Migration Guide for the the Next Scripting Language ==================================================== Gustaf Neumann v2.0, December 2010: Written for the Initial Release of the Next Scripting Framework. :Author Initials: GN :toc: :icons: :numbered: :website: http://www.xotcl.org/ .Abstract ***************************************************************************** This document describes the differences between the Next Scripting Language Framework and XOTcl 1. In particular, it presents a migration guide from XOTcl 1 to NX, and presents potential incompatibilities beween XOTcl 1.and XOTcl 2 ***************************************************************************** .Todo ***************************************************************************** Here comes general text, maybe partly from slides/paper .... TODO: Maybe we should not refer to ::nsf here, just to ::nx ... ***************************************************************************** Differences Between XOTcl and NX ------------------------------- In general, the Next Scripting Language (NX) differs from XOTcl in the following respects: - The Next Scripting Language favors a _stronger form of encapsulation_ than XOTcl. Calling the own methods or accessing the own instance variables is typographically easier and computationally faster than these operations on other objects. This behavior is achieved via resolvers an makes the definition of methods necessary in XOTcl obsolete. On the other hand, XOTcl is complete symmetrical in this respect. - The encapsulation of Next Scripting is still weak compared to languages like C++; a developer can still access e.g. other variables via some idioms, but this _makes accesses to other objects variables explicit_ and requires more typing effort. Through the weak encapsulation a programmer should be encouraged to implement methods to provide access to instance variables. - The Next Scripting Language provides means of _method protection_. - The Next Scripting Language provides _scripted init blocks_ for objects and classes (replacement for the somewhat dangerous dash "-" mechanism in XOTcl that allows to set variables and invoke methods upon object creation). - The Next Scripting Language provides much more orthogonal means to _define, reuse and introspect scripted and C-implemented methods_. - The Next Scripting Language provides an _orthogonal framework for parametrization of methods and objects_. While XOTcl 1 provided only value-checkers for non-positional arguments for methods, the Next Scripting Framework provides the same value checkers for positional argument of methods, as well as for object parameters (`-parameter` in XOTcl 1). - The Next Scripting Language has a much _smaller interface_ (less predefined methods) than XOTcl: * NX: [horizontal] Methods for Objects: :: 20 Methods for Classes: :: 7 Info methods for Objects: :: 14 Info method for Classes: :: 6 * XOTcl: [horizontal] Methods for Objects: :: 52 Methods for Classes: :: 24 Info methods for Objects: :: 25 Info method for Classes: :: 24 Below is a small, introductory example showing an implementation of a stack in NX and XOTcl. [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none"] |====================== |Stack example in NX |Stack example in XOTcl |[source,tcl] -------------------------------------------------- Class create Stack { # # Stack of Things # :method init {} { set :things "" } :public method push {thing} { set :things [linsert ${:things} 0 $thing] return $thing } :public method pop {} { set top [lindex ${:things} 0] set :things [lrange ${:things} 1 end] return $top } } -------------------------------------------------- |[source,tcl] -------------------------------------------------- # # Stack of Things # Class Stack Stack instproc init {} { my instvar things set things "" } Stack instproc push {thing} { my instvar things set things [linsert $things 0 $thing] return $thing } Stack instproc pop {} { my instvar things set top [lindex $things 0] set things [lrange $things 1 end] } -------------------------------------------------- |====================== Using XOTcl 2.0 and the Next Scripting Language in a Single Interpreter --------------------------------------------------------------------- In general, the Next Scripting Framework supports multiple object systems concurrently. Effectively, every object system has different base classes for creating objects and classes. Therefore, these object systems can have different different interfaces and names of built-in methods. Currently, the Next Scripting Framework is packaged with three object systems: - NX - XOTcl 2.0 - TclCool XOTcl 2 is highly compatible with XOTcl 1, the language NX is described below in more details, the language TclCool was introduced in Tip#279 and serves primarily an example of a small OO language. A single Tcl interpreter can host multiple Next Scripting Object Systems at the same time. This fact makes migration from XOTcl to NX easier. The following example script shows to use XOTcl and NX in a single script: .Using Multiple Object Systems in a single Script [source,tcl] -------------------------------------------------- namespace eval mypackage { package require XOTcl 2.0 # Import XOTcl into the current namespace namespace import -force ::xotcl::* # Define a class using XOTcl Class C1 C1 instproc foo {} {puts "hello world"} package require nx # Import NX into the current namespace; # "Class" will be after the command "::nx::Class" namespace import -force ::nx::* # Define a class using NX Class create C2 { :public method foo {} {puts "hello world"} } } -------------------------------------------------- One could certainly create object or classes from the different object systems via fully qualified names (e.g. using e.g. `::xotcl::Class` or `::nx::Class`), but for migration for systems without explicit namespaces switching between the object systems eases migration. "Switching" between XOTcl and NX effectively means the load some packages (if needed) and to import either the base classes (Object and Class) of XOTcl or NX into the current namespace. XOTcl Idioms in the Next Scripting Language --------------------------------------------- Defining Objects and Classes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class ClassName ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class create ClassName ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Object ObjectName ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Object create ObjectName ---------------- |=========================== Defining Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ==== Scripted Methods Defined in the Init-block of a Class/Object or with Separate Calls [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instproc foo args {...