update forums_messages set last_poster = :to_user_id where last_poster = :from_user_id update forums_messages set user_id = :to_user_id where user_id = :from_user_id select message_id, subject from forums_messages where user_id = :user_id select message_id, subject from forums_messages where last_poster = :user_id update forums_forums set package_id = (select package_id from dotlrn_community_applets where community_id = :selected_community and applet_id = ( select applet_id from dotlrn_applets where applet_key = 'dotlrn_forums' )) where forum_id = :object_id update acs_objects set package_id = (select package_id from dotlrn_community_applets where community_id = :selected_community and applet_id = (select applet_id from dotlrn_applets where applet_key = 'dotlrn_forums')),context_id = (select package_id from dotlrn_community_applets where community_id = :selected_community and applet_id = (select applet_id from dotlrn_applets where applet_key = 'dotlrn_forums')) where object_id = :object_id