Cancel Rate Grade Resubmission Grade Assignment Grade again Once "Submit" has been clicked, your work is sent to your supervisor. This submission cannot be modified anymore, then. Return for resubmission By clicking "Submit", you are also confirming that you are aware that longer texts are subject to random plagiarism testing. If you do not want to submit your work yet, click "Save as draft" to save it for later submission. Submit Save as draft Continue Filter submissions Actions Additional information Administrator rating The administrator rating confirms or corrects the automatic ratings. The overall rating is the arithmetic mean of quality value and administrator rating. All members This assignment has already been submitted by a member of this group. Assignment recipients Assignments Attachment auto submission Available from Available until Submission status Back Time needed for completion Cancel Assignment closed This assignment is not available for submission. Groups in this community Only two decimal places allowed. Comment Please select the students for this assignment. Continue editing 1. Assignment details 2. Assignment recipients Continue: Define assignment recipients Save as draft Edit assignment Edit New assignment Publish assignment Grade export (CSV) Grade export including students without submission (CSV) Current submission Current selection Define date The resubmission date must lie ahead The release date must lie ahead Please control the dates of the assignment. For instance, the end date must come after the start date. Due date Are you sure you want to delete? Delete this assignment Use this optional field to place meta information, e.g. learning outcomes, working instructions or submission mode. Details Download Download selected items Deadlines Draft This assignment is a draft. This assignment is a draft. Define assignment recipients. Attention: Your submission will stay in draft state until you submit it with the "Submit" button. Draft saved Edit Individual members There are no members in this community. There are no groups defined in this community. To continue creating this exercise please follow these steps: <ul> <li> Open the <a href="./groupmgr" target="blank" > groupmanager </a> and create your desired group. </li> <li>Reload this page.</li> <li>Assign your group to this assignment</li></ul> End Sample exam Exam result details Sample exam selection Submission overview No data available for export. This assignment does not contain any grades for export. Upload file File Invalid grade. Group work The grade must be a figure between 1 and 5. Grading mode This assignment cannot be graded in the preview mode. Release grade Confirm grades The grading process for this assignment is completed. Graded Graded assignments Grading Group Suspend assignment for this group Create a group Edit group Group work Export Groups as CSV To create a group, drag individual members from the right field into the "current selection" field. Group members This is a group work assignment. The members of this group are: Group name Group name cannot be empty. Create new group Group manager Manage groups Groups All answer fields must contain data. Quality values, which indicate the grade of correctness of the answer, have to be figures between 1 and 10. 1 signifies a poor answer and 10 a very good answer. Decimal places are to be marked with ".". <p><img src="/shared/images/info.gif" alt="[i]" title="Help text" border="0" height="9" width="12"> Please note the following points when importing assignments:</p> <ul> <li>Sample exams that are already available in the current course (e.g. by allocation to a course repository) are copied 1:1 in the version at the time of the assignment creation. If the sample exam has been modified in the meantime (e.g. modified exercises), you have to change the sample exam on the level of the corresponding assignment. If the sample exam is not yet available in the current course, it has to be provided first.</li> </ul> Hide assignment details always Assignment import Release grades manually All graded assignments will be published and visible to students. instantly The assignment has been graded Assignment started Submission period running This assignment can be handed in Assignment submitted There are no groups in this community There are no members in this community Import assignments Import selected assignments manual submission Student ID Points (max.) Max. points cannot be empty. Members of all shared communities Only members of this community Not submitted Assignments Add another file My answer Student comment My submission Extension The extension date cannot be set prior to the regular due date. Set extension Back to assignment overview If this box is ticked, assignment details are only displayed during the submission period. New No data available is used in the gradebook and cannot be deleted No grading Grading is not possible No assignments are currently open No preview available never Don't release grades No pass of Started All three answer fields need to be filled. The quality value of each answer needs to be an integer between 1 and 10. This assignment consists of two parts: Firstly, please write your answer to the assigned question. Formulate a complete answer in your own words. Secondly, please rate three answers of your peer students. Estimate the quality of the answers correctly. You final grade will be composed of the values of both partial assignments. Attention: If you rate an answer with a high number, but the answer is a bad answer, this will result in a low final grade. Thus, your unsolicitous rating will harm yourself. 1. My answer 2. Rate other answers Peer review Another submitted answer This assignment has already been handed in by a group member. Please refresh this page to see the submission. Pass Percent Has to be a whole number less than 100. Plagiarism detection is used solely to ensure that academic standards are upheld. It is not a violation of either data protection or intellectual property rights, as it does not impede the author's future commercial use of his/her work. However, the following guidelines do apply: <ol> <li>The student's consent must be given before work is submitted for plagiarism testing. Students are informed that their work is subject to random testing when they submit it and give their consent by clicking the appropriate button.</li> <li>The submitted document should be the final version, as it will be used for reference in future plagiarism testing.</li> </ol> <br> I have read and understood the information provided above. Plagiarism check not possible Probability of plagiarism in % Points Has to be a whole number greater than 0. Tentative grade Assignments Assignment published Quick grading Quality value You can rate this answer using the figures from 1 to 10. 1 means a very poor answer, 10 a very good one. You have rated the answers successfully. Rated answer Teacher rating Student rating Assignment published The assignment is visible for students but submissions cannot be made yet. There are still assignments connected to this group. Please delete these connections before deleting a group. Grades are released after the last submission has been graded. Release date Immediately after grading Release grades manually Resubmission Resubmission deadline Your teacher has handed back the assignment and asks for a resubmission. Resubmission pending Submissions by Show sample solution Save changes Save Community members Settings If this Assignment Module is shared with other communities, you can define here whether you like to see only the members of this community or the members of all the shared communities. Note: This assignment module is shared with the following communities Show assignment details Show members Individual work Start There are currently no assignments. Start sample exam Home page Assignment status Student view Submissions Submission period Student submission Submitted answer Student comment Submission by Submission This submission is being done on behalf of the student add submission Send to plagiarism check Submitted Submitted work You have submitted your assignment successfully. Teacher comment Teacher file This submission interface is for testing purposes only. Your submission will not be saved. Task Text box This assignment... after submission period Submission period expired The submission period for this assignment has expired. Assignment title Assignment type Comment only Grades 1-5 pass/ no pass Visibility Are students allowed to see the task details before the start of the submission period? Visibility Task details are only visible to students during the submission period. <h3>Welcome to the assignment module!</h3> <p>With this module, you can</p> <ul> <li>define different assignment types (textbox-, file- or peer review assignments).</li> <li>assign homework to single students or</li> <li>define groups within the group manager and assign homework to groups. Only one group member needs to turn in the homework, then.</li> <li>provide feedback and grade assignments or return the assignments to the students for resubmission.</li> <li>grade assignments once they are turned in, even if the submission period has not yet expired.</li></ul> Wiki Please keep in mind that this assignment will be closed at . Editing beyond this point will not be possible Your rating To define the assignment recipients__COMMA__ please drag groups from the right field "Community members" into the left field "Current selection". To define the assignment recipients__COMMA__ please drag selected members from the right field "Community members" into the left field "Current selection". Assignment recipients