select first_names, last_name, user_id as p_user_id, email as db_email
from cc_users where user_id in (
select grantee_id from acs_permissions where object_id = :cc_package_id
and privilege = 'create')
select first_names, last_name, user_id as p_user_id, email as db_email
from cc_users where user_id <> :user_id and lower(first_names) like lower('%$user_name%')
or lower(last_name) like lower('%$user_name%') order by first_names, last_name
select first_names, last_name, user_id as p_user_id, email as db_email
from cc_users where user_id <> :user_id and lower(email) like lower('%$user_email%')
order by email
select first_names, last_name, user_id as p_user_id, email as db_email
from cc_users where user_id <> :user_id and (
lower(first_names) like lower('%$user_name%') or lower(last_name) like lower('%$user_name%'))
and lower(email) like lower('%$user_email%')
order by email