#!/bin/bash # update_ah_resources.sh # v 0.1 # author : Hamilton G. Chua (ham@solutiongrove.com) # date : 4/1/2009 # This bash script is meant to be executed in # packages/ajaxhelper/www/resources/. # It is responsible for updating the javascript libraries # for the ajaxhelper package. # The idea behind this file is to be able to easily update # the javascript libraries to the latest available versions # by running this script. # NOTE : # the following must be in your PATH # - unzip # - wget # To execute : # ./update_ah_resources.sh # CHANGELOG : # 0.1 : # initially works with YUI # ******* START ********** STAMP=`date +%m%d%y%H%M` # create an archive folder ARCHFOLDER="archive"-$STAMP mkdir $ARCHFOLDER # create a temporary folder TMPFOLDER="tmp"-$STAMP mkdir $TMPFOLDER # ****** YUI ************ # move yui to the archive folder mv yui $ARCHFOLDER # use wget to fetch YUI # and put it into the TMPFOLDER YUIZIP="yui_2.7.0b.zip" cd $TMPFOLDER wget http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/download/ # unzip the downloaded file unzip $YUIZIP cd yui/ # copy build/ in www/resources as yui mv build ../../yui # ****** EXT2 ************* # move ext2 to the archive folder cd ../../ mv ext2 $ARCHFOLDER # use wget to fetch ExtJS 2 # and put it into the TMPFOLDER EXT2ZIP="ext-2.2.1.zip" cd $TMPFOLDER mkdir ext2 cd ext2 wget http://extjs.com/products/extjs/download.php?dl=extjs221 # unzip the downloaded file unzip $EXT2ZIP rm $EXT2ZIP cd ../ # copy ext2/ in www/resources as ext2 mv ext2 ../ cd ../ # ****** CLEANUP ********** # delete temporary folder rm -rf $TMPFOLDER