-- -- -- -- @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) -- @creation-date 2004-09-18 -- @arch-tag: c57e7c4a-3f9a-40c1-8a89-bfb0d3981c8f -- @cvs-id $Id: survey-library-create.sql~,v 2004/12/30 17:02:30 daveb Exp $ -- create table survey_library ( object_id integer constraint survey_library_object_id_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, original_object_id integer constraint survey_library_orig_object_id_fk references acs_objects on delete set null, active_p boolean, creation_party integer constraint survey_library_creation_party_fk references parties on delete set null, author_contact text ); create index survey_library_object_id_idx on survey_library(object_id); create index survey_library_orig_object_id_idx on survey_library(original_object_id); create table survey_library_default_objects ( survey_id integer constraint survey_do_survey_id_fk references surveys, section_id integer constraint survey_do_section_id_fk references survey_sections, package_id integer constraint survey_do_package_id_fk references apm_packages ); create index survey_do_package_id_idx on survey_library_default_objects(package_id); --drop view survey_objects; create or replace view survey_objects as select s.survey_id as object_id, s.package_id, apm_package__name(s.package_id) as package_name, s.survey_id, null as section_id, o.creation_date, o.last_modified, o.object_type, s.name, s.description, ot.pretty_name as type, case when sd.survey_id=s.survey_id then 't' else 'f' end as default_object_p, sl.original_object_id, sl.active_p, sl.creation_party, sl.author_contact from acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot, surveys s left join survey_library_default_objects sd on sd.package_id=s.package_id left join survey_library sl on s.survey_id=sl.object_id where o.object_id=s.survey_id and o.object_type=ot.object_type union select ss.section_id as object_id, s.package_id, apm_package__name(s.package_id) as package_name, ss.survey_id as survey_id, ss.section_id as section_id, o.creation_date, o.last_modified, o.object_type, ss.name, ss.description, ot.pretty_name as type, case when sd.section_id=ss.section_id then 't' else 'f' end as default_object_p, sl.original_object_id, sl.active_p, sl.creation_party, sl.author_contact from survey_sections ss left join survey_library sl on ss.section_id=sl.object_id, acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot, surveys s left join survey_library_default_objects sd on sd.package_id=s.package_id where ss.section_id=o.object_id and ss.survey_id=s.survey_id and o.object_type=ot.object_type union select sq.question_id as object_id, s.package_id, apm_package__name(s.package_id) as package_name, ss.survey_id as survey_id, sq.section_id as section_id, o.creation_date, o.last_modified, o.object_type, sq.question_text as name, null as description, ot.pretty_name as type, 'f' as default_object_p, sl.original_object_id, sl.active_p, sl.creation_party, sl.author_contact from survey_questions sq left join survey_library sl on sq.question_id=sl.object_id, survey_sections ss, acs_objects o, acs_object_types ot, surveys s left join survey_library_default_objects sd on sd.package_id=s.package_id where sq.section_id=ss.section_id and s.survey_id=ss.survey_id and sq.question_id=o.object_id and o.object_type=ot.object_type; create table survey_library_use_map ( library_object_id integer, use_object_id integer ); create table survey_library_clips ( user_id integer, object_id integer ); create table survey_library_category_trees ( package_id integer, survey_tree integer, section_tree integer, question_tree integer );