@survey_id;noquote@ One Survey: @survey_info.name;noquote@ @context_bar;noquote@

Main Survey Administration

@survey_info.name;noquote@ - Created by @survey_info.creator_name@, on @creation_date@ <% # removed Display types, we use styles now # # # # %>
This survey is @survey_info.enabled_display@ @survey_info.enabled_display@ . - @toggle_enabled_text@
Survey Name:


Preview Edit @survey_info.name;noquote@


View Responses: By user | Summary | CSV file (with anonymous answers) | CSV file (without anonymous answers)
Import Responses: Import responses from a .csv file
Sectioning: Survey is not sectioned - [ Make sectioned ] Survey is sectioned - [ Compress to single section ]
Status Bar: [ No Status Bar No Status Bar | Blue Blue | Red Red | Green Green | Yellow Yellow ]
Response Options: @survey_info.single_response_display@ - [ @response_limit_toggle@ ]
Users may edit their responses Users may not edit their responses - [ make non- editable ]
Display Options: @survey_info.display_type@ - # # # [@survey_display_types:item@] # # #
Accessibility: Public Not public - [Toggle]
Email Options: @notification_chunk;noquote@
Send bulk mail regarding this survey
Extreme Actions: Delete this survey - Removes all questions and responses
Copy this survey - Lets you use this survey as a template to create a new survey.

@sections.name@ EditDelete @sections.branch_text;noquote@
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@sections.rownum@. Edit [inactive] Copy Add New Move Down Move UpDelete
@sections.question_text;noquote@ @formgroup.widget;noquote@ @formgroup.label;noquote@
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