Audit info for task #>" onClick="history.go(-1)"> </form> </if> <if %evaluations_na:rowcount% gt 0> <form action="evaluate-students-2" method+"post"> @export_vars;noquote@ <input type=hidden name=task_id value="%task_id%"> <input type=hidden name=max_grade value="%max_grade%"> <blockquote> <table> <multiple name="evaluations_na"> <if %evaluations_na.rownum% odd><table bgcolor="#EAF2FF"></if><else><table bgcolor="white"></else> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Name#</th><td>%evaluations_na.party_name%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Grade#</th><td>%evaluations_na.grade% / %max_grade%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Comments#</th><td>%evaluations_na.comment%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Will_the_studens_be# <br /> #evaluation.lt_able_to_see_the_grade#</th><td>%evaluations_na.show_student%</td></tr> </tr> </table> </multiple> </table> </blockquote> <input type=submit value="<# Grade Students #>" onClick="history.go(-1)"> </form> </if> <if %evaluations_na:rowcount% gt 0> <form action="evaluate-students-2" method+"post"> @export_vars;noquote@ <input type=hidden name=task_id value="%task_id%"> <input type=hidden name=max_grade value="%max_grade%"> <blockquote> <table> <multiple name="evaluations_na"> <if %evaluations_na.rownum% odd> <table bgcolor="#EAF2FF"> </if> <else><table bgcolor="white"></else> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Name#</th><td>%evaluations_na.party_name%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Grade#</th><td>%evaluations_na.grade% / %max_grade%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Comments#</th><td>%evaluations_na.comment%</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">#evaluation.Will_the_studens_be# <br /> #evaluation.lt_able_to_see_the_grade#</th><td>%evaluations_na.show_student%</td></tr> </tr> </table> </multiple> </table> </blockquote> <input type=submit value="<# Grade Students Bad input Change Answer NOT EVALUATED STUDENTS 'Not Evaluated Students' Click click on this link: Comment COMMENTS Comments Comments Comments/Edit reason: Comments/Edit reason Confirm Confirm Evaluation Group Create Group CREATION DATE Delete Delete Evaluation Delete evaluation Delete Group Delete Task Delete task Description DESCRIPTION Description Discussion Discussions Download DUE DATE Due Date: Due Date Due Date Due Date Leave blank for no due date. Due date: %task_name% Edit Grades Edit Edit All Evaluations Edit evaluation Edit All Evaluations Edit %grade_name% Edit Reason: Edit Reason Edit Task Edit task Email: Equal value Evaluated Evaluation Date <br>(24 hr format) Evaluation Index Evaluation Modified Evaluation Parameter Class Material Evaluations Evaluations Evaluations Admin Gradebook Evaluations List Exam Exams Exams for students File File/url associated Final Project Final Project Associate with Forums Associate with forums? You can associate this task to a forum Generate file Back Go Back GRADE Grade Submit Grades Grade Grade Distribution Net Value %max_grade% max. GRADE OVER GRADE %<br> (OF 100%) The %grade_plural_name% weight is 0% of total grade and will not impact the total grade. Grader Grader Grades Grades Category Grades Report Grades Reports Grades Sheet Name Grades Sheets #> %current_groups_plus_one%" size=20></td> </tr> <tr> <input type=hidden name=task_id value="%task_id%"> <input type=hidden name=evaluation_group_id value="%evaluation_group_id%"> <blockquote> <td></td> <td> <table> <multiple name="students"> <if %students.rownum% odd><tr class="list-odd"></if><else><tr class="list-even"></else> <td>%students.rownum%.</td><td>%students.student_name%</td></tr> </tr> </multiple> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=submit value="<# Create Group Group Members Group Name Group name Group Name Groups Admin. here How does this work? Id you want to see the group members, click on the name of the group Individual Insert Failed Instructions <br><br> <ul> <li><text class="blue"><b>Option 1.</b> If you want each %grade_name% to count the same toward the total for %grade_plural_name% just click on <b>"Set to Default"</b>.</text> <br> <li><text class="blue"><b>Option 2.</b> You can tell the system what percentage each %grade_name% should be towards the total for %grade_plural_name%. To do this put numbers in the first column, the total will need to add up to 100%. Then click on <b>"Submit"</b>.</text> <br> </ul> <h1 class="blue">How to set up grading:</h1> <br> <text class="blue"> <b>Step 1:</b> Set the percentage you want each assignment type to count towards the total grade. Currently you have <b>%grade_plural_name% as %grade_weight%%</b> of the total grade.