} C proc bar args {...} ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method and class-object method # in the init-block of a class Class create C { :method foo args {...} :class-object method bar args {...} } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method and class-object method with separate calls Class create C C method foo args {...} C class-object method bar args {...} ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Object o o set x 1 o proc foo args {...} ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define class-object method and set instance variable # in the init-block of an object Object create o { set :x 1 :method foo args {...} } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- # Define class-object method and set instance variable # with separate commands Object create o o eval {set :x 1} o method foo args {...} ---------------- |=========================== ==== Different Kinds of Methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Methods for defining methods: # # proc # instproc # forward # instforward # parametercmd # instparametercmd # # All these methods return empty. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Methods for defining methods: # # method # forward # setter # alias # attribute # # All these methods return method-handles. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instproc foo args {...} C proc bar args {...} Object o o proc baz args {...} ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define scripted methods Class create C { :method foo args {...} :class-object method bar args {...} } Object create o { :method baz args {...} } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instforward f1 ... C forward f2 ... Object o o forward f3 ... ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define forwarder Class create C { :forward f1 ... :class-object forward f2 ... } Object create o { :forward f3 ... } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instparametercmd p1 C parametercmd p2 Object o o parametercmd p3 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define setter and getter methods Class create C { :setter p1 ?value_constraint? :class-object setter p2 ?value_constraint? } Object create o { :setter p3 ?value_constraint? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Method "alias" not available ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method aliases # (to scripted or non-scripted methods) Class create C { :alias a1 ... :class-object alias a2 ... } Object create o { :alias a3 ... } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Parameters only available at class level Class C \ -parameter { x {y 1} } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define object attributes # (parameters for initializing objects) Class create C { :attribute x :attribute {y 1} :class-object attribute oa1 } Object create o { :attribute oa2 } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- Class create C \ -attributes { x {y 1} } ---------------- |=========================== [[method-protect-example]] ==== Method Modifiers and Method Protection [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Method modifiers # # "class-object", # "public", and # "protected" # # are not available ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Method modifiers orthogonal over all kinds of methods # # Method-definition-methods: # method, forward, setter, alias, attribute Class create C { :/method-definiton-method/ ... :public /method-definiton-method/ ... :protected /method-definiton-method/ ... :class-object /method-definiton-method/ ... :protected class-object /method-definiton-method/ ... :public class-object /method-definiton-method/ ... } ---------------- |====================== The next scripting language allows to configure the default call protection in various ways. The command `::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection true|false` can be used to set the default call protection for scripted methods, forwarder and aliases, while `::nx::configure defaultAttributeCallProtection true|false` can set the default for attributes and setters. === Resolvers The Next Scripting Framework defines Tcl resolvers for method and variable names to refer to object specific behavior. Within method bodies these resolver treat variable and function names starting with a colon `:` specially. In short, a colon-prefixed variable name refers to an instance variable, and a colon-prefixed function name refers to a method. The sub-sections below provide detailed examples. Note that the Next resolvers can be used in the XOTcl 2.* environment as well. ==== Invoking Methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instproc foo args {...} C instproc bar args { my foo 1 2 3 ;# invoke own method o baz ;# invoke other objects method } Object o o proc baz {} {...} ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class create C { :method foo args {...} :method bar args { :foo 1 2 3 ;# invoke own method o baz ;# invoke other objects method } } Object create o { :method baz {} {...} } ---------------- |====================== ==== Accessing Own Instance Variables from Method Bodies In general, the Next Scripting Language favors the access to an objects's own instance variables over variable accesses of other objects. On the contrary, in XOTcl, the variable access to own and other variables are completely symmetric. In Next Scripting, access to local variables are performed via primarily via name resolvers, but using the standard tcl commands (like e.g. `set`, `incr`, `append`, `info exists`, etc.). In XOTcl, it is common to provide same-named methods registered on `::xotcl::Object` for such purposes. This is one of the reasons, why the Next Scripting Language has a much smaller interface (less predefined methods). It is possible for an application program to register XOTcl-like methods in the Next Scripting Language via the primitives of the Next Scripting Framework. [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class C C instproc foo args { # Method scoped variable a set a 1 # Instance variable b my instvar b set b 2 # Global variable/namespaced variable c set ::c 3 } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- Class create C { :method foo args {...