postgresql7.1 select dtype_widget__register_form_widget ( :object_type, :dform, :attribute_name, :widget, :required_p, :create_form_p ); select dtype_widget__unregister_form_widget ( :object_type, :dform, :attribute_name, :delete_form_p ); select as dform from dtype_form_elements fe, dtype_forms f, acs_attributes a where fe.form_id = f.form_id and a.attribute_id = fe.attribute_id and a.object_type = :object_type and a.attribute_name = :attribute_name select dtype_widget__set_param_value ( :object_type, :dform, :attribute_name, :param_name, :value, :type, :source ); select o2.object_type from acs_object_types o1, acs_object_types o2 where o1.object_type = :object_type and o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey and o1.tree_sortkey between o2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(o2.tree_sortkey) order by tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) desc select o2.object_type from acs_object_types o1, acs_object_types o2, acs_objects o where o.object_id = :object_id and o1.object_type = o.object_type and o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey and o1.tree_sortkey between o2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(o2.tree_sortkey) order by tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) desc select content_item__new(varchar :item_name, :item_parent_id, :item_item_id, :item_locale, now(), :item_creation_user, null, :item_creation_ip, 'content_item', :item_content_type, null, null, 'text/plain', null, null, :cr_storage) update cr_revisions set content = '[DoubleApos [read [set __f [open $file r]]]][close $__f]', content_length = [file size $file] where revision_id = :revision_id update cr_revisions set lob = [set __lob_id [db_string new_lob "select empty_lob()"]], content_length = [file size $file] where revision_id = :revision_id update cr_revisions set content = '[set file_path [cr_create_content_file $item_id $revision_id $file]]', content_length = '[cr_file_size $file_path]' where revision_id = :revision_id content_item__get_latest_revision(:item_id)