postgresql 7.1 select name from category_trees t, category_tree_translations tt where t.tree_id = tt.tree_id and t.tree_id = :tree_id select dc.course_id, dc.course_key, dc.course_name, dc.assessment_id, dec.section_id, dec.section_name, dec.product_id, dec.community_id, dc.course_info, ci.item_id, v.maxparticipants from dotlrn_catalog dc, cr_items ci left join dotlrn_ecommerce_section dec on (ci.item_id = dec.course_id) left join ec_custom_product_field_values v on (dec.product_id = v.product_id) where dc.course_id = ci.live_revision [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name course_list] order by lower(dc.course_name), lower(dec.section_name) select sale_price as member_price from ec_sale_prices where product_id = :product_id limit 1 select count(*) as attendees from dotlrn_member_rels_approved where community_id = :community_id and (rel_type = 'dotlrn_member_rel' or rel_type = 'dotlrn_club_student_rel') select price as prices from ec_products where product_id = :product_id