} # Method scoped variable a set a 1 # Instance variable b set :b 2 # Global variable/namespaced variable c set ::c 3 } } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ... instproc ... { my set /varName/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Set own instance variable to a value via resolver # (preferred and fastest way) ... method ... { set /:newVar/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ... instproc ... { my instvar /varName/ set /varName/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Set own instance variable via variable import ... method ... { ::nx::var import [self] /varName/ set /varName/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ... instproc ... { set /varName/ [my set /otherVar/] } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Read own instance variable ... method ... { set /varName/ [set /:otherVar/] } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- ... method ... { set /newVar/ ${/:otherVar/} } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ... instproc ... { my exists /varName/ } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Test existence of own instance variable ... method ... { info /:varName/ } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- ... method ... { ::nx::var exists [self] /varName/ } ---------------- |====================== ==== Accessing Instance Variables of other Objects [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ set /varName/ ?value? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Set instance variable of object obj to a value via # resolver (preferred way: define setter method on obj) /obj/ eval [list set /:varName/ ?value?] ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- set /varName/ [/obj/ set /otherVar/] ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Read instance variable of object obj via resolver set /varName/ [/obj/ eval {set /:otherVar/}] ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ... instproc ... { /obj/ instvar /varName/ set /varName/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Read instance variable of object /obj/ via import ... method ... { ::nx::var import /obj/ /varName/ set /varName/ ?value? } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ exists varName ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Test existence of instance variable of object obj /obj/ eval {info exists /:varName/} ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- ::nx::var exists /obj/ /varName/ ---------------- |====================== === Parameters While XOTcl 1 had very limited forms of parameters, XOTcl 2 and nx provide a generalized and highly orthogonal parameter handling with various kinds of value constraints. We devide the parameters into _Object Parameters_ (parameters used for initializing objects and classes) and _Method Parameters_ (parameters passed to methods). Furthermore, XOTcl 2 and NX support return value checker based on the same mechanisms. ==== Object Parameters [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter specified as a list (short form) # "a" has no default, "b" has default "1" Class Foo -parameter {a {b 1}} # Create instance of the class Foo Foo f1 -a 0 # Object f1 has a == 0 and b == 1 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter specified as a list (short form) # "a" has no default, "b" has default "1" Class create Foo -attributes {a {b 1}} # Create instance of the class Foo Foo create f1 -a 0 # Object f1 has a == 0 and b == 1 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter specified via slots Class Foo -slots { Attribute a Attribute b -default 1 } # Create instance of the class Foo Foo f1 -a 0 # Object f1 has a == 0 and b == 1 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter specified via attribute methods # (allow method modifieres and scripted configuration) Class create Foo { :attribute a :attribute {b 1} } # Create instance of the class Foo Foo create f1 -a 0 # Object f1 has a == 0 and b == 1 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter with configured slot, defining an attribute # specific type checker Class Person -slots { Attribute create sex -type "sex" { my proc type=sex {name value} { switch -glob $value { m* {return m} f* {return f} default {error "expected sex but got $value"} } } } } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Object parameter with scripted definition, defining an attribute # specific type checker Class create Person { :attribute sex { :type "sex" :method type=sex {name value} { switch -glob $value { m* {return m} f* {return f} default {error "expected sex but got $value"} } } } } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Predefined value constraints for parameter not available ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Predefined value constraints: # object, class, alnum, alpha, ascii, boolean, control, # digit, double, false, graph, integer, lower, print, # punct, space, true, upper, wordchar, xdigit # # User defined value constraints are possible. # All parameter value checkers can be turned on and off. # # Define a boolean attribute and an integer attribute with a # default Class create Foo -attributes { a:boolean {b:integer 1} } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- Class create Foo { :attribute a:boolean :attribute {b:integer 1} } ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Required parameter not available ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Required parameter: # Define a required attribute a and a required boolean # attribute b Class create Foo -attributes { a:required b:boolean,required } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- Class create Foo { :attribute a:required :attribute b:boolean,required } ---------------- |[source,tcl] --------------- # Multiplicity for parameter not available ----------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Parameter with multiplicity Class create Foo -attributes { {ints:integer,0..n ""} ;# list of integers, with default objs:object,1..n ;# non-empty list of objects obj:object,0..1 ;# single object, maybe empty } ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- Class create Foo { :attribute {ints:integer,0..n ""} :attribute objs:object,1..n :attribute obj:object,0..1 } ---------------- |====================== ==== Method Parameters The method parameters specifications in XOTcl 1 were limited and allowed only value constraints for non positional arguments. NX and XOTcl 2 provide value constraints for all kind of method parameters. While XOTcl 1 required non-positional arguments to be listed in front of positional arguments, this limitation is lifted in XOTcl 2. [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method foo with non-positional parameters # (x, y and y) and positional parameter (a and b) Class C C instproc foo {-x:integer -y:required -z a b} {....} C create c1 # invoke method foo c1 foo -x 1 -y a 2 3 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method foo with non-positional parameters # (x, y and y) and positional parameter (a and b) Class create C { :public method foo {-x:integer -y:required -z a b} {....