<a href="%link_1%">Change that here</a>. </text> <br> <br> <text class="blue"> <b>Step 2:</b> Add specific tasks to the assignment type. Currently you have %counter% %grade_plural_name% as shown in the table above.<a href=%link_2%>Click here to add another</a>. </text> <br><br> <text class="blue"> <b>Step 3:</b> Determine how much each task contributes to the total grade. This is referred to as the weight. You have three choices. %options%</text> Is live? Journal Journals Journals for students Last Modified late (late) A new assignment was uploaded -%community_name%- able to see the grade? Add a member to a group Add Assignment to Communities Add this %grade_name% to other class(es) Modify an Assignment Type Admin my Assignment Types Allow the students <br> to see the grade? Already created groups Also, you will see the list of already created groups (if there are any created groups). Click on the "Group administration" link in order to administer the group. In this administration pages you will be able to unassociate members of a given group, rename the group and/or delete the group. An assignment was modified -%community_name%-. Are you sure you want to remove the evaluaiton on "%party_name%"? Are you sure you want to remove the assignment type "%grade_plural_name%"? (If your answer is yes, all the evaluations, tasks, tasks solutions and answers associated with this assignment type will be deleted too) Are you sure you want to remove the group "%group_name%"? (If the group has an evaluation/answer associated, it will be deleted too) Are you sure you want to delete the task "%task_name%"? (If you delete the task, all the information associated with the task, such as answers, task solutions, etc, will be deleted too) Assignment Attachment Assignment Edited (%grade_name% %community_name%) Assignment Groups for %task_name% Assignment Type Name (Plural) Assignment Type Name Comments Assignment Types Distribution %grade_name%'s Description Associate to this group Audit info for task "%task_name%" Can the student submit the answer <br> after the due date? Change Answer for \"%task_name%\" Check the rest of communities where you want to upload the assignment too Check this if you want to unattach the file Check this if you want to go to the groups admin page after submitting the task Check this if you want to add the assignment to other class(es) that you administer Click here to go to the Assignments Page Click on the task that you want the groups to be copy from Comment/edit reason on party_id %party_id% is larger than 4,000 characters long, which is our max lenght. Please make this comment/edit reason shorter. Confirm Your Evaluation Confirm your evaluation(s) on "%task_name%" Currently %content% is associated to this task solution, but you can associate a different url/file just by adding it here Currently %content% is associated to this task, but you can associate a different url/file just by adding it here Currently %title% is attached to this task solution, but you can attach a different file/url just by adding it here Currently $title is attached to this task, but you can attach a different file/url just by adding it here Delete Assignment Type Delete assignment type Distribution for grade "%grade_plural_name%" Do NOT change the "party id" field because with this file we associate the grade with the student or group. Due date must be in the future Due Date of %task_name% <br> (24 hr format) Edit Assignment Type Edit assignment type Edit grades distribution of $grade_plural_name Edit grades distribution of %grade_plural_name% Enter the grades for the students/groups and KEEP THE STRUCTURE of the file. If you are editing a grade, you MUST give an edit reason in the "Comments/Edit reason" field. Error deleting the evaluation Error deleting the grade Error deleting the task Error while storing file GRADED (%total_evaluated%) Evaluation Modified %community_name% Final Projects for students First unattach the file/url, then submit another one or just upload a new file/url and leave this in blank First, you will see the list of students without group (if there are students without group) and you can create a group by selecting the members of the group and then clicking on the "Create Group" botton. Generate the csv file from the system. This file has the proper structure so the system can parse it and obtain the information about the grades. This file is generated by clicking on the "Generate File" link. Grade %grade% does not seem to be a real number. Grade (%) %grade_plural_name% represent %grade_weight%% of the course grade %grade_plural_name% represents the %grade_weight%% of the 100% of the grade of the class. Grade students using generated file: Grade students using generated file: Grade students with 0 Grades Report for $student_name Grade report for "%student_name%" Grades Sheet Explanation