postgresql7.1 select acs_users_all.user_id, id_card, last_name, first_names, id_card_notes, value_s, value_n, is_active from acs_users_all, dotlrn_member_rels_approved inner join uv_card inner join uv_card_notes on id_card = ref_id_card on (ref_user_id = user_id) where dotlrn_member_rels_approved.community_id = :community_id and dotlrn_member_rels_approved.user_id = acs_users_all.user_id and (role='student' or role='member') and uv_card.ref_community_id = :community_id and ref_subtype = :note_sel order by last_name, first_names asc update uv_card_notes set value_n= :note_value, value_s= :note_desc, is_active= :note_active where id_card_notes = :note_id select allow_act from uv_card_xcent_note xn inner join uv_card_subtype_note sn on (id_xcent = ref_xcent) where sn.ref_community_id = :community_id and id_subtype = :note_sel select name_subtype from uv_card_subtype_note where id_subtype = :note_sel