} :create c1 } # invoke method foo c1 foo -x 1 -y a 2 3 ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define various forms of parameters not available in XOTcl 1 Class create C { # trailing (or interleaved) non-positional parameters :public method m1 {a b -x:integer -y} {....} # postional parameters with value constraints :public method m2 {a:integer b:boolean} {....} # optional postional parameter (trailing) :public method set {varName value:optional} {....} # parameter with multiplicty :public method m3 {-objs:object,1..n c:class,0..1} {....} # In general, the same list of value constraints as for # object parameter is available (see above). # # User defined value constraints are possible. # All parameter value checkers can be turned on and off. } ---------------- |====================== ==== Return Value Checkers Return value checker are a functionality that was not yet available in XOTcl 1. A return value checker assures that a method returns always a parameter of a certain value. Return value checkers can be defined on all forms of methods. Like for other value checkers, return value checkers can be turned on and off. [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Define method foo with non-positional parameters # (x, y and y) and positional parameter (a and b) Class create C { # Define method foo which returns an integer value :method foo -returns integer {-x:integer} {....} # Define an alias for the Tcl command ::incr # and assure, it always returns in integer :alias incr -returns integer ::incr # Define a forwarder that has to return integer :forward ++ -returns integer ::expr 1 + # Define a method that has to return a non-empty # list of objects :public class-object method instances {} -returns object,1..n { return [:info instances] } } ---------------- |====================== === Interceptors ==== Register Mixin Classes and Mixin Guards [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ instmixin ... /cls/ instmixinguard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-class mixin and guard for a class /cls/ mixin ... /cls/ mixin guard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ mixin ... /cls/ mixin guard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-object mixin and guard for a class /cls/ class-object mixin ... /cls/ class-object mixin guard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ mixin ... /obj/ mixinguard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-object mixin and guard for an object /obj/ mixin ... /obj/ mixin guard mixin /condition/ ---------------- |====================== ==== Register Filters and Filter Guards [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ instfilter ... /cls/ instfilterguard filter /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-class filter and guard for a class /cls/ filter ... /cls/ filter guard filter /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ filter ... /cls/ filterguard ... ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-object filter and guard for a class /cls/ class-object filter ... /cls/ class-object filter guard filter /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ filter ... /obj/ filterguard filter /condition/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Register per-object filter and guard for an object /obj/ filter ... /obj/ filter guard filter /condition/ ---------------- |====================== === Introspection ==== List methods defined by objects [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info commands ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info parametercmd ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -methodtype setter ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info procs ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -methodtype scripted ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -methodtype alias ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -methodtype forwarder ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -methodtype object ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods -callprotection public\|protected ... ---------------- |====================== ==== List methods defined by classes [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instcommands ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instparametercmd ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -methodtype setter ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instprocs ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -methodtype scripted ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -methodtype alias ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -methodtype forwarder ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -methodtype object ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info methods -callprotection public\|protected ... ---------------- |====================== ==== List class object specific methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info commands ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info parametercmd ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -methodtype setter ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info procs ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -methodtype scripted ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -methodtype alias ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -methodtype forwarder ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -methodtype object ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info methods -callprotection public\|protected ... ---------------- |====================== ==== List callable methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info methods ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info lookup methods ... ?pattern? # Returns list of method names ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # List only application specific methods /obj/ info lookup methods -source application ... ?pattern? # Returns list of method names ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Options for 'info methods' # # -incontext # -nomixins ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Options for 'info lookup methods' # # -source ... # -callprotection ... # -incontext # -methodtype ... # -nomixins ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # List slot objects defined for obj /obj/ info lookup slots # Returns list of slot objects ---------------- |====================== ==== List object/class where some method is defined [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ procsearch /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info lookup method /methodName/ # Returns method-handle ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ filtersearch /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] --------------- /obj/ info lookup filter /methodName/ # Returns method-handle ----------------- |====================== ==== List definition of scripted methods defined by classes [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instbody /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method body /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instargs /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method args /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instnonposargs /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method parameter /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instdefault /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instdefault /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instpre /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method precondition /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instpost /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method postcondition /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info method definition /methodName/ ---------------- |====================== ==== List definition of scripted object specific methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info body /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method body /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info args /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method args /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info nonposargs /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method parameter /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] --------------- /obj/ info default /methodName/ ----------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method parameter /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info pre /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method precondition /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info pre /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method precondition /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info post /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info post /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method definition /methodName/ ---------------- |====================== For definition of class object specific methods, use modifier `class-object` as shown in examples above. ==== List Filter or Mixins [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info filter ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # ... info filter methods -order ... returns method-handles # instead of triples (applies to all three variants) /obj/ info filter methods ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info filterguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info filter guard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info filter ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info filter methods ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info filterguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info filter guard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instfilter ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info filter methods ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instfilterguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info filter guard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info mixin ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info mixin classes ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info mixinguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info mixin guard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixin ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info mixin classes ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixinguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ class-object info mixin guard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instmixin ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixin classes ?-guards? ?-order? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instmixinguard /name/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixin guard /name/ ---------------- |====================== ==== List definition of methods defined by aliases, setters or forwarders [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method definition /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] --------------- /cls/ info method definition /methodName/ ---------------- |====================== ==== List fully qualified name of method [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method handle /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ ?class-object? info method handle /methodName/ ---------------- |====================== ==== List type of a method [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info method type /methodName/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ ?class-object? info method type /methodName/ ---------------- |====================== ==== List the scope of mixin classes [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixinof ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # List objects, where /cls/ is a per-object mixin /cls/ info mixinof -scope object ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instmixinof ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # List classes, where /cls/ is a per-class mixin /cls/ info mixinof -scope class ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # List objects and classes, where /cls/ is # either a per-object or a per-class mixin /cls/ info mixinof -scope all ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info mixinof ?-closure? ?pattern? ---------------- |====================== ==== Check properties of object and classes [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ istype /sometype/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info has type /sometype/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ ismixin /cls/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info has mixin /cls/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ isclass ?/cls/? ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info is class ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ ismetaclass /cls/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info is metaclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # n.a. ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info is baseclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ isobject /obj/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::isobject /obj/ ---------------- |====================== ==== Call-stack Introspection [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- self ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current ---------------- [source,tcl] ---------------- current object ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self class ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current class ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self proc ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current method ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self callingclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current currentclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self callingobject ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current callingobject ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self callingproc ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current callingmethod ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self calledclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current calledclass ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self calledproc ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current calledmethod ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self isnextcall ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current isnextcall ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self next ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Returns method-handle current next ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self filterreg ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- # Returns method-handle current filterreg ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self callinglevel ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current callinglevel ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- self activelevel ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- current activelevel ---------------- |====================== === Other Predefined Methods [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ requireNamespace ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ require namespace ---------------- |====================== === Dispatch, Aliases, etc. todo: to be done or omitted === Assertions [options="header",cols="asciidoc,asciidoc",frame="none",valign="middle"] |====================== |XOTcl |Next Scripting Language |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ check /checkoptions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /obj/ check /checkptions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info check ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /obj/ check ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ invar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /obj/ object-invar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /obj/ info invar ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /obj/ object-invar ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ instinvar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /cls/ class-invar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info instinvar ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /cls/ class-invar ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ invar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /cls/ object-invar /conditions/ ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- /cls/ info invar ---------------- |[source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::assertion /cls/ object-invar ---------------- |====================== === Method Protection As described <>, NX supports method protection via the method modifiers `protected` and `public`. A protected method can be only called from an object of that class, while public methods can be called from every object. The method protection can be used to every kind of method, such as e.g. scripted methods, aliases, forwarders, setters or attributes. For invocations, the most specific definition (might be a mixin) is used for determining the protection. == Incompatibilities between XOTcl 1 and XOTcl 2 === Resolvers The resolvers (variable resolvers, function resolvers) of the Next Scripting Framework are used as well within XOTcl 2. When variable names or method names starting with a single colon are used in XOTcl 1 scripts, conflicts will arise with the resolver. These names must be replaced. === Parameters The following changes for parameters could be regarded as bug-fixes. ==== Parameter usage without a value In XOTcl 1, it was possible to call a parameter method during object creation via the -param without a value (in the example below `-x`. [source,tcl] ---------------- Class Foo -parameter {x y} Foo f1 -x -y 1 ---------------- Such cases are most likely mistakes. All parameter configurations in XOTcl 2 require an argument. ==== Ignored Parameter definitions In XOTcl 1, a more specific parameter definition without a default was ignored when a more general parameter definition with a default was present. In the example below, the object `b1` contained in XOTcl 1 incorrectly the parameter `x` (set via default from `Foo`), while in XOTcl 2, the variable won't be set. [source,tcl] ---------------- Class Foo -parameter {{x 1}} Class Bar -superclass Foo -parameter x Bar b1 ---------------- === Calling objects via method interface Since the Next Scripting Framework supports the so-called ensemble objects, which ease the definition of sub-methods substantially, objects registered as methods have different semantics. In XOTcl 1, it was possible to call e.g. a method foo of the slot object `Foo::slot::ints` via the following two interfaces the same way: [source,tcl] ---------------- Foo::slot::ints foo ... Foo slot ints foo ... ---------------- In the Next Scripting Framework, only the first form has the same semantic as before. In the second form (invocation of objects via method interface) has now the ensemble object semantics. This means that in the second case the current object of method foo is now Foo instead of ints. === Slots All slot objects (also XOTcl slot objects) are now next-scripting objects of baseclass `::nx::Slot`. The name of the experimental default-setter `initcmd` was changed to `defaultcmd`. Code directly working on the slots objects has to be adapted. === Obsolete commands Parameter-classes were rarely used and have been replaced by the more general object parameterization. Therefore, `cl info parameterclass` has been removed. === Stronger Checking The Next Scripting Framework performs stronger checking than XOTcl 1 For example, the requiredness of slots in XOTcl 1 was just a comment, while XOTcl 2 enforces it. === Exit Handlers The exit hander interface changed from a method of `::xotcl::Object` into the Tcl command `::nsf::exithandler`: [source,tcl] ---------------- ::nsf::exithandler set|get|unset ?arg? ----------------