Grades sheet for assighment "%task_name%" Group administration Groups administration Groups for task %task_name% If you administer more than one community and you want to upload an assigment in more than one community, you must set the same name for each of the assignment types in each community so the system can identify where to store the assignment. Click on a student's name to see their detailed grade report. If you do not want to grade or edit the grade of a student/group, just leave intact the fields of that row, or you can delete the whole row. if you do not want to see the portraits of the students If you enter the net value, it must be less than %grade_weight%, which is the net value of %grade_plural_name% over the 100 points of the class. <br /> After uploading the %grade_name%, the system will do the convertion and the net value will be represented as a percentage. to download all submissions in one file. if you want to see the portraits of the students In order to generate this file there must be some parties assigned to this task. In this page you can administer the groups for the assignment. Input \"Will the student be able to see the grade\" must be 1 (one) for YES or 0 (zero) for NO, please don't leave it blank. Is the task submitted online? Max Grade does not seem to be a real number. Please don't leave it in blank. New Assignment (%grade_name% %community_name%) No file/url associated with this task No file/url associated with this task solution No group for student No, I want to cancel my request No portrait for $party_name No portrait for $student_name Notification for assignments Notification for evaluations Number of members for this task: Number of members of this group: over %grade_weight%% of %grade_plural_name% Party_id %party_id% does not seem to be an integer. Please don't modify this field. please check the last check box at the bottom of the form. Please enter the group name Please enter the new group name Please select the group Projects for students Reuse groups from another assignment Save the csv file and KEEP THE CSV FORMAT. The CSV file can be edited with any text editor (and MS Excell) but you have to save it keeping the CSV format. If you do not keep the format, the system will not be able to parse the file. See grade sheets associated with this task Send the file using the "Send file" botton. The system will parse the file and you will be asked for a confirmation (if everything is ok with the file) for the grades. <small>Total points in this category: ${total_grade}/${max_grade} <br /> $grade_plural_name represents the ${grade_weight}% of the 100% of the class</small> Student Scores for "%task_name%" NOT YET SUBMITTED (%not_evaluated_with_no_answer%) NOT YET GRADED (%not_evaluated_with_answer%) %submission_date_pretty% (late) %submission_date_pretty% <span style=\"color:red;\">(late answer)</span> %task_name% administration "%task_name%" is in groups, may be there are no groups, click this link if you want to go to the Groups Admin page: %groups_admin;noquote% The assignment "%task_name%" has been uploaded in this community. The comments/edit reason is a string with no more than 4,000 characters. The edit reason must be less than 4000 characteras long The estimated time must be grather than 0 The file extension of the file is "%file_extension" and it should be .CSV. Sorry, we can't process it" } } } set page_title "<#_ Confirm Evaluation The file extension of the file is \"$file_extension\" and it should be .CSV, we can't process it The file is too large. (The maximun file size is %pretty_maxnbytes% bytes)" return 0 } set errors 0 set errors_text "" set counter 0 set line_number 0 set file_handler [open $tmp_filename {RDWR}] while { ![eof $file_handler] } { incr line_number set one_line [gets $file_handler] # jump first two lines if { $line_number <= 2 } { continue } # replace enters (<-|) with semicolons (;) regsub -all {(,[\r\n])} $one_line "" clean_line regsub -all {[\r\n]} $clean_line "" clean_line set evaluation [split $clean_line ","] if { $line_number == 3 } { set max_grade [string trim [lindex $evaluation 1]] if { ![ad_var_type_check_number_p $max_grade] } { ad_return_error "<#_ Invalid Max Grade The file is too large. (The maximun file size is %pretty_maxnbytes% bytes) The file should have a pre-defined format so the system can parse it and obtain the information. If you want to use this functionallity you must follow the following steps: The grade most be a valid number: %wrong_grade% The grade must be a REAL NUMBER. The grade must be a valid number: %wrong_grade% The grade must be a valid number The net value must be grather than 0 and less than $grade_weight, and you can not enter Net Value AND Weight. The number of members must be grather than 1. The