postgresql7.1 select t.*,p.type as type from card_task t, card_percent p where task_id = :task_id and t.ref_community = p.ref_community and t.ref_percent = p.percent_id select last_name||', '||first_names as name, note_id, ref_card, grade, note_comment, is_active from card_note, acs_users_all, card where ref_task = :task_id and user_id = ref_user and ref_card=card_id and user_id in ( select a.user_id as user_id from acs_users_all a, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r where r.community_id = :community_id and r.user_id = a.user_id and (role='student' or role='member') order by user_id asc ) order by last_name select last_name||', '||first_names as name, note_id, ref_card, grade, note_comment, is_active from card_note, acs_users_all, card where ref_task = :task_id and user_id = ref_user and ref_card=card_id and user_id in ( select a.user_id as user_id from acs_users_all a, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r where r.community_id = :community_selected and r.user_id = a.user_id and (role='student' or role='member') order by user_id asc ) order by last_name select note_id from card_note where ref_task = :task_id update card_note set grade = :new_grade, note_comment= :new_comment, is_active= :new_actv where note_id = :note_id