sum of the weight of all the assignment types is %total_weight% and it should be 100 by the end of the term(supposedly). The system assumes that the grades start at the 7th line of the file. The weight must be grather than 0, and you can not enter Net Value AND Weight. There are no grades to edit. There are no files associated with this task There are no grades for this group. There are no groups for this task yet. There are no more communities where you can add the task. There are no studens associated with this group. There are no students to evaluate. There are no students to evaluate. There are no tasks associated with this assignment type There are no tasks for this package. There are no tasks for this grade type. There are no tasks to evaluate for this package. There is a comment for a grade not realized: %wrong_comments% There is a comment larger than we can handle: %wrong_comments% There is a comment larger than we can handle: %wrong_comments% There is an edit reason for a grade not realized: %wrong_comments% There is an edit reason larger than we can handle: %wrong_comments% There is at least one group that does not exist for this assignment. There is at least one invalid user. There is at least one invalid student. There is no audit info for this task because there are no students evaluated. There are no grades in the csv file or there are no modifications in the csv file. There is no info for this student There is no information about this task. There must be an edit reason if you want to edit the grade on party_id %party_id%. There must be at least one grade to work with There must be no groups for this task in order to copy the groups form another task. You can go back and delete the groups for this task. There must be some students selected in order to crate the group. There was a problem storing the file. Please contact the administrator. <p>This was the error: <pre>%errmsg%</pre></li> There was an error creating the groups These are the grades sheets used to evaluate students for this task These are the students that have already answered but have not been evaluated yet. These are the students that have not answered yet (if the task is online) and have not been evaluated yet. This funcionallity allows you to upload a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file with the grades of the students. This CSV file can be edited with MS Excell and many other text editors. The following is a summary of student grades for this course. This is the grades report of the students acording to one assignment type and the evaluations that you have made in this assignment type. This task can not be submitted after the due date This task is not in groups This was the error: <blockquote> <pre>%errmsg%</pre> </blockquote> Time estimated to complete this %grade_name% (in hours) To add this assignment to other classes (where you are administrator) To chanche the name, edit the name in the text input and then click on the "Rename Group" botton. To delete the group, click on the "Delete Group" botton. to submit their answers after due date? To unassociate a member of the group, click on the "Unassociate member" link. TOTAL GRADE: %total_class_grade% Total points in this category: %total_grade% / $max_grade<br /> This grade category represents the ${grade_weight}% of the 100% of the class Total points in this category: %total_grade% / %max_grade%<br /> This grade category represents the %grade_weight%% of the 100% of the class Total points in this category: %total_grade%/%max_grade% Unassociate student for this group Unrecognized value for notif type: $notif_type. Possible values are one_assignment_notif and one_evaluation_notif. Upload a file OR a url, and not both Upload a file OR a url, not both Upload a file OR a valid url, and not both Upload a solution for this assignment so the students can see it and learn from it. Upload Answer for \"%task_name%\" $user_name has modified the grade of %party_name%. \n The edit reason given by %user_name% was: %edit_reason% \n The current grade is: %current_grade% \n\n Click on this link to see the evaluation details: %url_link% \n View evaluation details \ View/Edit Task Solution We got the following error while trying to remove the evaluation: <pre>%errmsg%</pre> We got the following error while trying to remove the grade: <pre>%errmsg%</pre> We got the following error while trying to remove the task: <pre>%errmsg%</pre> Weight must be a real number and between 0 and 100 Weight of %grade_plural_name% over 100% of the class Weight of this %grade_name% over %grade_plural_name% WEIGHT <br>(out of 100% ) WEIGHT OVER %grade_weight%% <br /> OF %grade_plural_name_up% Weight over %grade_weight%% <br /> of %grade_plural_name% Weight over %grade_weight%% of %grade_plural_name%"} {html {size 5}} {help_text "<#_ You can enter the weight over %grade_weight%% of %grade_plural_name% or you can enter the net value of it in the field below. Weight over %grade_weight%% of %grade_plural_name% <small>Weight used in %low_name%: %category_weight%% (over 100% of %low_name%) <br /> %low_name% represents %grade_weight%% of the 100% of the class</small> Weight used in %grade_plural_name%: ${category_weight}% (of 100% of $grade_plural_name) <br /> $grade_plural_name represents ${grade_weight}% of the 100% of the class Weight used in %grade_plural_name%: %category_weight%% (of 100% of %grade_plural_name%) <br /> %grade_plural_name% represents %grade_weight%% of the 100% of the class Will the student be able to see the grade? (1 = Yes / 0 = No): Will the student be able to see the grade? Will the students be able Will the %grade_name% be submitted online? Will this task be submitted on line? Will this %grade_name% require a grade on the course? Yes, I really want to remove this evaluation Yes, I really want to remove this grade Yes, I really want to remove this group Yes, I really want to remove this task You can also add a student to an existing group by clicking on the "Associate to group..." link. Here you will be asked to select the group to wich you want to add the user. You can associate a link to this task by entering the absolute url here (also optional) You can enter the weight over %grade_weight%% of %grade_plural_name% or you can enter the net value of it in the field below. To sort by student name, total grade, or any of the assignment types, click on the column headers.<br> To see the assignment type details, click on the view icon at the left of the assignment type name. You can order the grade report by the name of the student, by the total grade, or by any of the assignments of this assignment type. You can see the csv files associated with the task by clicking on the "See grades sheets associated with this task" botton. You can upload a file associated to this task by using the browse button (optional) You can upload a file associated to this task by using the browse button and select the file from your computer (optional) You must give an edit reason (%old_grade% --> %grade_wo_reason% Your total grade in this class is: Max Grade: Maximun Grade: File Upload Size Members Modifying User n/a Name: NAME Name Name: %student_name% Net Grade Net Value Net value Net value over (NEW answer) New Assignment New Group No No NO No assignments (No data) No group for task You can't enter more than one relative weight No. of Members No. of members No parties to grade No response Not submitted Not available The sum of the Weight over %grade_plural_name% should be 100. The sum of the Weight over Total must be %grade_weight%. Not evaluated No submission that if you unassociate ALL the members or the group, THE GROUP WILL BE DELETED. Number of Integrants Number of Members One Assignment One Evaluation One Grade Type One Group SUBMITTED ONLINE? Online Submit Over %grade_plural_name% Over total PERFECT SCORE Perfect Score: This is the score used to evaluate the students. y entonces POINTS Grade in %base_grade% Project Projects RELATIVE WEIGHT Relative Weights Remove Grade Group REQUIRES GRADE? Requires Grade? Reuse Groups DISPLAY TO STUDENTS? Send file Solution Attachment for spreadsheet grading. Studen List Student List Student Name Students List Student's Portrait "Not Yet Graded" file "Not Yet Submitted" file SUBMISSION Submission Date submit answer submit answer again SUBMITTED Submitted by Submit online Sumission Date Task Task Groups Task Name: Task Name Task Name Task Solution Task Status Tasks Tasks for students Tasks List are the evaluated students. Note that if you evaluated them over a grad different from 100, the system automatically did the conversion so the grade will be shown over 100 points. are no groups for this assignment yet. %grade_plural_name_up% TOTAL: Total Total current grade: <div align=right>Total:</div> Total Grade Total Grade over %base_grade% <div align=left><text class="blue">(out of a possible 100% of the course)</text></div> Total of Members Percentage of Total Grade Unassociate member Unassociate url? Unattach file? Upload Answer Upload Date Upload graded spreadsheet to Upload Solution Uploaded by (URL) URL pues, esto esta interesante View View submission View my Answers View comments View Evaluation View evaluation View grades sheet View my answer View submission VIEW STUDENT PORTRAITS? VIEW STUDENT PORTRAITS: View Post View Task View task View/Edit Evaluation View/Edit Solution Weight Weight Weight change Will the studen(s) be upi , pero no yupin Yes Yes YES Your answer has been submitted successfully. Click <a href="%return_url%"> here </a> to continue.